Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2019年09月09日 18時54分42秒 | Weblog
N国党 立花党首を任意聴取、警視庁 脅迫の疑い視野に捜査
9/9(月) 1

「俺はしつこいぞ、これからもやり続けるぞ。そうすると街中歩けなくなるから、街中歩けなくしてやるぞという発言はしたと記憶しています。それが脅迫に当たるということであれば、最終的に裁判官の判断を待つしかない」(NHKから国民を守る党 立花孝志 党首)


1 生命、身体、自由、名誉又は財産に対し害を加える旨を告知して人を脅迫した者は、2年以下の懲役又は30万円以下の罰金に処する。




He who must not be named,’

2019年09月09日 18時39分02秒 | Weblog


He Who Must Not Be Tolerated
Joi Ito’s fall from grace for his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein was much deserved. But his style of corner-cutting ethics is all too common in tech.

Kara Swisher
By Kara Swisher
Ms. Swisher covers technology and is a contributing opinion writer.

Sept. 8, 2019

“The effort to conceal the lab’s contact with Epstein was so widely known that some staff in the office of the lab’s director, Joi Ito, referred to Epstein as Voldemort or ‘he who must not be named,’ ” wrote Ronan Farrow in The New Yorker, in his eviscerating account of the moral and leadership failings of one of the digital industry’s top figures.



2019年09月09日 17時30分17秒 | Weblog

山岡 鉄秀


Dear Sir/Madam,



S.Korea and Japan will go nuclear if the North Korean nuclear threat continues.

2019年09月09日 15時57分25秒 | Weblog
U.S. Fears Nuclear Arms Race in Northeast Asia
By Cho Yi-jun
September 09, 2019

In a lecture on Friday at the University of Michigan, Biegun quoted former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as warning that "we are working today to eliminate North Korea's nuclear weapons program, but if that fails, we will respond to the proliferation challenges in Asia."

"Our allies, such as South Korea and Japan, have quit their nuclear weapons programs partly because of the extended deterrence they have in their alliance with the United States," he pointed out.

But he added that at some point they will start considering their own nuclear weapons if the North Korean nuclear threat continues. "I'm afraid Dr. Kissinger is right that North Korea will not be the last nuclear power in Asia if the international community fails to hold talks with the U.S.," he added.


Moon’s adviser predicts the South and North could form an EU-like integration arrangement

2019年09月09日 15時28分44秒 | Weblog
Южная Корея может создать экономический союз с КНДР наподобие ЕС уже через 10 лет


2019年09月09日 12時35分13秒 | Weblog
Nissan 'Mulls Pulling out of Korea'
By Ryu Jung

While many Japanese companies have brushed off Korea's boycott, some businesses are being hit hard, and the pullout would also affect Nissan's Korean staff and dealers.


Bush off って辞書だと、「無視する」とか「払いのける」、って出てますけど、

brush off someone/something

— phrasal verb with brush verb US ​ /brʌʃ/
(not consider)

to refuse to consider what someone says, or to not admit that something may be true or important:


で、この文章を読んで、どうだ!日本に一矢報いてやったぞお! みたいな響きを感じる。


 なんていうか、韓国の劣等感っていうのかなあ。「ボイコットなんて大したことねえよ」とふかしていたくせに、どうだ痛い目にあっただろう! というような捻くれた精神を感じるんだなああ。




Greedy Seoul has no plan to give up developing-nation status: agriculture minister

2019年09月09日 12時17分27秒 | Weblog
Seoul has no plan to give up developing-nation status: agriculture minister

South Korea's new agriculture minister has ruled out the possibility of abandoning the country's special and differential treatment under the World Trade Organization regime, despite growing U.S. pressure to reform the global trade body.

In a recent brief comment to Yonhap News Agency, Kim Hyeon-soo said that South Korea has no plan to give up developing country status, underscoring the country's efforts to keep the status intact, mainly to protect its sensitive agriculture industry, especially rice.



2019年09月09日 07時18分46秒 | Weblog
Frictions won’t jolt US-South Korea alliance
By Dong Xiangrong Source:Global Times Published: 2019/9/8 19:28:39


In US Asia-Pacific strategy, although not as important as US-Japan alliance, US-South Korea alliance is indispensable. As a pivotal anchor in US Asia-Pacific strategy, South Korea would not be abandoned by the US. Seoul-Washington alliance has still been stable, despite some frictions.



South Korea Doesn’t Need the U.S. Military To Fight North Korea in a War

2019年09月09日 07時08分19秒 | Weblog
South Korea Doesn’t Need the U.S. Military To Fight North Korea in a War
The reality is that South Korea, with an economy nearly fifty times greater than the North’s, is more than capable of defending itself after a withdrawal of U.S. military forces.

by Kyle Mizokami

The reality is that South Korea, with an economy nearly fifty times greater than the North’s, is more than capable of defending itself after a withdrawal of U.S. military forces.

At the same time, South Korea spends a respectable amount on defense, augmented by conscription that provides cheap manpower. South Korea is generally outnumbered by North Korea in military personnel, armored vehicles, artillery, tactical aircraft and ships, but South Korean equipment is considerably more modern and capable than North Korean equipment. Most North Korean military equipment, from jet fighters to tanks, are obsolete and in many cases, individual pieces are decades old.


Drills and measures to counter an imagined Japanese threat to the Dokdo islands--invasion by an avowed pacifist state-- is baffling and conducted at the expense of other, more urgent, threats.  

 ̄\(-_-)/ ̄

Sixty-six years of American military support for South Korea is a long time. At some point, U.S. military support must end, and the South having an economy fifty times larger than the North sounds is as good a time as any. If it not now, when?

Korea Is Not Keeping Agreement With Japan

2019年09月09日 07時06分23秒 | Weblog
Japan Is Not Keeping Agreement With Korea
Korea has faithfully complied with the 1965 claims agreement with Japan and has no intention of breaking it.

Without negating the agreement, the Supreme Court ruling points out that damages suffered by the victims of forced labor directly linked to the illegal colonial rule and war of aggression by Japan were not covered by the agreement as Japan had refused to accept legal responsibility for the colonization of Korea during the prolonged negotiations leading up to the agreement.

Japan says it is negating 1965 agreement.
Now since there is a dispute between Japan and Korea, we should refer and follow the article Ⅲ

Article III

1 Any dispute between the Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation and implementation of the present Agreement shall be settled, first of all, through diplomatic channels.

2 Any dispute which fails to be settled under the provision of paragraph 1 shall be referred for decision to an arbitration board composed of three arbitrators, one to be appointed by the Government of each Contracting Party within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt by the Government of either Contracting Party from the Government of the other of a note requesting arbitration of the dispute, and the third arbitrator to be agreed upon by the two arbitrators so chosen within a further period of thirty days or the third arbitrator to be appointed by the government of a third country agreed upon within such further period by the two arbitrators, provided that the third arbitrator shall not be a national of either Contracting Party.

South Korea is rejecting to set up an arbitration board.

Anti-Japanism brings South Korean young people fewer opportunities

2019年09月09日 06時52分24秒 | Weblog
Jobs in Japan for S Korean graduates dry up
Sep. 8 06:40 am JST 52 Comments
By Joori Roh

 Nearly 10% of South Koreans aged 15 to 29 were jobless in July, according to Statistics Korea, but the department says the real rate be as high as 24% including those with temporary or part-time jobs, who gave up looking for jobs or who are preparing for state examinations.

This means that nearly 1 in 4 young Koreans have been out of work.
last month, the (South Korean) Labor Ministry canceled a job fair focused on Japan and Southeast Asia for late September that would have been the largest organized by the government, blaming the strained ties.

Japanese companies couldn't care less because lots of Asian young people are applying for jobs in Japan.

In Japan, this government behavior would be called "irrational", "too emotional" and/or "Idiot"


2019年09月09日 03時00分22秒 | Weblog

He was bullied for his homemade University of Tennessee T-shirt. The school just made it an official design
By Alaa Elassar, CNN

Updated 1027 GMT (1827 HKT) September 8, 2019
