Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

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Kyoto Shiromine shrine: New year pray

2016-01-01 00:11:01 | shrine trip
I would like to inform Shiramine shrine, that is sports god shrine.

I ride subway from Kyoto station, get off at Marutamachi station.
I walk west 8 minutes, arrive at Shiramine shrine.

This shrine has Jishusha shrine,that is Kemari's god shrine.
So this shrine is called Sports shrine.
Many sports men/women are visiting this shrine.

Japan pro Football teams, ball game players visit and pray this shrine.
Many balls are dedicated in this shrine.

I enter this shrine from Toriigata.
Chozuya exists in right side.
This water is famouse water from Heian period.
I wash hands by this water.

I go to Pray shrine.

There is Kemari's statue at right side of pray shrine.
Kemari sphere ball is in this statue.

I go to Jishusha shrine.
This small shrine is has many dedicated balls.
Especially many soccer balls are dedicated.
Japan pro Football team's banner is decorated at left side.

Next is Tomonoosha shrine.
This is Martial arts and Archery's god.

Next is Senryusha shrine.
When drink this shrine's water, this god cut off your disaster, then you will live longer.
Laughing dragon stands with humorous face.

Next I go to main Shrine.
There are many dedicated balls.

Left side is shrine office, that sells Amulet.
Kanauwa is famouse for this shrine's Amulet.

This shrine is medium size.
But many sports players are visiting and praying this shrine.

Kemari Festibal is played at July 7.

I recommend to visit this shrine for ball sports victory, or skill up ball play.

That's it.