Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

IOC chief to confirm Japan's food products are safe

2019年09月24日 19時10分58秒 | Weblog
IOC chief to confirm Japan's food products are safe after 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster

NEW YORK (Kyodo) -- International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach intends to assure participants of the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics that Japanese food products are safe following the Fukushima nuclear crisis in 2011, Japan's Foreign Ministry said Monday.

He conveyed his intentions to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during their meeting on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York after two international organizations announced last year that the products are adequately managed, the ministry said.

A joint team of the International Atomic Energy Association and the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization said in June last year that inspections for radioactive substances and distribution management of food from Japan were adequate, according to the ministry.

Bach told Abe he would inform the participating countries of the 2020 games of this view, the ministry said.

This comes after South Korea announced last month that it would double the number of samples and frequency of inspections for radioactive substances on some processed foods and agricultural products from Japan.

IOC会長「放射性物質汚染の対応適切」参加国に伝達へ 安倍首相と面会

進次郎もたんなるボンボン バカ殿なのか?

2019年09月24日 10時56分40秒 | Weblog


2019年09月24日 01時33分19秒 | Weblog


Gini Index World Map

2019年09月24日 01時29分50秒 | Weblog
ファイル:2014 Gini Index World Map, income inequality distribution by country per World Bank.svg


グュラッタ テュー(ン)バリュ

2019年09月24日 01時19分21秒 | Weblog



本人が発音すると、「グュラッタ テューバリュ」のように聞こえる。英語圏では、「テュンバーグ」「サンバーグ」のように発音される、と。
