

Yanai famous spot as streets linedwith white walls

2005年08月14日 06時24分32秒 | Weblog
I introduce brief information on Yanai city.
As a basic information, Yanai is located in the southeast
of Yamaguchi pref..
Its population is 34,000. Its area is 127.85 square kilometer.
Yanai's main tourist attraction is White Plaster Wall Street.
The stores still have lattice doors and white plaster walls
to remind people of the prosperity of the town.
In the 18th century, Yanai was known throughout western Japan
for its production of rapeseed oil.
In the White Wall district, amongst other places, you can visit
the various buildings of a museum which includes whealty merchant

residence and the warehouse where the rapeseed oil was produced.
The Sagawa Shoyu Brewery is also worth a visit.
Here soy sauce is still made in the traditional methods
and a large warehouse is open to the public where you can
witness this process.
Opposite side of Sagawa Syoyu Brewery,you can see Yanai West
Storehouse Here you can experience a variety of processes,
including the traditional craft of manufacturing paper and
goldfish lanterns etc..
Redidence of the Kunimori Family built approx.230 years ago
and selected as an important cultual property of Japan.

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