

Daily Vocabulary(2020/01/30)

2020年01月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
24716.Who knows?(誰にも分からないよ)used to say that you do not know the answer to a question 
Who knows? I guess only time will tell. 
24717.catch a cold(風邪をひく)
I'm pretty sure I caught my wife's cold. My nose is stuffy and I feel feverish.
24718.come down with  ((病気に)かかる)to get an illness 
When is the last time you came down with the flu?
24719.throw someone off (狂わせる / 気が散る)  
The interviewer’s question completely threw me off. I didn’t know how to answer it.
24720.drop the ball(重大なミスを犯す / 大失敗をする)to make a mistake when dealing with something because you stop thinking carefully or paying attention   
I totally dropped the ball this time. I'm really sorry. 

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