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Nagai plant park, Nature history museum of Osaka city

2016-11-28 01:29:28 | park
I woul like to inform Nagai plant park, Nature history museum of Osaka city at Nagai Park.

I ride subway from Osaka to Nagai.

Get off at Nagai station, walk east 10 minutes, arrive at Nagai plant park entrance.

Nagai plant park includes Nature history museum of Osaka city.
Entrance charge is ¥300.

This plant park has about 1200 kinds plants.

I enter and turn right at pond, then arrive at Nature history museum.

This museum has a huge model of dinosaur bone and Nauman elephant etc,
and has lots of animals and plants historical displays.

This museum is good at for the family with children.

Auditorium is also set in this museum.
It holds lectures for animals and plants.

Then I go to plant park.
I see lots of autumn leaves and the flower beds where pansies are planted.

From middle of November to early of December is a autumn leaves season.
Please enjoy autumn leaves.

Illumination starts from November 25.
Period November 25 to December 25.
Entrance charge is ¥500.

Nagai park and plant park is in Osaka city.
So lots of citizens are enjoying sports, nature.
When you go to south of Osaka city, please refresh this park and botanical garden.

That's it.