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Sapporo Snow Festival

2014-01-27 21:54:34 | winter festival
I would like to inform Sapporo Snow Festival.
This festival is from Feb.5 to 11, and snow and ice festival.
Big and small snow statues are displayed at Odoriferous park, ice statues are at Susukino.
This festival is biggest festival in Hokkaido.
About 2million people are gathered in this festival.

Japanese Self-Defense Forces and Volunte citizens are making big snoe statues, from last year's autumn.

Festival place is divided three places, Odori park, Tsudome, Susukino.
Sapporo subway is convenient.
Going to Main festival, ride subway, and get off at Odori station.

1.Odori venue
This venue is held at Odori park, about 1.5km area.
Arts made by white snow and ice are produced elaborately.
There are big snow statues, and small snow statues by Sapporo citizens or foreign people.
Big snow statue
Sochi Olympic player, Horse zodiac, famous architecture
Light up statues are beautiful at night.
Skating and walking ski are available in this area.

2.Tsudome venue
Tsudome is north side of Sapporo station.
Slide and snow raft are set, adults and children are enjoying this area.
Restaulant and rest place are existing.

Tube slider
People from children to adults are available to enjoy.
Snow Slider height 10m, length 100m.

Ice slider
Height 5m, length 12m
This is a slider of young children.

Exciting Slider
Slide the slope by putting the sled in the ass.
Slider has two types.
One is height 6m, length 50m, 2nd is height 4m, length 20m.

3.Susukino venue
This is Ice statues venue.
Big and small ice status are displayed.
Illumination street is fantastic.
Ice bar are availble to drink hot drinks.existing.

Going to this festival by travel tour is economy.
Starting Feb.6, 7 tour is full booking, after Feb.9 tour is not full booking.

Please visit and enjoy Sapporo Snow Festival.

That's it.