


2010-12-19 12:20:17 | 日記
Livy, History of Rome (Livius, Ab urbe condita)
(英訳: Loeb Classical Library, Benjamin Oliver Foster, 1922)

現在我々が考えるローマ人というのは、帝政期のローマ、つまりネロ皇帝などが贅沢や淫蕩の限りをつくした、頽廃したころのローマ人を想像する。その頽廃ぶりは、風刺詩人ユウェナリス(Decimus Junius Juvenalis)が『風刺詩』第6に描いているように、皇帝クラウディウスの妻であるメッサリーナ皇后ですら密かに売春婦になりすまして客を取っていたという有様だ。

Juvenal Satire 6,

 As soon as his wife perceived that her husband was asleep, this august harlot was shameless enough to prefer a common mat to the imperial couch.  Assuming night-cowl, and attended by a single maid, she issued forth; then, having concealed her raven locks under a light-coloured peruque, she took her place in a brothel reeking with long-used coverlets.  Entering an empty cell reserved for herself, she there took her stand, under the feigned name of Lycisca, her nipples bare and gilded, and exposed to view the womb that bore thee, O nobly-born Britannicus! Here she graciously received all comers, asking from each his fee; and when at length the keeper dismissed his girls, she remained to the very last before closing her cell, and with passion still raging hot within her went sorrowfully away.  Then exhausted by men but unsatisfied, with soiled cheeks, and begrimed with the smoke of lamps, she took back to the imperial pillow all the odours of the stews.

【出典】 http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Satire_6





 Book3, Section 44


 Hanc virginem adultam forma excellentem Appius amore amens pretio ac spe perlicere adortus, postquam omnia pudore saepta animaduerterat, ad crudelem superbamque vim animum convertit. M. Claudio clienti negotium dedit, ut virginem in servitutem adsereret neque cederet secundum libertatem postulantibus vindicias, quod pater pvellae abesset locum iniuriae esse ratus.

【英訳】She was a grown girl, remarkably beautiful, and Appius, crazed with love, attempted to seduce her with money and promises. But finding that her modesty was proof against everything, he resolved on a course of cruel and tyrannical violence. He commissioned Marcus Claudius, his client, to claim the girl as his slave, and not to yield to those who demanded her liberation, thinking that the absence of the maiden's father afforded an opportunity for the wrong.

父親のウェルギニウス(Lucius Verginius)が兵営に勤務するためにローマを離れた時を見計らって娘を無理やりにクラウディウスの家に連れて行こうとした。しかしウェルギニアの下女が叫び声をあげて助けを求めたので人々が駆けつけた。許婚のルキウス・イシリウス(Lucius Icilius)はアッピウスの横暴を激しく非難した。

 Book3, Section 45


 Postulo Appi, etiam atque etiam consideres quo progrediare. Verginius viderit de filia ubi venerit quid agat; hoc tantum sciat sibi si huius vindiciis cesserit condicionem filiae quaerendam esse. Me vindicantem sponsam in libertatem vita citius deseret quam fides.

【英訳】I ask you, Appius, to consider earnestly whither you are going. Let Verginius decide what to do about his daughter, when he comes; but of one thing he may rest assured: if he yields to this man's claim, he will have to seek a husband for her. As for me, in defence of the freedom of my bride I will sooner die than prove disloyal.”

以前『義か自由か、それが問題じゃ』で述べたように、古代ヨーロッパつまりギリシャやローマの歴史を読むと自由(eleutheria, libertas)という単語が頻出する。自由というのが単なる謳い文句あるいは空念仏でないことは、この自由を巡って実際に大紛争が起こっていることからも明らかである。ここでもルキウス・イシリウスが、許嫁のウェルギニアが別の男に嫁ぐのなら、彼女がルキウスを裏切ったという後ろめたさを感じさせないために自殺する、と宣言した。彼のこういった行為が彼女の自由を守るためだというのだ。私がギリシャ・ローマの歴史を読むことが我々現代の日本人に必要だと言うのは、こういった小さな歴史的な事件を通して初めて彼らヨーロッパ人の精神性の核になっている思想の本質に正しく迫ることができると考えているからである。

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