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Kinomiya Shrine "Kogashi Festival" at Atami city in Shizuoka pref.

2014-06-29 09:57:29 | Festival
I would like to inform "Kogashi Festival" at Atami.
This festival will be held on July 15 & 16 at Kinomiya shrine and Atami city.

July 14 : Pre festival, July 15 & 16 : Festival

For seeing Kogashi Festival, arrive at Kinomiya Shrine before 9:00 on July 15.
From JR Kinomiya, walk 10 minutes to north, I arrive at Kinomiya Shrine.
Kinomiya Shrine has a big Camphor tree, that is a Natural monument.
This tree is 2000 years living.
Near this tree, you get a power.

From 9:00
Miyamikoshi-Togyo starts.
This god event continue from Edo period.
Mikoshi is lifted up by town people.

From 10:00, god event 'Reitaisai' starts
Mikokagura dance and Urayasu dance are playing in this shrine.
At Precinct, Kashima dance is held.

Mikokagura continues from Kamalura period.
Miko is lilt tle girl about 5 years old.

Kashima dance continues from Kamalura period. This dance is men's dance, is held at shrine, Atami station, Nagisa park.

Uaeayasu dance
 This dance congratulates Japan 2600 yeras aniversary.
4 girls are dancing before god.

Town people lift up some gods of Atami as Mikoshi.
This parade members are 500 people.
This parade shows Era picture scroll.
Tengu in the parade, throw burnt wheats to the people.
People touching burnt wheat, they will be good for health.

Dashi parade
Dashi parade starts from 18:00.
Dashi gather to route 153.
Dashi is decorated by lots of lights.
Dashi moves around Atami city and seaside.
Young girls wrapped a bleached, are climb Dashi, and ring the bell.
Usually young girls are not in Atami, but this Festibal days has many young girls
from Tokyo and other area.
Dashi: 30, Mikoshi: 30.
Dashi parade decorates this festival.

That is a festival at July 15.
Next day, also has festival, Gohoren, Shishimai, Kankosai.

Gohoren is Mikoshi festival.
42 years men are lifting Mikoshi.
Mikoshi moves Atami town, then finally arrive at sea.
Atami people said that Lifting men are to be a fine man.

Shishimai bring happiness to the people.
Blue Shishimai moves to Atami town and in the sea.

Kanko-sai is a finalevent, congratulate finishing this festival.

Kinomiya Shrine "Kogashi Festival" is for the Atami people and travelors.
This festival has Bustling and Spirited.

Please visit this festivals.

That's it.

