Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2019年09月15日 23時52分30秒 | Weblog

「令和のゼロ戦」は不可能? 純国産戦闘機を作りたくても作れない日本
半田 滋









If what's been killed was whales, the government would pull the troops out already

2019年09月15日 12時21分27秒 | Weblog

In Afghanistan, 3,800 civilians were killed by U.S. forces in 2018,

If what they were killing was not a great number of human beings but a great number of animals, the Americans would change the attitudes and blame the government. The government would be forced to pull the troops out already.

Why is Korea filled with hatred? Hatred has to be learned

2019年09月15日 09時25分19秒 | Weblog


The Psychology of Hate
Why do we hate?
Posted Mar 09, 2017


Behavioral researcher Patrick Wanis, cites the in-group out-group theory, which posits that when we feel threatened by perceived outsiders, we instinctively turn toward our in-group—those with whom we identify—as a survival mechanism. Wanis explains, “Hatred is driven by two key emotions of love and aggression: One love for the in-group—the group that is favored; and two, aggression for the out-group—the group that has been deemed as being different, dangerous, and a threat to the in-group.”


According to Washington, D.C., clinical psychologist Dana Harron, the things people hate about others are the things that they fear within themselves. She suggests thinking about the targeted group or person as a movie screen onto which we project unwanted parts of the self. The idea is, “I'm not terrible; you are.”


The antidote to hate is compassion — for others as well as ourselves. Self-compassion means that we accept the whole self. “If we find part of ourselves unacceptable, we tend to attack others in order to defend against the threat,” says Reedy. “If we are okay with ourselves, we see others’ behaviors as ‘about them’ and can respond with compassion.


It fills a void

Psychologist Bernard Golden, author of Overcoming Destructive Anger: Strategies That Work, believes that when hate involves participation in a group, it may help foster a sense of connection and camaraderie that fills a void in one’s identity. He describes hatred of individuals or groups as a way of distracting oneself from the more challenging and anxiety-provoking task of creating one’s own identity:

The individual consumed by hate may believe that the only way to regain some sense of power over his or her pain is to preemptively strike out at others.


What Can We Do?

Hatred has to be learned, Golden says: “We are all born with the capacity for aggression as well as compassion. Which tendencies we embrace requires mindful choice by individuals, families, communities and our culture in general. The key to overcoming hate is education: at home, in schools, and in the community.”

According to Dutchevici, facing the fear of being vulnerable and utterly human is what allows us to connect, to feel, and ultimately, to love.

憎しみは学習されるもの。攻撃する能力も共感する能力も備わってわれわれは、生まれてくるが、どっちにかたよるかは、個人、家族、地域、文化によるところが大きい。憎しみを克服するには、家庭や、学校、地域での教育が大事。 自分が脆弱であることに対するする不安に真正面から立ち向かうことで、他者とつながり、共感し、また愛することができるようになる、と。



Almost 60 per cent of Britons are proud of the British Empire

2019年09月15日 02時57分56秒 | Weblog


Almost 60 per cent of Britons were proud of the British Empire and almost 50 per cent thought it had made the colonies better off –

また、例えば、Whitewashing British history

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2018/11/08 - Jeremy Corbyn has recently proposed that British school children should be taught about the history of the realities of British imperialism and colonialism. This would include the history of people of colour as components of, ...
Britain's black history has been shamefully whitewashed | The ...

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2017/01/14 - I have been researching and writing about black British history for over 30 years but never before have I been fortunate enough to review a 600-page book on the subject, published to accompany a recent major BBC ...
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Buy Whitewashing Britain: Race and Citizenship in the Postwar Era (Of Religion) by Kathleen Paul (ISBN: 8580000785555) from Amazon's Book Store. ... Staying Power: The History of Black People in Britain by Peter Fryer Paperback £12.75.
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2016/01/27 - The Rhodes Must Fall in Oxford campaign has drawn attention to the way Britain continues to live with the legacies of its empire – and the failure to confront the history of its imperial exploits. Media attention on the campaign ...
Whitewashing History - Great British Politics

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2017/08/24 - However, that is not to say that by removing the statues or plaques that we are able, or should wish to, whitewash our history. Let's not forget the numerous other statues of historical figures involved in such terrible actions that ...
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2018/08/30 - Yet, the dominant whitewashed narrative of British colonial history seems to be deeply ingrained in the British psyche. Today 49 percent of Britons still think that the British Empire was a force for good that improved the lives of ...
Black people have had a presence in our history for centuries ...

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2017/08/12 - Africans have lived in Britain since the Roman empire. ... Sensing a politically correct plot to take over British history, one presumably orchestrated by the liberal elite from somewhere deep within their ... “History's a whitewash.
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The Whitewashing of Empire and History Within British Schools




Niall Ferguson

Ferguson writes and speaks about international history, economic and financial history and British and American imperialism.[2] He is known for his contrarian views and his defence of the British empire.[3] He once called himself "a fully paid-up member of the neo-imperialist gang" following the invasion of Iraq.[4]



Laugh at yourself
The key to understanding British humor is knowing not to take yourself too seriously. Our default humor is to highlight our own flaws. We make light of our failures so as to appear more humble, approachable and relatable. There is no room for egos in British humor. Awkward encounters, clumsiness and embarrassing moments are all well-established self-deprecation material.

Examples: “I’m really not very good at self-deprecation comedy.” “I look like I got dressed in the dark this morning!” “I’m so bad at cooking- I could burn water.” “I couldn’t run a bath, let alone this race. I make snails look speedy.”


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