


2024年08月21日 | 爺英語

One of Japan's biggest beer makers has opened a new brewery in central Tokyo. The launch marks the first time in about 36 years for Sapporo Breweries to make beer in Ebisu.
Officials held a ceremony for the facility's grand opening. It's located not far from the popular Shibuya shopping and entertainment district.
Sapporo invested over 11 million dollars in the site. The new brewery can produce 130 kiloliters of beer annually. Visitors can get a firsthand look at how it's made. There's also a bar where people can taste just-brewed beer and limited-edition varieties only available on-site.
Sapporo's predecessor company started brewing beer in Ebisu in 1890. The nearby train station and areas were named after the Yebisu brand. The company closed the brewery in 1988 due to difficulties expanding the facility.

brewery (ビールなどの)醸造所   a place where beer is made, or a company that makes beer 
the first time in about 36 years 36年ぶり
predecessor 前身、前任者、先人  someone who had your job before you started doing it OPP successor / a machine, system etc that existed before another one in a process of development OPP successor 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/08/21)

2024年08月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
32786.It’s/That’s so kind of you (親切にして頂き恐縮です)
Oh, that’s so kind of you. Thank you so much! 
32787.Can you give me a better price? (まけてくれへん?)
That's a little pricey. Can you lower the price? 
32788.get over something/someone(立ち直る)to begin to feel better after a very upsetting experience 
 You're still dwelling on that? Get over it
32789.move on  (前に進む)
 There's nothing we can do about it now. Let's forget about what happened and move on
32790.cost an arm and a leg (費用がかさむ、高くつく) a費用がかさむ / 高くつく 
Going to college in the US really costs an arm and a leg


2024年08月20日 | 土佐日記




Daily Vocabulary(2024/08/20)

2024年08月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
32781.draw out(引き出す、延ばす)
I tried to draw out what was bothering my friend.
32782.blend in(混じり合う、調和する)if someone or something blends in with people or objects, they match them or are similar, and you do not notice them
When I moved to France, I made an effort to blend in by following local customs.
32783.miss one's stop/station((電車・バス)を乗り過ごす)
 I'm sorry I'm going to be 10 minutes late. I missed my stop
32784.go past one's stop/station ((電車・バス)を乗り過ごす)
 I think we went past our stop. 
32785.anxious(緊張する・心配する) worried about something 
The interview didn’t go well and I’m anxious about the result.

Daily Vocabulary(2024/08/19)

2024年08月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
32776.confirmation(確認)a statement, document etc that says that something is definitely true 
You'll receive a confirmation email after you place your order.
32777.go over(入念に調べる、見直す)go over something to think very carefully about something 
Remember to go over your answers again before you turn in your test.
32778.in the whole wide world (世界中で一番 )an expression meaning ‘anywhere’ or ‘at all’ – used to emphasize a statement 
 There is no place like home in the whole wide world
32779.figure into (関係する、影響を与える )
 The cost of living figured into my decision to move to the suburbs. 
32780.petrified  (非常に恐ろしい ) extremely frightened, especially so frightened that you cannot move or think 
I heard a strange laughter in the middle of the night and I was petrified.  

Daily Vocabulary(2024/08/18)

2024年08月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
32771.drought (干ばつ)a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water for plants and animals to live 
As the drought continues, the city is restricting water usage.
32772.confront(直面する、大胆に立ち向かう)if a problem, difficulty etc confronts you, it appears and needs to be dealt with /to deal with something very difficult or unpleasant in a brave and determined way 
We need to confront the crisis of climate change 
32773.disruption(無秩序を起こす行為、混乱、崩壊)a clever and funny remark or reply 類義語 joke 
 After our romance came to an abrupt end, I felt completely lost.
32774.abrupt  (突然の、無愛想な) to notice something about the way someone is behaving or feeling, even though they are trying not to show it 
 Did you pick up on all the ironic things that happened in the story?
32775.divined (分かれて、割れて 
In the Us, views on gun control are divided


2024年08月17日 | 読書日記
2025年3月7日 全国劇場公開される感動の実話が、一冊のノンフィクションに――。

小倉 孝保
ノンフィクション作家。滋賀県生まれ。1988年、毎日新聞社に入社。カイロ支局長、ニューヨーク支局長、欧州総局長、外信部長を経て論説委員。『柔の恩人 女子柔道の母」ラスティ・カノコギが夢見た世界』(小学館)で、小学館ノンフィクション大賞(2011年)、ミズノスポーツライター賞最優秀賞(2012年)をダブル受賞。2014年、乳がんの予防切除に道を開いた女性を追ったルポで日本人として初めて英外国特派員協会賞受賞。他の著書に、『十六歳のモーツァルト 天才作曲家・加藤旭が遺したもの』(KADOKAWA)、『踊る菩薩 ストリッパー・一条さゆりとその時代』(講談社)などがある。



Daily Vocabulary(2024/08/17)

2024年08月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
32766.unwind (解く、巻き戻す、くつろがせる )to relax and stop feeling anxious 
Join us for a team lunch this Friday to unwind and chat.Bring your appetite.
32767.now and then(時折)ssometimes, but not often or regularly 
You must forgive yourself.  Everyone makes mistakes now and then.
32768.guard down(警戒を解く[緩める]、気を緩める、油断する )
 You must not let you guard down. Anything could happen.
32769.TLC   (tender loving care) kindness and love that you show someone to make them feel better and happier 
 First, you must give them  TLC. That means you should observe them carefully ans understand their needs.
32770.keep one's fingers crossed (幸運を祈る)
That's must important thing. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Daily Vocabulary(2024/08/16)

2024年08月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
32761.proficiency (熟達、堪能 )to have drops of salty liquid coming out through your skin because you are hot, ill, frightened, or doing exercise 類義語 perspire 
I think the nervousness is more about my social proficiency rather than my Japanese ability..
32762.foreign affiliated firm(外資系企業)saying things that are the opposite of what you mean, in order to make an unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed 
He works at  a foreign affiliated company.  
32763.reporting line(指揮命令系統)the way the people in a company, organization etc are organized, with particular people managing other people 
 The reporting lines were clear. and authority was given to the head of each department.
32764.touch base  (連絡を取る) to talk to someone to find out what is happening about something 
 I'm planning to travel to London next week,so let's touch base again when I return.
32765.stay tuned  ((続報などに)ご注目ください、続きをお楽しみに ) used to say that you should look or listen for more information about a particular subject at a later time 
Please stay tuned for our next guest, it’s going to be a surprise! 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/08/15)

2024年08月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
32756.on the edge of one's seat (どっちつかずの状態に、はらはらどきどき
giving all your attention to something exciting 
The film’s ending had me on the edge of my seat
32757.sink in(実感が湧く )if information, facts etc sink in, you gradually understand them or realize their full meaning 
It hasn't sink in yet. 
32758.comform to(~に従う)
 They feel pressured to  conform to Japanese business customs.
32759.relate to  (共感する) to be directly connected with something or affected by it 
 I can relate to that feeling.
32760.tense (緊張した) a tense situation is one in which you feel very anxious and worried because of something bad that might happen → tension/ feeling worried, uncomfortable, and unable to relax OPP relaxed 
For example, I still find myself feeling tense.


2024年08月14日 | 爺英語

“All work and no play makes Japan a dull place.” Now, hang on — or so suggests a new survey. Nearly two-thirds of respondents value their free time more than their jobs. The figure is a record high. The non-profit Japan Productivity Center conducted the annual poll on about 3,300 people. More than a third say they find purpose in leisure rather than their job. And over 30 percent say they try to wrap up their work in good time to have fun elsewhere. Only about 12 percent place more value on work than leisure. Comparable data started in 2009. And the latest results point to a growing awareness about work-life balance. One official involved in the poll says the coronavirus pandemic and rise in remote working probably saw people reassess how they want to live. The survey also asked people how they spend their free time. Almost half say they travel in Japan.

wrap up 終わらせる、締める  informal to finish a job, meeting etc 
in good time 早めに、十分に余裕を持って、時間どおりに、順調に 
point to ~を示す、指摘する、提示する、挙げる   to mention something because you think it is important

Daily Vocabulary(2024/08/14)

2024年08月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
32751.reminder (思い出させる人、(思い出させるための)注意、合図、催促状 )something that makes you notice, remember, or think about something /something, for example a letter, that reminds you to do something which you might have forgotten 
This is a reminder.
32752.moving(動く、動いている、移動する、動かす、推進する、引っ越しの、感動させる、哀れな )making you feel strong emotions, especially sadness or sympathy 
The documentary was do moving
32753.lively(元気な、活発な、陽気な、にぎやかな、活気のある、(…で)活気があって、にぎわって、強い、激しい、鮮やかな )someone who is lively has a lot of energy and is very active 
 The book-signing event wasn't very lively..
32754.feel sorry for  (可哀そう) 
 I fee sorry  for him
32755.cheer (応援する)  a shout of happiness, praise, approval, or encouragement OPP boo 
Everyone is cheering for the gymnast from Japan..