

BBC マンガがカーチャー殺人事件に影響

2008-10-23 | Weblog
Page last updated at 08:53 GMT, Thursday, 23 October 2008 09:53 UK

Comic 'inspired' Kercher murder

Raffaele Sollecito has been in prison since November

1: A Japanese comic featuring vampires inspired a suspect in the murder of British student Meredith Kercher in 2007, an Italian prosecutor has said.

2: But the theory was described as "stupid" by the lawyer representing the suspect, Raffaele Sollecito.

3: An Italian court heard this week that Miss Kercher had 43 knife wounds.

4: Rudy Guede, 22, from Ivory Coast, American Amanda Knox, 21, and her Italian boyfriend Mr Sollecito, 24, deny sexual assault and murder.

5: Miss Kercher, 21, from Coulsdon, south London, was found semi-naked with her throat slit in her flat in Perugia, central Italy.

6: She lived with Miss Knox and others at the apartment on Via Della Pergola just outside the city's walls.

7: A series of pre-trial hearings are expected to finish on Tuesday, when judge Paolo Micheli will decide whether Mr Sollecito and Miss Knox will stand trial for murder.

8: As provided for under Italian law, Mr Guede has opted for a special fast-track trial which will allow him some leniency if convicted. Prosecutors have asked for a life sentence for Mr Guede.

9: Prosecutor Giuliano Mignini claimed a "manga" magazine, featuring vampires and found in Mr Sollecito's house, inspired the murder.

10: Manga comics are often associated with science fiction and fantasy, commonly with violent or explicitly sexual content.

11: Mr Sollecito's defence process is due to begin on Friday.

12: Francesco Maresca, the Kercher family's lawyer, has said Miss Knox was named as prime suspect because Meredith's body had been covered by a duvet - thought to be the act of a woman.

13: But Miss Knox's lawyers have argued there is no proof she was involved in the murder and there are no grounds for putting her on trial.

14: On Monday, it was announced the Kercher family was seeking £19m in compensation for Meredith's death as part of the Italian civil law process.

15: Miss Knox and Mr Sollecito have been in jail since November, while Mr Guede was arrested later in Germany and extradited to Italy in December.


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