

Good Week End!

2005-05-14 15:10:44 | Weblog
Today I received the telephone call from the lady who is working in the company whereI retired. She did not know that I retired and asked me several things. To my surprise,two(2) gentlemen in that company also retired. After several talks, she said to me that please take care of your self and have a good time.

On Monday I am intending to go to urban office to take procudure for changing the social insurance to national insurance since I retired company. After that, I and my wife will go to movie theater to see the American movie, titled "Shall we dance?". Although many people say that Japan made "Shall we dance" is much better that those of American, I have different opinion. I will know the result on Monday.

Today I went to super market with my wife, located near the station which taks about 10 minutes from my residence. Because of good weather, we could enjoyed nice walking. There were lots of green and various kind of azalea were bloomed.

I almost recoved from the frastration due to recent retiring of company and will challenge new life! Tomorrow will also be good day!


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Here I am! (Wind of Florida)
2005-05-16 06:45:55
Mr. Tama,

I just came back from Savannah, Georgia. It was a wonderful contest though Kristina made 2nd place instead of first.

I just read your daily and I guess I would correct the way if I would write.

"I have received call from former cowoker from the last job I had. She didn’t know that I have left the employment. I was surprised to hear that two other employees left the company as well. She wished me luck for my retired life.

On Monday I am planning to have office straight my documents such as health insurance and so force. After taking care of the business, I will go to move with my wife. We want to see “Shall we dance”. People says that Japanese version of the movie is better made than one in American. We will see about that. I may have different opinion.

Today I went to neighborhood supermarket with my wife at where is 10 minutes away on foot. The weather was so nice that we sure enjoyed the nice walk. There were lots of greens and various kinds of azalea were bloomed.

I am getting used to stay home again. And I am ready to challenge new life and start over. Tomorrow will be good day for that!"

I think it is not much different from yours. You did well. All you need is natural touch to your words.

Many thanks! (多摩)
2005-05-16 17:40:14
Dear Mrs. Florida

I thank you very much indeed for your kind suggestion.
