★北河内路上通信-the Voice of VoICelESs on roadsides in EastOsaka


★野宿除けのアクドイ工夫2/man-traps, here!

2006-10-26 21:25:05 | 野宿者支援

*MAN-TRAPs here! are those fucks good idea?

on the early October 2006, in front of the Kintetsu Fuse station, higashi osaka city authorities & its subjects made new 3D parking areas for the bicycles. at a part of those areas, there were some sleeping spaces of the homeless comrades setting their cardboard houses on night time(from midnight till the dawn! only 4 hours or less!). after the early October 2006, homeless comrades taking a little rest on that area were completely swept away from those areas. human dignity NOT BEAUTIFICATIONS for the rulers! in japanese islands, especially in osaka city and in its suburbs, BEAUTIFICATIONS MEAN THE FASCISM...for the poor. also the BEAUTIFICATIONS MEAN "THE LAST SOLUTIONS"...for the poor. dull officers, think over! ...and stop the evil publiKKK worKKKs right now!
