Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Samurai Shooting event of Kamigamo Shrine

2020-12-28 16:10:28 | shrine trip
I inform Samurai Shooting event is held in Kamigamo Shrine.

There are usually parking lots of about 170 cars, but please go by bus, or subway.
To go to Kamigamo Shrine, by getting off a bus in front of Kamigamo shrine station and 5-minute walk, or getting off a subway at Kitayama Station and 15-minute walk to the north.

Samurai Shooting event of Kamigamo Shrine is carried out by every year on January 16.
Start time is 10:30.
You can see it free.

This event is started after Shinto ritual.
A archer does not ride a horse and touch a foot in the ground and shoot the mark.

The archers shoot an arrow to the mark written with orge.

Several people shoot an arrow in turn.
There is a woman, too.

At archer shooting area, please to be quiet. For keeping an archer do mind unification.

I recommend to arrive at Kamigamo Shrine one hour before festival start, for keeping the viewing place.

that’s it

Hatsu-uma festival at Fushimi Inari shrine in Kyoto city

2018-01-23 10:32:36 | shrine trip
I would like to inform the first festival of the early spring of Kyoto "Fushimi Inari Taisha Hatsu-uma Festival".

By train
JR :It takes 2 minutes on foot from JR Inari shrine station to this shrine.
Keihan train : It takes 7 minutes on foot from Keihan Train Fushimi-Inari station.

This shrine is popular for overseas travelers, and the approach path is always crowded.

This festival is held on the first Uma day of February, this year’s festival day is February 7 at 8 am in the morning.

Hatsu-uma Festival was held on the day of February 711, and is also written in the Makura-no-Soshi by Seisho Nagon.

"Cedar’s pray evidence" is available to buy for having benefits of business prosperity and home safety.
It is around 1000 yen.

"Cedar’s pray evidence" is purchased by many worshipers.

On this day, many worshipers visit.
After worshiping, we recommend you to walk around the famous “Senbon torii” of this shrine.

This Festival brings blessings to the worshipers.
Please try to visit this festival.
That’s it.

Sagicho festival at Inu shrine in Nagoya city

2018-01-10 19:27:12 | shrine trip
I would like to inform Nagoya Inu shrine in early years.

From Nagoya get off at Shonaidori of Tsurumai subway line, I arrive at Inu shrine in about 10 minutes on foot to the northeast.

Inu Shrine was built at 673.

This shrine is a shrine that enshrines InunoHimeno God, it is said that it is effective for praying for child giving and delivery.
As you enter from the southern torii, there is a dog stone statue in front of the main hall.
It is a dog-like stone statue with a brave face.

There are many people who was born at Inu year and have a pet dogs are visiting at this shrine.

The New Year's three days were particularly crowded with worshipers.

On January 14, there is a ceremony of Sagicho at 9: 00-15: 00.

In the ceremony of Sagisho we bake the rice cake with fire broiled by the worshiper’s Ornamental Shimenawa decoration, Old God Fuda and Omamori.
If you eat this grilled rice cakes, it is said that you can live without disease for a year.

In addition, we received a division of a Kagami Mochi rice cake, and we crouching down, eating baked rice cake it is said that you can live without disease for a year.

This Sagicho festivalLeft-right ceremony ends in the morning.

The precincts are packed with a savory smell baking rice cake with soy sauce on.

Please go to this ceremony of this Sagicho festival, and pray for no sick and disease.

That’s it.

Mikane shrine at kyoto city

2017-05-16 13:09:00 | shrine trip
I would like to inform Mikane shrine.
I ride a subway from Kyoto to Karasuma Oike.

Get off Karasuma Oike, walk west 1km, turn right along Nishino-Toin Dori.
I arrive at Mikane shrine.

This shrine is small one and surrounded by buildings.

Golden Torii means Money.

This shrine's God is Kaneyamahiko-no-Kami.
Current this shrine is the Power spot of rising money luck.

The worshiper wishes to be blessed with lottery, stock buying and selling, horse racing and bicycle racing.
They write wishes on a butterfly-shaped ema.

The torii, main shrine, main hall, have the letter of "gold" .
Komainu has golden colored eyes, Omikuji is also gold colored.

The most popular Omamori is "Fuku wallet".

This is not sold at this self-sales area, it is sold at the company office on the right of the self-sales area.

When you press the button on the floor of the company office, the shrine comes out and sells "Fuku wallet".

I buy Fuku Wallet: 1000 yen, Dreamed Pillow: 300 yen.

Recently, there are many visitors from abroad,
Worshipers prayed with having a pretty serious faces.

This shrine is located in between Nijo castle and Kyoto Imperial Palace, please drop in this shrine after sightseeing in Kyoto.

That's it.

Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine and climbing Mt.Inari

2017-01-02 22:09:09 | shrine trip
I would like to inform visiting Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine and climbing Mt.Inari.

Visiting Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine by Keihan train or JR train.
I get off at Fushimi Inari or Inari station

Walk East about 5 minutes, I arrive ar Fushimi Inari Taisha entrance gate.

Many worshipers are visiting this shrine.
I pray at main shrine.

I climb stone steps at starting point of SenbonTorii.

Starting area of SenbonTorii is tall SenbonTorii.

Warking for a while, divided SenbonTorii is seen.

Traffic on the right is drawn on the Bulletin board.
I go to right side.

Soon I arrive at Okusha Shrine.
There is Omokaru-stone, trying to lift up this stone is famouse.

Many worshipers are waiting to lift up this stone.
When you lift up this stone, the weight is lighter than thinking yourself, your wish will be done.
Many worshipers's the results is heavier than their thnking, their wish will not be done.

Many worshipers do not try to climb Mt.Inari.
But today, there are many worshipers are climbing this mountain.

I climb this mountains.

20minutes climbing, I arrive at Kumataka shrine.

Walking forward, I arrive at Mitsuji.
I go to left side road.

Walking 10 minutes, there is Omokaru-Stone.

I try to lift up this stone.
The weight is lighter than my thinking.
Please try this Omokaru-Stone.
I go to Mizuko-Kannon, see Lower bound.

I return to Mitsuji.
Turn right side.

Climbing for a while, I arrive at Yotsuji.

Yotsuji has resting benches, and wonderful lower bound view.
Please take a picture.

I go to Arakami Mine, and go forword, park is seen.

This park has three poles, and wonderful lower bound view.

Some climbers are resting this park.

I return to Yotsuji, go to the mountain peak.
I see Osugi shrine, Ganriki shrine.
Ganriki shrine has a jumping fox gets a bamboo.

The cleansed water comes out from the tip of this fox's bamboo.

Soon arrive at Gozen valley.

This point has toilet.
Please use this toilet.

From this point, 2ways are existing.
Right way is short Cource for going to mountain peak.

I select right way.
I walk road shop and up-down road.
Arrive at Choujya shrine and Goken shrine.

I climb forward, Ichino-mine(Suehiro shrine) is seen.

Many worshipers are waiting for praying this shrine in a row.
I line up in a row.

This is a mountain peak, but we cannot see a lower bound view.
I pray this shrine.

From this shrine, the road is downhill.

I go to Nino-mine, Sanno-mine.

1 return to Yotsuji.

Praying Inari Taisha shrine is only 1 hour.
Invoving climbing Mt.Inari needs 3 hours.
Climbing Mt.Inari can see many Toriis and feel a god's atmosphere same as Mt.Kurama.

Please enjoy visiting Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine, and climbing Mt.Inari.

That's it.