~ing を見たときの対処の仕方-3つの処理

2006年11月03日 13時44分21秒 | 新聞記事から
いままで説明して来たことも総括して、~ing の形の文章に出くわした時、どう考えたらいいかを、以下に説明します。〔3つあります。)
①~ing= 接続詞+主語(主節の主語)+動詞〔分詞構文)
Wakayama Gov.Yoshiki Kimura anounced at a press conference on Thursday that he would resign to take responsibility for the administrations's confusion resulting from a recent bid-rigging scandal involving a former prefectural government treasurer.

Wakayama Gov.Yoshiki Kimura anounced at a press conference on Thursday that he would resign to take responsibility for the administrations's confusion which resulted from a recent bid-rigging scandal involving a former prefectural government treasurer.

さらにinvolvingのところも関係代名詞で行けば、which involved なります。

Airline pilot are increasingly unable to deal with emergencies, putting passengers's lives at risk.

Airline pilot are increasingly unable to deal with emergencies, which is putting passengers's lives at risk.



from today's Nikkei

2006年11月03日 11時26分14秒 | 新聞記事から
NPOの会計基準統一 内閣府2008年度にも 企業会計並み透明性
財務基盤強め すそ野拡大
The Cabinet Office has recently decided to make a rule for standards by which the NPO acount settlement should be made. At present, NPOs make their account reports according to their own rules which might be different from each other, leading to lack of transparancy.The government intends to introduce to the NPO account settlement the same transparent st
andards as in the copporate one in order to stregthen the NPO financial basis and make more people participate in the NPO activities. Formulating the rule is expected to be completed so that the new rule could be applied from fiscal 2008.


2006年11月03日 09時50分31秒 | 新聞記事から
Campaigning for the Nov.19 Okinawa gubernatorial election began Thursday,with three newcomers filling their candidacies to become the successor to outgoing Gov. Kenichi Inamine.

with three newcomers filling their candidacies to become the successor to outgoing Gov. Kenichi Inamine が withを使った付帯状況説明となります。ここでwith をはずしても文章は成立します。with をはずしたものは 独立分詞構文と同じです。
three newcomers filling their candidacies to become the successor to outgoing Gov. Kenichi Inamine が独立分詞構文です。
独立分詞構文の動詞の主語は、その文の主節の主語とは違います。上記例では動詞fill の主語はthree newcomersです。これは主節の主語campaigningとは違っています。


  分詞構文⇒(分詞の動詞の主語に差がある)⇒独立分詞構文⇒(それにwithをつけ    る)⇒withによる付帯状況説明



2006年11月03日 09時32分12秒 | 新聞記事から
タイトル:Wakayama gov. to quit over bid-rigging scandal
to quit はwill quit の代わりですから Wakayama governor will quit over the bid-riging scandal.「和歌山県知事談合疑惑で辞任」です。

Wakayama Gov.Yoshiki Kimura anounced at a press conference on Thursday that he would resign to take responsibility for the administrations's confusion resulting from a recent bid-rigging scandal involving a former prefectural government treasurer.

ここで名詞を後置修飾する分詞が2つ出てきます。一つはresulting from a recent bid-rigging です。これは which resulted from a recent bid-rigging とすることができたわけですが、分詞の方が簡潔です。二つ目が involving a former prefectural government treasurerです。これもwhich involved prefectural government treasurerでもよかったわけです。関係代名詞を使ってもいい所を分詞にするのは簡潔にしたいためで、逆に言えば、英作文のとき、それを使えば英語らしい英語になるわけです。「a boy swimming in the pool 」と同じ形の分詞が頻発されるとの意味はそういうことです。