We all live in happiness -Our life is full of joy

楽園中毒的Aya's Life
Have a dream anything you want:)

From Argentina (アルゼンチンからの手紙)

2006-08-08 21:51:17 | Postcardお便り
My friend Lucy has been to Argentina to spend her vacation with her BF.
I got a card from her right now.
It has a wonderful message.

When todays ends
And you put your head on your pillow
Be thankful for the best day of your life
And sleep happily knowing that tomorrow
Will also be the best day of your life!
...Lots of Happiness!!

It is quite simple, but important to have thankful and happy.
Again, thanks~Lucy It encouraged me



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Hi! (Lucy)
2006-08-09 05:18:10
I'm glad you got the card! In Argentina they celebrated a holiday called Friends Day while I was there. So there were cards like this for sending to friends
Hello! (Jose)
2006-08-09 10:02:45
Hi! This time the mail was pretty fast! I was expecting the card to arrive a month later but somehow it's already there. Have a good time
Lucy and Jose^^ (aya)
2006-08-09 20:59:44
"Friends day" is very good.

We don't have this kind of holiday in Japan. Anyway, thanks for leaving a message here! Yes, it's pretty fast to mail it

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