

サ・ルー・サ3/18:今地球に起きている大変化の意味 2

2009-03-20 16:02:26 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
YouTube/Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa 18 March 2009
It can be rightly said that the Earth is the centre of attraction, and that is some measure of how important your evolution is viewed by the whole Universe. You represent the final challenge to overcome the odds you are up against, and succeed in taking the path to Ascension. There was a time not too long ago when all the signs suggested you would not reach the Millennium. However, it was your intent and response to the Light that enabled you to beat the odds stacked up against you. A sudden growth in Light took place towards the end of the last century, and you earnt yourselves another period of grace to change the course of history. Since then you have excelled yourselves and established a complete grid of Light upon the Earth.
With the changes in your consciousness you have awakened to the fact of life off Earth, and many have seen that there is a link that connects you with it. Indeed, it goes back eons of time, but more importantly it will continue as we come together in a common purpose to increase our knowledge of the Cosmos. It is a reunion that has been long awaited and brings you all back into the family of Light. You are by no means strangers to the higher dimensions, and they are more your real home than Earth. At times you sub-consciously remember the beauty and joyfulness that was once your experience, and you try to recapture it with only partial success. Everything about the higher realms is based on Light, and its use to create all that you see around you.
SaLuSa Sirian Update Mar 18/09
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