★北河内路上通信-the Voice of VoICelESs on roadsides in EastOsaka


★「説明」会?チョッと待て! その前にキッチリすべき事あるやろ!

2005-07-13 03:01:01 | 野宿者支援
*explanation-meeting? For who? No thanx for your lies!

*explanation-meeting at Nishinari park on 7 July 2005


 on every 7 July, there is a typical japanese summer festival that we call it as “Tanabata”. On japanese/chinese folk tale, they insist that “orihime” and “hikoboshi” have a chance to meet each other on every 7 July only. Because “orihime” and “hikoboshi” are aparted by the milkyway on the sky.
By the way, on the earth, especially in Nishinari park(Tsumori-park), osaka, japanese islands, osaka city authorities and its dull officers continued to do the foxy things to homeless comrades living in Nishinari park. On this afternoon, City authorities set an “explanation-meeting” about their “plans of supporting” for homeless comrades in front of “Nishinari-kouen-yorozu-soudansyo”. 10 officers came to Nishinari park.(mr.Abe=boss of this area's park officers, mr.Chisaka=a boss of Yutori-to-midori-shinkou bureau came)
over 50 homeless comrades and supporters gathered this meeting, and strongly demanded to give up a compulsory removal plan for the residents of nishinari park to the city authorities. For, our urgent problem is a presence of “their compulsory removal plan against the residents”. However, city authorities didn't answer us with any sincere words. We got an empty answer by their mouths: “city authorities will not do the compulsory removal actions. We will continue to try to talk with the residents again and again.
I will promise to have responsibility to my words.(Chisaka said)”. YA BASTA! this is just an empty answer for us! City authorities always said like this, and they always have continued to try to persuade homeless comrades to give up their own lives in the park. So, we strongly demanded to the city authorities about showing us their answer as a document. Of course, officers did not do a good answer to us at all. Because doing the good answer makes the city authorities lost their advantage. Anyway, we demanded the city authorities: “we will show you about our demands as a document. So, you must reply to us by your document by all means. If not, you exactly must know that you will be called as a fascist city from all over the world.” (maybe, this week or next week, we will show it to the city authorities.)
a member of a supporter' group =the Nojukusya-Network do the complain to us: “we do not have to demand their answer as a document.officer-Chisaka told us about giving up their executions.We got good reply.so, we must hear about city authorities' supports.” this optimistic view is opportunist's one. Unfortunately, osaka city authorities and its evil politics will never give up their fighting against the residents of the nishinari park and also, other parks/public spaces. Cooperation with the city authorities? NOWAY! City authorities and its subjects must sincerely apologize to all homeless comrades.WE will never give up to fight against all evils for the poor!

City authorities' criminality is deep like the sea-depth. Vi venkos! Ni venkos!! ni ne estas la ruboj. Ni ne transiru!!! la batalo continuos...NO PASARAN!!!(r)