

サ・ルー・サ3/18:今地球に起きている大変化の意味 3

2009-03-21 15:45:14 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
YouTube/Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa 18 March 2009
We know you would dearly love to be free of the restraints that bind you, but until you rise up you cannot completely throw them off. However, that does not stop you envisioning what it would be like to be free, and by doing so you are helping to bring it into your reality. In fact, you are creating all of the time which is why you are encouraged to direct your thoughts to wholesome and acceptable visions. What you are experiencing now is for the best part what you have attracted to yourselves. That is hard to accept when you feel that God has deserted you, but that is far from the truth. They are times when God is closer to you than ever, and holding your hand so that you do not go too far astray. We keep repeating that you are responsible for what you experience, as you choose the degree to which you are embodied in a life that is testing and leads you down dark roads. How else can you overcome your weaknesses and gain the strength required to lift up.
In your hour of need many souls come to you to wipe away your tears, and give you hope and love so that you can return to the Light. We do not want you to give in to the pressures of life, and certainly your Guides do not, and will lead you out of the darkness if you will but listen to them. You might ponder why it is that you attract so much attention, and the answer is that you are seen as your Higher Selves who are mighty Beings Of Light. You have separated for the purpose of experience, but never lost the link that will always remain. To your Higher Selves you will return, and duality will have served its purpose in making you an even greater Being. There is no guilt necessary as a result of experience, and karma is something that is your means of bringing it back into the Light. It does not concern anyone else, although your responsibilities for previous actions taken may bring into contact with others that were involved. The Creator has sent you out into the Cosmos to experience as you desire, and assured you that you will be lovingly accepted as you journey back to the Source of All That Is.
You are in the last throes of duality, and it has little left with which to harm you. Your Light will protect you at all times and you should go about your business with confidence and no fear about the future. If you have chosen Ascension and focus upon the positive changes that will lead to it, you will achieve the higher state of consciousness that is necessary to lift you up. You are so near to seeing the foundation of the new Earth being put into place, but first must come a great sweeping away of that which has no place upon it. Patience is required as by your standards changes are slow to come into being. You will however notice firm steps being taken to remove the old structure that was built by the dark forces. Their time of power has finished but some effects will still assail you for a time.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish you to know that as members of the Galactic Federation we are enlightened Beings, and our relationship to you is based upon our love for you. We serve the higher forces and long to bring you into the family of Space Beings, which is where you truly belong.
Thank you SaLuSa. Mike Quinsey.
SaLuSa Sirian Update Mar 18/09
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