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メモ帳 (2) CARP etc. 未完

2013年04月22日 14時38分50秒 | その他の資料

CARP, or the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles, is the university branch of the Unification Church. (45) There is some uncertainty about the founding date of the movement, but it was functioning in the Far East by 1966. It became active in Europe and the U.S. only after that date. (45) Originally, the acronym CARP signified Collegiate Association for the Research of the Divine Principle, a reference to the revelation of Sun Myung Moon, known as the Divine Principle. (45) According to Ed Mignot, who spent three years working as a teacher within the Unification Church, most CARP members are not university students, at least in the United States. Mignot contends that in the U.S. , the bulk of university students who join CARP are required to leave school in order to devote their efforts to church projects and fundraising. (45) Mignot also asserts that CARP is a front for the church and that its real function is not to promote morality and spirituality, as it claims. Mignot says that CARP is designed to promote and spread Unificationism and to recruit members for itself and for the church. (45)

The Committee to Defend the U.S. Constitution ( the U. C. organization in the United States),was established, according to the group's statement of purpose,"to pursue the founding ideals of America... . [and] to defend and uphold freedom in whatever way we can."(66) Its early work concentrated on opposing Moon's conviction on tax evasion charges and on building support for the Unification leader by placing ads claiming that his imprisonment constituted a violation of religious freedom. (11,54,66) The committee claims to be unconnected to the UC organization. It is headed, however, by Warren Richardson, an individual with longterm ties to the UC. He was CAUSA USA's first executive director and has been attorney and business agent for the Washington Times. (11) Moreover, James M. Gavin was the editor of Victory for Freedom, a special publication put out by the committee to protest Rev. Moon's tax fraud imprisonment. (66)

The American Constitution Committee (ACC) :The U. C. organization in the United States,which was set up in the mid-1980s and has chapters in all 50 states, staffed by members of the old CAUSA field network.(49) Fred Clarkson, a longtime researcher on the Unification Church, describes the ACC as "warmed-over CAUSA."(49) He notes that the regional officers who once represented CAUSA are now the ACC officers and suggests that, for the most part, CAUSA will not be so visible at the local level anymore. (49)

The U.S. Global Strategy Council was established with the help of former deputy CIA director Ray Cline. The council is designed to advise the government on foreign policy matters. (1)

The International Federation for Victory Over Communism is the original political arm of the Unification Church. (59) It was founded in 1968 in Seoul. (67) Its U.S. affiliate, the Freedom Leadership Foundation (FLF) was established in 1969 in Washington DC (67) For the most part, the FLF is no longer active, with CAUSA assuming most of its political functions. (67)

The International Relief Friendship Foundation (IRFF) was started in 1976 with a $225,000 grant from the Unification Church. (33) The IRFF acts as a humanitarian aid arm of the church. (33)


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