うたかたの夢暮らし 睡夢山荘にて(Dream life of Siesta hut)


Japanese style lunch box

2019-06-28 10:09:46 | グルメ

It will be extremely short compared to Europe.
One hour is common regardless of the type of work in which you are engaged, such as physical work, office work or sales.
Taking into account the rest time, the meal time inevitably becomes shorter.
Therefore, the prepared lunch is a very convenient means of lunch.
A box lunch where staple food and side dishes are integrated in one box has become a culture now.
It is about a lunch box recipe book and cooking class.
Let's introduce my June lunch box, which is engaged in orchard labor.

Miso grilled with salmon

Chinese stir-fried vegetables and eggs

Sprinkled salmon & Umeboshi

Fried chicken

Fried vegetables

Takana pickles

Hamburger steak

Sprinkles of dried bonito

Salt-grilled salmon

Spicy tarako & Takana pickles

Source pork cutlet

Salt-grilled mackerel

Chinese stir-fried tomato and egg


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