Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

ニフコJapan Times コラムニストブログ 日本人は糞の味がお好き

2011年05月28日 19時36分00秒 | Weblog

Sean Says:
May 27th, 2011 at 6:18 pm
Well, congrats to this guy for exposing everything. The fact that it is being exposed is a sign that progress is being made.
He is a very brave man, and he will make many enemies in
the establishment for it.

As for me, it only makes me feel more comfortable in my decision to leave Japan. My wife and I are out of here as soon as I finish my post-grad qualifications at the end of this year.

When the Uni I work for ask me why, I’ll be sure to email them this article among others.



Christopher Says:
May 28th, 2011 at 12:24 am
@Sean, join the club. In many ways, Japan is still a third world country with a fresh coat of paint…. A coat of paint that went on in the 1980′s to meet the fashion of Japan going “global” but that paint is fading fast. The globalism was only ever one-way except in the most minor and utterly superficial, self-serving dimensions. And now those left there post-bubble, post rise of China, and post nuclear meltdown, have to convince themselves that the dog shit they are eating is ACTUALLY chocolate pudding. According to the lemming mentality out there that they buy into so as to keep their sanity, it’s JAPANESE chocolate pudding and that’s why it tastes different. It doesn’t taste bad. Just different. IT’S BETTER!!! Japanese people LIKE pudding to taste like fecal matter. So do foreigners who live there. And anyone who thinks differently is a racist. How dare they say Japanese pudding is actually dog shit? Everyone knows American pudding is too sweet anyway. Too much sugar. That’s why Americans are fat. They should eat fecal flavor chocolate pudding like the rest of us because it is BETTER. Aren’t they so stupid? Much healthier. Yummmy. Open your mouth and say ahhhh. Good boys and girls. Oishii deshou?! Or should it be rather: Oy! Shiiiiii(to) desuyo! LOL For avoidance of doubt, I wish it weren’t so. I really do. My kids are Japanese. I have Japanese nationality. But hello! Reality check! Many of my more enlightened Japanese friends are getting out of dodge too. I think I might become an immigration lawyer when I get out of law school. The Japan business will be absolutely BOOMING.

こっちも同様だよ。日本はペンキ塗り立てのまだ未開発国でようやく、80年代に日本の国際化とかいうペンキを塗っていたが、化けの皮がもう剥がれてきている。国際化といってもたいていは一方通行で、せいぜい、極一部で、非常に皮相で、ご都合主義的なものがあったにすぎない。バブル崩壊、中国台頭、原発メルトダウンをうけて、それでも日本に住んでいる輩は、食っているのは犬の糞なのに、それがチョコレートプリンだと思い込もうとしているんだ。タビネズミ(注 ◆数が増え過ぎると餌が足らなくなるので、生存数をコントロールするためにある一定の周期で崖から飛び降りて集団自殺するといわれている)と同じように、ひたすらそう信じ込んで正気を保とうってわけさ。

 こりゃあ、日本のプリンだ、たしかに、違うが、悪くない、ただ、違うだけだ。日本人は糞の味のプリンが大好きだ。そこに住んでいる外国人も同じこと。そうじゃないやつは、人種差別主義だ。日本のプリンが糞だなんて、よくも言えるな。アメリカのプリンが甘すぎることは百も承知だろう。砂糖が多すぎるんだよ。だからアメリカ人はでぶっちょだ。やつらもおれらとおなじように糞の味がするプリンを食うべきだ。こっちのほうがうまいぞ。馬鹿じゃないの、こっちの方が健康にもいい。ああ、うまい!さあ、口を開けて、「あー」 と言って、いい子いい子。おいしいでしょう?あるいは、おーShit(糞)ですよ。(爆)





こうしたブロガーをコラミニストにしているニフコ Japan Timesの企業倫理が疑われよう。

なお、Tepido orgで、このあのChristopher Savoie氏ではないかとする有力な推測がある。


2011年05月28日 01時06分10秒 | Weblog

勝川 俊雄
日本の基準が世界的に緩いとは必ずしも言えない。EUはセシウムを1250Bqまで許容していた(http://bit.ly/iekPvi)が、4/12に、日本からの輸入食品の上限を日本の基準に合わせて500Bq/kgに削減。 http://bit.ly/fqLDaq


via tomojirotwitter



3954/87 Euratomに以前の数値がある。たsかに、EUはセシウムを1250Bqまで許容していたようであるが、乳児用などはこの文書では空欄になっている。
944/89 Euratom

770/90 Euratom


Questions and Answers: Safety of food products imported from Japan

Why has the EU decided apply now the action levels established by the Japanese authorities instead of the maximum levels established by Regulation (Euratom) 3954/1987?
In the immediate aftermath of the accident, Japan has enforced lower values for foodstuffs put on their national market. It has to be considered that in the current situation in Japan, a much higher percentage (than the 10 % on which the EU levels are based upon) of the population's daily diet could be contaminated with significant levels of radio-nuclides. Moreover, these lower levels are probably the result of taking into account the dietary data applicable to Japan.



放射能汚染された食品の取り扱いについて 厚労省