*** reminiscences ***
since 17 JAN 2005

(since 17 AUG 2005)

AD 2007-18-52 (Emergency)


いろいろあったこの8月ですが、先日、FAA: Federal Aviation Administration (米国連邦航空局)が発行した AD: Airworthiness Directive (耐空改善命令)をご紹介して〆る(閉める?)ことといたします。

FAA では、8月25日に AD 2007-18-51 (Emergency) (緊急耐空改善命令 2007-18-51)を発行しました。

その内容は、Boeing Model 737-600, -700, -700C, -800, -900, -900ER を運航する全ての所有者および運航者を対象に、当該機種のスラット、スラット駆動部分の傷を詳細点検すること
Therefore, we are issuing this AD to detect and cirrect hardware from coming loose from the slats and puncturing the slat track can, which could result in a fuel leak and consequent fire.


この AD (AD 2007-18-51) は Emergency 扱いで発効されていますし、

Effective Date
  (a) Emergency airworthiness directive (AD) 2007-18-51, issued on August 25, 2007, is effective immediately upon receipt.


  (c) This AD applies to all Boeing Model 737-600, -700, -700C, -800, -900, and -900ER series airplanes, certificated in any category.

ですから〔註:当該 AD では、詳細点検とパーツの締め増しを AD 受領後24日以内に実施するよう定めていた〕、本邦・米国に限らず各国の運航者は早速点検作業に入った訳です。

そしたら、スラット駆動部分の DOWNSTOP と呼ばれる部分 -これは、本来、スラットを展開(翼の前にせり出す)したときに、そのまま、ズルリと翼から落ちてしまわないためのストッパーの役割を担っています - の脱落が何例か発見され〔註:当該 AD を受けて発見された部品脱落件数は30日までに4件との報告もあります〕、うち一件は、ナットがスラット駆動部分の通り道の中に入り込み、フライトの度に繰り返されるスラットの出し入れに伴い、翼内燃料タンクを傷つけ、燃料漏れを発見したと報告されたそうです。
That AD resulted from reports of parts of the main slat track downstop assembly coming off the main slat track. In one case, a nut fell into the slat track housing (referred to as “slat can”) and, during
a subsequent slat retraction, the track made contact with the nut, pushing it into the wall of the can and puncturing it. That operator reported finding fuel leaking from the drain hole in the slat track housing at the No. 5 slat track position.
Slat Track Downstop Assembly (1)

Slat Track Downstop Assembly (DOWNSTOP closeup)
©Copyright 2007 Federal Aviation Administration


ANK機でも部品欠落=炎上事故機と同じ「ワッシャー」-国交省 (時事通信) - goo ニュース



このような事態を重要視した FAA では、急遽、AD 2007-18-51 (Emergency) をキャンセル、8月28日付で

 AD 2007-18-52 (Emergency)


もう、24日以内などと暢気な事は言っていられない、とのことで、当該 AD (AD 2007-18-52) では、受領後10日以内の点検実施を定めています。


(旧: AD 2007-18-51 )
Repetitive Detailed Inspections and One-Time Torquing

  (f) Within 24 days after receipt of this AD: Do the actions required by paragraphs (f)(1) and (f)(2) of this AD.

  (1) Do a detailed inspection of each main slat track downstop assembly to verify proper installation of the slat track hardware (the bolt, washers, downstops, sleeve, stop location, and nut shown in Figure 1 of Boeing Service Letter 737-SL-57-084-B, dated July 10, 2007, and in this AD). If any part is missing or is installed improperly, before further flight, install a new or serviceable part using a method approved in accordance with the procedures specified in paragraph (g) of this AD; and do a detailed inspection of the inside of the slat can for foreign object debris (FOD) and damage.
Before further flight, remove any FOD found and repair any damage found using a method approved in accordance with the procedures specified in paragraph (g) of this AD. Using Boeing Correspondence (Multi-Operator Message) Service Request ID 1-523812011, issued August 25, 2007, is one approved method for verifying proper installation; installing a new or serviceable part; and inspecting for damage and FOD, and removing FOD and repairing damage. Repeat the actions required by paragraph (f)(1) of this AD thereafter at intervals not to exceed 3,000 flight cycles:

  (2) Apply a torque between 50 to 80 inch-pounds to the nut. The bolt head must be held with the torque applied to the nut.

  Note 1: For the purposes of this AD, a detailed inspection is: “An intensive examination of a specific item, installation, or assembly to detect damage, failure, or irregularity. Available lighting is normally supplemented with a direct source of good lighting at an intensity deemed appropriate.
Inspection aids such as mirror, magnifying lenses, etc., may be necessary. Surface cleaning and elaborate procedures may be required.”

(現: AD 2007-18-52 )
Repetitive Detailed Inspections: New Initial Compliance Time

  (f) Within 10 days after receipt of this AD: Do a detailed inspection or a borescope inspection of each main slat track downstop assembly to verify proper installation of the slat track hardware (i.e., the bolt, washers, downstops, stop location, and nut shown in Figure 1 of Boeing Service Letter 737-SL-57-084-B, dated July 10, 2007, and in this AD). Proper installation of the sleeve need not be confirmed, and the stop location part may be installed on either the inboard or the outboard side of the slat track. If any part is missing or is installed improperly, before further flight, install a new or serviceable part using a method approved in accordance with the procedures specified in paragraph (h) of this AD; and do a detailed inspection of the inside of the slat can for foreign object debris (FOD)
and damage. Before further flight, remove any FOD found and repair any damage found using a method approved in accordance with the procedures specified in paragraph (h) of this AD. Using Boeing Multi Operator Message Number 1-523812011-1, issued August 25, 2007; or 1-527463441-1, issued August 28, 2007; is one approved method for verifying proper installation; installing a new or serviceable part; and inspecting for damage and FOD, and removing FOD and repairing damage. Repeat the actions required by paragraph (f) of this AD thereafter at intervals not to exceed 3,000
flight cycles.

  Note 2: Paragraph (g) of this AD merely restates the requirements of paragraph (f)(2) of AD 2007-18-51. As allowed by the phrase, “unless the actions have already been done,” if the torque application required by paragraph (f)(2) of AD 2007-18-51 has already been done, this AD does not require that the torque application be repeated.

One-Time Torquing

  (g) Within 24 days after receipt of AD 2007-18-51: Apply a torque between 50 to 80 inchpounds to the nut. The bolt head must be held with the torque applied to the nut.

  Note 3: For the purposes of this AD, a detailed inspection is: “An intensive examination of a specific item, installation, or assembly to detect damage, failure, or irregularity. Available lighting is normally supplemented with a direct source of good lighting at an intensity deemed appropriate.
Inspection aids such as mirror, magnifying lenses, etc., may be necessary. Surface cleaning and elaborate procedures may be required.”



国外4機で異常発見=炎上事故と同系列のボーイング機-米航空局が点検前倒し命令 (時事通信) - goo ニュース


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