

エラ3/9:愛する地球に祝福をこめて 1

2009-03-16 11:15:52 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
YouTube/Galactic Federation Of Light Ela March 9 2009
From our station we are overjoyed to see that you have brought the Light to Earth, sufficiently to create your path to Ascension. The energy is of a quality and vibration, that now cannot be prevented from manifesting the vision that you have held. We applaud such an achievement, as we know the sacrifices you have willingly made to gain success. It has always been down to you to make the first moves, following which the Laws of Attraction have been activated to power you with even greater levels of Light. The Earth in size is a minor planet that would not normally attract much attention, but the news of your imminent Ascension has travelled the Universe. Consequently you have attracted the attention of millions of souls who are now avidly following your progress. They will come as close as allowed to witness the actual upliftment, and many will seek the opportunity to visit the new Earth in due course.
It is not that the event itself is unusual, as all proceeds upwards in the cyclic nature of evolution. Within your Universe you are however about to experience Ascension in such a way, that it is correctly described as unique. You are privileged to be part of the process of Ascension, but more so as you will ascend with the higher expression of your physical body. It may not sound special to you taking part in it, but experience is what you seek all of the time. To be as it were, the pioneers of a special dispensation from the Creator, and to be on Earth at such a time is truly worthy of such fine souls as you are. Your acceptance of the challenge to immerse yourselves in the lower vibrations was a show of absolute faith in the Love of the Creator. Now you are awakening, and the realisation of your true identity is becoming clear to you. You are of the Light and Love that originated in the Source of All That Is.
Can you see Dear Ones, why there is no punishment or recriminations as a result of your journey through duality? Each of you has willingly chosen to experience all aspects of it, knowing that you would ultimately fully return to the Light. We know that whilst you are still with one foot in the lower vibrations you tend to use a very human trait, using judgement to assess situations that pass by you or are part of your personal experience. Some of you are already sufficiently advanced in your understanding to set it aside, but we do appreciate how difficult it is to change your mindset. You have a tendency to compare one person to another, using your own spiritual perception as to what is right or wrong. In the Higher Realms there is no such labelling of experience, only the measure of whether any action is for the good of all. If it is not, that is a matter for only the soul of that Being, who will usually decide to plan further experiences until an acceptable conclusion is achieved.
Ela 9-March-2009
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