

成長性 割安性 堅牢性 従順性 収益性。

2010-09-13 15:40:31 | 投資日記

成長性 割安性 堅牢性 従順性 収益性



The main five factors that affect final return is as follows.


Comprehensive scoring is important for true investment in the long run. We have to treat these key factor equally. Needless to say, however, the perfect solution is to get maximum score at all five standpoints.

Every investor needs to resolve the origin of return whenever they want certain return. For example, if you want 20% growth on your portfolio, you have to prepare several assumptions that fit to your desire. those are generated from simple calculation spontaneously. We have to consider whether those prerequisits are still valid and on track, especially in the long run.

By the way, the reason why I describe the article not only in Japanese but also in English is to improve my language skill for test. Although I had spent almost five years as an undergraduate student in US, the English got rusty after several years working in Japan. Unfortunately I could not find many opportunities to utilize it. However, I have decided to go to UK for more advanced academic carrier from next year. The graduate school requires English test called TOEFL to student abroad who does not speak English as first language. The test is not demanding, but my present score is still under the required level. That is why I have to do use more English and utilize like is just as a first language.
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