働き方コンサルタント 椎葉怜子のごほうびブログ


Morning Revolution

2010年07月21日 | 日記


今回は、「Morning Revolution(朝革命)」というタイトルで



"Morning Revolution"

Until 2 years ago, I was a night bird staying up late every night.
In my case, I was staying up past 2 o’clock and getting up past
8 o’clock. Then I rushed to work without eating breakfast.

There is famous saying “The early bird catches the worm”,
but “early bird” was the most unsuitable word for me.

However, my life is gradually shifting to early bird life style.
Not only getting up early, but also I am running a breakfast club
on the weekend! ―I never imagined I could do it.
Today, I would like to talk about why I started getting up early,
and running a breakfast club.

Last January, there was a small transition in my life.
My colleague, who is a perfect early bird, invited me to a
breakfast club.

I asked her what breakfast club was like.
She explained that the breakfast club was run by a woman and
about 10 people, men and women, came to the café and talked about
various topics from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
She also said that this kind of morning activities was now called
“朝活(asakatsu)" shorten words of “朝の活動(asa-no-katsudou)” and
it was kind of a boom among business persons to get together
in the early morning.

At first, I hesitated to join it. As I thought going to the club
cut my precious sleeping hours. Also I was not familiar with
positive persons who like to go to breakfast club before work.

I was very doubtful of the club but I decided to go anyway,
because my slogan of last year was “Don’t dislike it without
trying it”.

When I joined the breakfast club for the first time I felt it was wonderful.
In the club people were enjoying limited morning hours
in very nice atmosphere. We exchanged information about our goals,
business skills and favorite books etc and I could make some new friends too.

From this great experience, my colleague and I decided to run a breakfast club
by ourselves for working women. We thought we could provide the place
for the working women where they can connect each other in a friendly manner.

We named the club “ごほうび朝食会(gohoubi-breakfast club)“ and
stared it last June and so far more than 100 working women have participated.

The concept of the club is that working women should have delicious breakfast
as a reward for their hard work. We hold this club once a month in Sunday morning
at the café, and talk about our work or
hobbies over breakfast and motivate each other.
We change café every month so that we are not bored with one place.
Thanks to that, I can enjoy visiting various café in Omotesando, Harajuku, Roppongi and Jiyugaoka.

By running this breakfast club, I get used to getting up early
and I am now enjoying morning hours.

But honestly, I still stay up late at night sometimes and
commit some blunders in the morning.
I will tell you one story.

The other day, I was on my way to visit my client and waiting
for a train to come at Otemachi station.
A kind looking woman approached to me and whispered
“You have a cleaning tag on the back of your jacket.
Shall I take it off?” She quickly took a green tag from my jacket and handed it to me.
I blushed with shame.

This experience made me feel I need more time to become a
perfect early bird.
To become a perfect early bird there are three tips.
Let me share them with you.

No 1. Most important thing is going to bed earlier.
If you do so, you can keep enough sleeping hours even if
you get up early.

No 2. When you wake up, kick your futon and open curtains to bath morning sunshine.
You will give up “二度寝(nidone)“if your futon is not there
and the sun is shining on you.

No 3. Arranging your favorite food for breakfast is also effective.
I sometimes prepare donuts or chocolate for my breakfast to motivate myself to wake up.

Everyone, summer is the best season to get up early.
Please try those three tips.
And if you are interested in breakfast club, please don’t hesitate to go.
I believe morning has special power to make people positive.


