

BBC 「日本が中国の餃子に不安を感じる」

2008-01-31 | Weblog
Last Updated: Thursday, 31 January 2008, 11:12 GMT

Japan scare over China dumplings

1: Dozens of Japanese people say they have fallen ill after eating Chinese-made dumplings, prompting Tokyo officials to launch an inquiry.

2: The frozen dumplings, known as gyoza in Japan, were made by Tianyang Food in China's Hebei province.

3: Japanese officials said they contained traces of pesticide, probably added in production or packaging in China.

4: China said no traces of pesticide had been found in pre-export inspections, but ordered a halt to production.

5: The issue has triggered intensive media coverage in Japan and sparked public alarm.

6: Leaders held an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss the problem.

7: The problems emerged on Wednesday, when 10 people were reported to have fallen ill from the dumplings - thin dough packets containing ground meat and vegetables which are then fried.

8: A five-year-old girl was in a serious condition in hospital, reports said.

9: By late Thursday there were unconfirmed reports of dozens of cases.

10: The Japanese distributor, JT Foods, has recalled the dumplings and other products made by the same company.

11: Japan's top government spokesman, Nobutaka Machimura, urged Chinese authorities to investigate.

12: "I'm afraid there was a rather loose safety awareness on the Chinese side," he said.

13: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchiao said preliminary tests on two batches of the dumplings had found them to be safe.

14: "It is not logical to make representations before the results of the investigation are released," he said.

15: In recent months, Chinese-made products have been involved in several safety scares.

16: But Japan has also had its problems. Last year, confectioners admitted to mislabelling expiry dates on biscuits and rice cakes.


@:さっそく餃子問題が取り上げられました。最後に指摘されているように、国内でも偽造問題などが続出している昨今、中国だけを疑っていてよいのかどうか? とにかく、しばらくは、中国製の食品を遠ざけるに越したことはなさそうです。

BBC 「オーストラリアがアボリジニーに謝罪 」

2008-01-30 | Weblog

Last Updated: Wednesday, 30 January 2008, 06:56 GMT

Australia apology to Aborigines

1: The Australian government has announced it will issue its first formal apology to Aboriginal people when parliament resumes next month.

2: Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin said the apology would be the first item of business when the new legislature convened on 13 February.

3: It is aimed at the "Stolen Generations" - Aboriginal children taken from their parents to be raised by white families.

4: It was the "first, necessary step to move forward from the past", she said.

5: Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced plans to apologise after his victory in last year's general elections.

6: The move is a highly symbolic one marking a definitive break from policies of previous administrations, correspondents say.

7: Ms Macklin said that the content of the apology had been determined after wide consultation with Aboriginal leaders.

8: It would be made "on behalf of the Australian government and does not attribute guilt to the current generation of Australian people", she said in a statement.

9: "Once we establish this respect, the government can work with indigenous communities to improve services aimed at closing the 17-year life expectancy gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians," she said.

10: Thousands of Aboriginal children were forcibly taken from their parents and given to white families or institutions to raise between 1915 and 1969.

11: The policy was aimed at forcing assimilation between Aboriginal and white communities.

12: Indigenous campaigners have been seeking a billion-dollar nationwide compensation package for the policy.

13: But the government has ruled this out, instead promising to fund improved education and health care facilities for Aboriginal communities.


@:この問題は、以前取り上げたことがあります。ハワードさんの政権のときに問題になっていました。アボリジニー社会では子供に十分な教育が授けられないというのが、白人家庭で育てる理由だったようですが、子供を親から引き離すなんてひどい政策ですね。それが50年も続いたとは! それを謝罪してアボリジニー人を尊重する政治を行うと約束したラッド労働党政権はさすがに人間的だと思います。

BBC 「シリアが有名な反体制者を逮捕 」

2008-01-29 | Weblog
Last Updated: Tuesday, 29 January 2008, 09:40 GMT

Syria arrests prominent dissident

1: A prominent dissident and former MP, Riad Seif, has been arrested in Syria, local human rights groups say.

2: He was reportedly detained for attending a meeting of supporters of democratic reform in Syria.

3:* The arrest brings to 11 the number opposition activists detained since December, reports say.

4: Syria does not usually comment on such arrests. Human rights groups say Syria holds hundreds of political prisoners, some without charge or trial.

5: Mr Seif, who suffers from prostate cancer, had already been banned from leaving Syria for medical treatment, a restriction he criticised as a "slow death sentence".

6: Mr Seif heads the secretariat of the Damascus Declaration group, which was formed in 2005 and which last met in December to form a national council, bringing together 163 opposition members.

7: The National Organisation for Human Rights in Syria said Mr Seif was taken into custody on Monday evening by the security authorities after a warrant was issued against him for participating in the meeting.

8: A statement by the group described him as "one of the symbols of the Damascus Spring", the period of political dialogue after the death of strongman President Hafez al-Assad in 2000.

9:* His successor, his son Bashar, initially tolerated the discussion groups which came into being, but a tough clampdown began in 2001.
彼の後継者である息子のバッシャー氏は、 最初は、対話相手の団体と辛抱強く対応していたが、2001年に厳しい弾圧を始めた。

10: Mr Seif has spent time in jail for criticising the younger President Assad's government.


@:シリアで民主運動を起こすことは至難の業でしょうね。それでも人権団体のがんばりを期待したいものです。 セリフ氏が早く解放されますように!

BBC 「EUがセルビアとの交渉は早過ぎると言う」

2008-01-28 | Weblog
Last Updated: Monday, 28 January 2008, 10:34 GMT

EU says too early for Serbia deal

1: EU enlargement commissioner Olli Rehn says a pre-membership deal should be signed with Serbia shortly, but not until presidential elections are over.

2: Speaking in Brussels before a meeting of EU foreign ministers, Mr Rehn said a "very strong signal of a European future" should be sent to Serbia.

3: But he said it was premature to discuss signing before the polls next weekend.

4: The Dutch government says fugitive war crimes suspect Ratko Mladic should be handed over before any deal is struck.

5: Mr Rehn said that while the EU should insist on Serbia's full co-operation with the UN war crimes tribunal in the Hague, Belgrade had made "significant progress especially since last spring".

6: EU member states are keen to send Serbia a positive message before the presidential run-off on 3 February, when ultra-nationalist candidate Tomislav Nikolic takes on pro-Western incumbent Boris Tadic.

7: The BBC's Oana Lungescu in Brussels says EU foreign ministers will back a plan to start talks on allowing Serbs to travel to EU countries without a visa, after years of isolation.

8: And she says they will not yet give the green light to the deployment of a civilian police and justice mission to Kosovo, to avoid any suggestion that independence for the breakaway Serbian province is inevitable.

9: Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic is in Brussels and will meet EU ministers on the margins of the meeting.




BBC 「日本の首相が経済危機について警告」

2008-01-27 | Weblog
Last Updated: Saturday, 26 January 2008, 12:47 GMT

Japanese PM warns of economy risk

1: Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda has warned of growing risks to the world economy in a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

2: He said there was no need for excessive pessimism, but that action was needed.

3: Mr Fukuda said the issue would be discussed at a meeting of the Group of Seven leading industrialised nations in Tokyo next month.

4: His words come after turbulence in the financial markets sparked by fears the US could be headed towards recession.

5: "Downside risks on the world economy are on the rise against a backdrop of US subprime issues and a record rise of oil prices," he told business leaders and economists attending the annual conference.

6: "There is no need for excessive pessimism. At the same time however, we should respond quickly and should implement necessary measures," he added.

7: Mr Fukuda said that he welcomed the efforts made by financial and monetary authorities around the world, adding that "authorities in major countries will analyse factors behind the recent turmoil in financial markets and rapidly seek medium to long term responses".

8: His comments were echoed by the head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who was also talking at the Davos meeting.

9: "Whatever the answer is on a recession, what is clear is there will be a serious [US] slowdown and it needs a serious response," he said.

10: Mr Strauss-Kahn said that central bank policies and interest rate handling were not enough to remedy the global economic problems.

11: "We are facing global imbalances and the subprime crisis is only part of it. We are facing also currency imbalances, surpluses rising in some countries... all those imbalances have to be addressed," he said.

12: "The problem cannot only be addressed by monetary policy, even tough monetary policy is very important. We have to look at the whole picture."


