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Kairakuen garden Plum blossom's Festival in Ibaraki pref.

2015-02-24 23:30:33 | Temple visiting
I would like to inform Kairakuen garden Plum blossom's Festival.

From Tokyo, one station before to JR Mito station, I get off at Kairakuen station.

Go to north gate, 3 minutes walking, I arrive at East gate of Kairakuen.
No charge for entering this garden.

This garden was made by Nariaki Tokugawa at 1842.
This garden is the seconde largest garden in the world.

This garden has 3000plum woods.
Plum blossom's Festival is held from Feb 20 to March 31.
At Sunday, Tea festival and Komon-Mito festival are held.
At night, Lighing up festival is also held.

I enter from East gate, go to West.
I arrive at Miharashi park, and see a wonderful view.

Next is Virtue Monument.
Then I arrive at Kobuntei.

Kobuntei is 3 floors wooden house.
Entrance charge is 200yen.
Fusuma pictures are seen.

At seconde floor, I can see the overall view of this garden.
And Senba lake is also seen.

I go to Northwest from Kobuntei, walk bamboo trees.

Taro cedar tree, that is 700years old, is seen.

Walk north bamboo trees, arrive at Omotemon gate.
This gate is called Kuromon.

From Omotemon, I go to south.
I see many plum blossoms.
Current they are 50% opening.

Some old tortuous trees are seen.

Walk southwest, arrive at Onarimon gate.

Go to south, I see lots of plum blossoms.

I get out this park from East gate.
I enter Resthouse near East gate.
I eate lunch.

I recommend Natto cuisine, Rakujyuzen.

I cross Kairaku bridge, arrive at Mito-Komon, Kunimitsu Tokugawa, statue.

I go to Mito station, find Mito-Komon, Suke, Kaku 3 statues are seen at the station.
Next go to Mito-Komon shrine, that is 5 minutes walking from Mito station.
This is the end of trip.

Early of March is best season for plum blossoms.

That's it.