


2009-03-18 10:59:47 | アセンション
YouTube/The Human Ascension in 2012

サ・ルー・サ3/16:人類の輝かしい未来に向けて 3

2009-03-18 09:33:18 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
YouTube/Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa 16 March 2009
What is unfolding on Earth is an awakening process that enables you to comprehend the importance of these times, when you are being offered the opportunity to ascend. You are in no way bound to Earth inasmuch that you can still lift up into the higher dimensions. The Earth has its pull as after all you have lived through many lives where you have been perfectly happy. You have also had your share of different experiences, and many mixed feelings. Ascension will by far exceed them, and even your most exotic dreams of Utopia. The higher realms are not some heavenly abode of non-action, but ones that are very much alive and reverberating with energy. It is not clouded by the lower energies because they cannot exist at such levels, and life is therefore constantly fulfilling and magical compared to anything you have known.
It cannot be a difficult choice to make between your present existence, and the promise of all that is represented by the higher dimensions. Each of you has that choice to make, and no one is denied it or disadvantaged in any way. Set aside your fears and calmly consider the great importance of the next few years. As they progress, so it will become very clear as to where Humanity is heading. Certainly with our coming, you will learn of our link with you and your past history. Also of our continuing presence through the comparatively short period before Ascension, when we shall assist you in many ways. It does not stop there, as together we will in some instances journey back to our homes amongst the stars, or commence another cycle of experience that will open up the Cosmos to us. Again such decisions are yours, and we will be on hand to guide you in accordance with your evolutionary plan.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and you will understand that our mission has many facets, and First Contact is a vitally important part of it. Before much longer we expect a declaration that will enable disclosure of our presence. Once it can be acknowledged officially, we can then set about more open contact. The dark will oppose such revelations about us, as in so doing you will learn how they have suppressed our presence and the love we came to offer.
Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.
SaLuSa Sirian Update Mar 16/09
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