

インド・ネパール第36日~第38日 ウダイプル、アフマダーバード

2009年12月13日 | 旅する。
12月11日 金曜日 (ジョードプル→)ウダイプル

arrived Udaipur in the early morning, took a small and good room at Old City for 650RPs.

in the Old City, which is a mess of complicated routes, I almost got lost, but suddenly found the city palace.

museum, garden, boat ride and looking floating palace on the lake.

and back to the maze of hotels and shops, enjoyed wondering around lake, then sun goes down every tourist gazed sunset on the lake.

Udaipur, was a city of Maharaja, now is a city attached to the lake.

12月12日 土曜日 ウダイプル(→アフマダーバード)

a roof-top restaurant, walking through a maze, and a roof-top restaurant again.

bought a small miniature at a painters workshop, went a Folk Art Meseum and saw a puppet show there, and emjoyed a small garden with many fountains.

sightseeing is somehow coming in vain, maybe my personal feelings, anyway there's nothing to do except internet, beofre departure of the night train to Ahmadabad.

12月13日 日曜日 (ウダイプル→)アフマダーバード

in Ahmadabad, every hotel is full.

after walking search for a room, I hired rickshaw, but failed to find a room, only one room.

after more than 20 hotels, finally found a room with incredibly high price 2500RPs.

but no choice except here, discounted price gonna be 2275RPs including tax, I made a decision to stay.

large and well-equiped room with free breakfast and airport pick-up/drop-off service.

sleeping is my first priority, a few places to visit, stay slow and relax here.

after free breakfast, walked to Old City and paid visits to some mosques, tasted cheap and nice thali, exhausted by heat and too much walking, came back to hotel in early afternoon.

stay easy, don't waste my power.

then, took a rest and made notes of my journey.

tommorow night, I will go to Mumbai, that means an end of my journey, so sad.