

BBC 「北京がテロの脅威を警戒 」

2008-04-25 | Weblog
Page last updated at 10:49 GMT, Friday, 25 April 2008 11:49 UK

Beijing warned of 'terror threat'

1: There is a "real possibility" that the Beijing Olympics will be attacked by terrorists, the head of global police body Interpol has warned.

2: Speaking in Beijing, Ronald Noble said the Games could give "easy cover" to groups such as al-Qaeda.

3: He also warned that protesters who have disrupted the Olympic torch relay might also target this summer's Games.

4: China claims to have foiled several plots to attack the Olympics by Muslim separatists from Xinjiang province.

5: Mr Noble told a security conference in the Chinese capital: "Based on reports of thwarted plots in the Chinese media, including an attempt to bring down an airliner headed to Beijing, it seems clear that the threat has increased."

6: He said the unrest in Tibet, and the protests that have followed, had given rise to "additional complications" for the organisers of the Games.

7: "When thwarted attacks are coupled with the recent violent protests viewed by us all worldwide, prudence requires us to recognise the real possibility that groups and individuals could carry on their protests at the actual Games," he said.

8: "These activities could range from disruptive behavior, like blocking major transportation routes or infrastructure or interfering with competitions, to more violent acts like assaulting Olympic officials or athletes or destroying property."

9: He also said security services must be prepared "for the possibility that al-Qaeda or some other terrorist group will attempt to launch a deadly terrorist attack at these Olympics".

10: *He said the influx of foreigners and the world's media could provide "easy cover" for terrorists and ensure any attack would get global coverage.
Mr Noble added that an Interpol team would be training Chinese officers in crisis management and major event operations before the Games.





BBC 昨日の「あなたの意見を聞かせて」に対する意見

2008-04-24 | Weblog
Thursday, 24 April, 2008, 09:40 GMT 10:40 UK

1: The question is symptomatic of everything today. "It's taking too long, hurry up, we want a result now". Let it run it's natural course; it's proceeding as it should and will end when it should.

Nanny State Your Intentions, in Despair, United Kingdom (英国)

Thursday, 24 April, 2008, 09:31 GMT 10:31 UK

2: The fiercer Obama and Hillary vie for nomination the more they paint a picture of themselves as being unable to deliver what they're actually promising i.e. to keep the interests of the US in mind.

3: The Democratic party acts like a scared lame duck, unable or unwilling to make a clear choice. The two gives a disappointing evidence that no matter how many times the word "change" is said, goal destructing personal ambitions will divide people thus lead GOP to yet another lucky catch. It's a pity.

Endre Faklya, Budapest., Hungary (ハンガリー)


Q:全体訳を確認とご指導をお願いします。(GOPとはGrand Old Partyの略で1880年以来の米国共和党の異名だそうです)



BBC 「意見を聞かせてください」

2008-04-23 | Weblog
Have Your Say

Is presidential race harming the Democrats?

1: Hillary Clinton has beaten Democratic rival Barack Obama in a critical vote in the US state of Pennsylvania, but is the lengthy battle damaging the party's chances of success?

2: Mrs Clinton still trails Mr Obama in terms of delegates needed to win, but has reiterated her intention to fight to be the Democratic nominee.

3: There are nine more contests remaining but recent opinion polls show the Republican presidential candidate John McCain is running equal with either of Mrs Clinton or Mr Obama.

4: Some Democrats are worried the increasingly hostile tone of their candidates’ campaigns might cost them the presidential race.

5: Should the Democrats have had a shorter campaign in their search for a presidential candidate? What impact is the rivalry between Clinton and Obama having on the Democratic party’s chances of winning the presidency?
民主党は、大統領候補者を選ぶ選挙運動期間を短縮すべきだったでしょうか? クリントンとオバマの競争が民主党の大統領選挙の勝利にどんな影響を与えるでしょうか?

BBC 「米軍が前科者を募集する 」

2008-04-22 | Weblog
US military recruits more ex-cons

1: The US Army and Marine Corps recruited significantly more people with criminal records last year than in 2006, amid pressure to meet combat needs.

2: Statistics released by a congressional committee show 861 people were granted waivers to enlist, up from 457 in 2007.

3: The crimes included assault, sex crimes, manslaughter and burglary.

4: The Army says waivers are only granted after careful review and are in response to the challenges of recruiting in a changing society.

5: The number of people granted waivers are just a small fraction of the more than 180,000 people who entered active duty in the armed forces during the fiscal year that ended in September 2007.
免除された者は、2007年9月に終了した会計年度期間中に軍隊で活動を行なった180,000 人以上のうちほんの僅かな数だ。

6: But the perceived lowering of standards is causing concern in some quarters.

7: "The significant increase in the recruitment of persons with criminal records is a result of the strain put on the military by the Iraq war," said Democratic Representative Henry Waxman.

8: Mr Waxman chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that released the figures drawn up by the US Department of Defense.
These show that:

• The Army granted 511 felony waivers in 2007, up from 249 the year before
• 軍は、2007年に前年の249人を越える511人の重罪免除者を認めた。

• Some 350 people with convictions joined the Marine Corps, up from 208 in 2006
• 有罪判決者のおよそ350人が、2006年の208人より多く海兵隊に入隊した。

• The Navy actually recruited fewer people with convictions, down from 48 to 42
• 海軍は、有罪決定者を48人より少ない42人採用した。

• The Air Force did not recruit anyone with a felony conviction
• 空軍の重罪犯罪者の採用はゼロだった。

9: Among the convictions, many were for stealing, including burglary and car thefts, and drug offences.

10: Waivers were also granted to three people convicted of manslaughter, nine guilty of sex crimes, and nine convicted of making terror threats, including bomb threats.

11: In addition, the Army and Marine Corps granted 27,671 "conduct waivers" covering what are regarded as serious misdemeanours , up from 25,098 in 2006.

12:* Pentagon officials say that the need to recruit troops for continuing operations abroad, low unemployment at home, and declining interest in serving pose a challenge.

13:* "We're digging deeper into the barrel than we were before," an official told the Washington Post.

14: *The Army also argues that its ranks reflect the society they are drawn from.

15: Only three in 10 Americans of military age meet the army's medical, moral, aptitude, or administrative requirements, army officials point out.

16: "We're growing the army fast, and there are some waivers - we know that," said Army Lt Gen James Thurman, deputy chief of staff for operations.
"It hasn't alarmed us yet."


Q: 12・13・14段落や人名・役職名・組織名・法律用語などを、全体訳と共に確認とご指導をお願いします。


BBC 「ロシアが銃の件で米国の牧師を投獄」

2008-04-21 | Weblog
Page last updated at 10:28 GMT, Monday, 21 April 2008 11:28 UK

Russia jails US pastor over gun

1: A Moscow court has sentenced a US pastor to more than three years in jail for illegally importing hunting rifle ammunition into Russia.

2: Phillip Miles, from South Carolina, was arrested on 3 February at the home of a friend in the Urals city of Perm.

3: The sentence - three years and two months - takes account of the time he has already spent in custody.

4: Pastor Miles said he had brought the bullets to Russia as a gift for his friend, a fellow pastor.

5: Pastor Miles described the sentence as "severe" and his lawyer is planning an appeal.



@:ロシアはアメリカに対して挑発的行為をしているわけではないでしょうが理由が分かりませんね。 ライフル銃を持ち込んだだけで、3年2ヶ月とは・・・!