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Gion Ebisu festival in Kyoto Yasaka shrine

2018-12-31 21:01:33 | Festival
Happy New Year!

I would like to inform "Gion Ebisu" held in Yasaka Shrine of Gion, Kyoto.

I ride JR Nara Line from Kyoto station.
Change train at "Tofuku-ji Temple" station to Keihan train.
Get off "Gion-Shijo" station, walk along Shijyo street to east, dead end is Yasaka Shrine.

"Gion Ebisu" is the god of Gion Ebisu shrine that is in Yasaka Shrine.

This shrine comes to be enshrined in Yasaka-jinja Shrine in the Heian era.
This shrine is northward, so people called "Kitamuki Ebisusha shrine".

Goon Ebisu festival is held at January 9 and 10 in every year.

January 9 (the evening festival)
This festival starts from 10:00 at Gion Ebisu shrine.
Ebisu ship parade starts from 15:00 from Yasaka Shrine, along Shijo street,
turn at Shijo Karasuma and come back to Yasaka Shrine.
Seven lucky gods that are riding in Ebisu ship, and the fortune daughters are walking along Shijo street.
The fortune daughter confers fortune bamboo grass on storekeepers of the Article 4 prosperity society and turns around.

January 10
From 15:00, Rogation Days of the business prosperity are held in in front of Gion Ebisu shrine.

Main festival is Ebisu ship parade at January 9.

Festival call is "Bamboo grass is ideal by business prosperity".
Seven lucky gods behave smile and happiness.
Seven lucky gods are Ebisuten, Daikokuten, Bishamonten, Juroji, Fukurokuju, Benzaiten, Hoteison.
Ebisuten statue is riding parade car after the fortune daughters.

The statue is small, please do not overlook it.

The smile of the Seven lucky Gods have humorous and can feel happy just to look.

The fortune daughters has a cute goes round with a smile.

Purchasing fortune bamboo grass is available in front of a shrine for 9-10 days in January.
Purchasing fortune bamboo grass will carry a luck with money.

I recommend to go to Gion Ebisu festival, please watch Seven lucky gods and the fortune daughters.
You will be feel happy and may be blessed with luck with money.

that’s it.