


2009-10-25 23:27:18 | 国際
最近はフランス語のウェブサイトばかり眺めているが、パリばかりにいるわけにもいかない。フランス語といえば、アフリカだろう、ということで、セネガルなどにも行ってみた。でも政治闘争の話ばかりでうんざり。悩んでフラフラしていたら、偶然タンザニアに着いてしまった。ここは英語だ。でもいいじゃないか、英語でも。GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS COLLEGE という大学のウェブサイト。これはおもしろい。

Can you hear me now?

One thing I’ve noticed here is the surprising regularity of cell phones. In a developing nation one thing you would not expect to see is phones. But they are everywhere here. At the college most people seem to have them as do many in the city. And, as I’ve been told, the coverage is very good even in rural areas.


But the similarities in phones end there. In Tanzania you don’t get a ‘plan’ with your phone. Instead you buy ‘credits’ as you need them. Once you’ve set up an account with a phone company, all you need to do is periodically by credits as you need them.


Now I suppose I should explain these ‘credits’ in greater detail. The little cardboard squares look like the scratch card games you would buy from under the counter of a gas station. Printed on each is a number code which once programmed into your phone will provide you with that amount of credit good for talking or texting.



