

サ・ルー・サ3/16:人類の輝かしい未来に向けて 2

2009-03-17 16:44:21 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
YouTube/Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa 16 March 2009
What you begin to grasp is that there is only the One Truth, and that all truth is within. Having reached that point you begin to create your own reality, which is projected into your future. Outer happenings cannot interfere with your new found confidence, to which you can be a bystander if you so desire. Your future is in your own hands and you will gravitate to others who share your vision. There is certainly gratification in finding that you are not alone in your views. A prerequisite to understanding the truth is a belief in a Creator, as without acceptance of the existence of a higher intelligence and creative force, you can hardly begin to move onto a spiritual path. Therefore it does not matter if you believe that you were made in the image of God, thus assuming God has a human form. It is important to understand that life is the creation of a super intelligence that is the source of All, and essential to your development of an understanding of the Oneness of All Life.
Next will come your realization that life is infinite, and that you have many lives experiencing for the benefit of your spiritual evolution. They take you along many paths as you meander through different sets of beliefs. On an ongoing basis your consciousness continually grows, until it is clear that you have become enlightened. The mysteries of life become understood and experiences in the physical realms are seen as simply stepping-stones to an even greater understanding. The great awakening comes with the realization that if you are of God, then you are also a god in the making. Suddenly the whole vista of opportunity opens as you claim your sovereignty, and intuitively come to know that you have creative powers.
There may also come the realization that your home is not on Earth, but with your family from the stars. That will grow and become clearer as you embrace the messages of the many Space Beings that come nearer to Earth with each day that passes. Clearly there is intent and reason behind such contacts as this one, and you will find a common thread that links them through the approaching end of this cycle. It is but the beginning of another journey through Ascension that will take you back into the higher dimensions from whence you originally came. The suggestion that you are far greater than you imagine will come to be accepted by you, and without any egotistical feelings. This is natural as your sub-consciousness holds deep memories of the different times, when you were what may now be known as your future selves.
SaLuSa Sirian Update Mar 16/09
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サ・ルー・サ3/16:人類の輝かしい未来に向けて 1

2009-03-17 15:29:36 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
YouTube/Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa 16 March 2009
It helps your spiritual progress if you can accept that you live an illusory life, that is far removed from your true reality. Duality is the result of lowering your vibrations and dropping into the denser realms, where your consciousness becomes dimmed. Although still of the Light you find it difficult to create, but nevertheless you do attract to yourselves that which you envision and desire. In the lower levels there are also influences that encourage you to think of yourself as separated from your Higher Self. As a result, for many their Light becomes diffused and they come to believe they suffer from lack, and are cut off from God. However, once you realize that you can never lose that link, you can make your own way back by creating a pathway to the Light. Teachers can help with their guidance, but it is up to you to decide exactly how you bring yourself back into it.
It is only natural that when you become “lost” you seek help, but often those who you approach do not themselves have the answers. There is also the possibility that organized groups that teach you their way, are not always taking an honest approach, and would rather keep you captive to their beliefs. Regretfully, this can also mean creating conditions that make you fearful of leaving them. However, it must be borne in mind that wherever you find yourself, it has been by your choice and therefore lessons are there for you to learn. At various times in past lives you have moved from one group to another in your search for the truth. Gradually your consciousness has moved into a state of awareness where you are able to be more discerning, and begin to find your own path to the truth.
SaLuSa - March 16, 2009
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エラ3/9:愛する地球に祝福をこめて 3

2009-03-17 09:22:12 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
YouTube/Galactic Federation Of Light Ela March 9 2009
Your place is within the Light, and the Galactic Federation and other high councils are committed to helping you return to it. Some of you still struggle to accept that your true home is with us, and we come to explain those aspects of change that make you feel uneasy. What we and others tell you about is to reveal the Oneness that exists beyond your present dimension. You are benign Beings that given the opportunity would find it so easy to take your place within it. You would lose nothing that was essential for your wellbeing, but rather the opposite as there is everything to regain. We say “regain” as you are simply returning to those levels, that were the very ones that you travelled on your descent into your present ones. As we have already inferred, your natural home is not on the present Earth, but the new one that is manifesting now and will bear more resemblance to a heavenly abode.
In the midst of what you are now experiencing we know it is difficult for you to imagine the extensive changes, which would take you out of duality and into the Oneness that we speak of so joyfully. For many of you it shall be the experience of participating in the changes that shall lift up you and Earth. You are already laying down the pathway to your dreams, and although you have beauty on Earth it is but a pale reflection of what really awaits you. Harmony and balance are the key words that describe the levels you are to move into. You may have experienced such delightful times on Earth but only in small measure, whereas in the higher dimensions it is a permanent state of being.
I am Ela from Arcturus, and we stand by with our Federation members, in readiness to offer our knowledge and assistance as part of First Contact. Collectively we can deal with absolutely any problem presented to us. Already our plans have been made for a speedy transformation, that will take you to a level that will set you up for the final act of Ascension. Many of you are on a mission with us, in fact you are directly connected with us and at some future time, we shall depart together. . Meanwhile we come near to many dear souls that are serving the Light, and surround them with our love.
Thank you Ela. Mike Quinsey.
Ela 9-March-2009
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エラ3/9:愛する地球に祝福をこめて 2

2009-03-17 07:31:24 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
YouTube/Galactic Federation Of Light Ela March 9 2009
We look down and see Man repeatedly making the same mistakes time and time again. However, we give of our love to each of you for your upliftment without any thought of whether you “deserve” it. As it stands we see all souls as equal, and any difference in your spiritual vibration is considered simply to be a deviation from your return journey to the Light. You will always return to your true path, and whatever happens cannot totally lose your connection with your Higher Self. Now more than ever you need such an understanding, as you are in the period of change when the truth is the only energy that will stand up and continue to go forward. The lesser energies are surfacing for cleansing and transmutation, and as they grow in intensity so you will need to stay positive and use your greater understanding to help clear them away. As you do so replace them with your own vision of all that is pure and heart felt.
We of Arcturus are totally of the Light and long left behind experiences of the lower dimensions, but that does not mean that we do not appreciate the trauma and chaos you are going through. In fact, as we come nearer to you we can feel the cloying and heavy vibrations that you live in, and we greatly admire your determination to rise above them. That you have been able to preserve your integrity and sovereignty in such conditions is quite amazing. As each soul lifts up they start to experience the beauty and harmony associated with the higher vibrations, and it gives an impetus to your resolve to reach even higher. What you are realising is that the natural levels you are drawn to are your true home, and beyond those you are now experiencing.
Ela 9-March-2009
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