頼子百万里走単騎 "Riding Alone for Millions of Miles"

環境学者・地理学者 Jimmy Laai Jeun Ming(本名:一ノ瀬俊明)のエッセイ


2022-04-26 11:27:26 | 日記
R.I.P. my XP1000 (Compaq) professional WS. 
Employed in 2001 (1,000,000 Yen around). 
Passed away in recent months. 
Retired already in the official catalog (Supporting service expired). 
Thanks for the great contributions to my several papers. 
Ichinose, T., D. Tian, Y. Li : (2020) Verification of infection prevention control using a spatial random walk model. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 8 (6), 35-40 
Ichinose, T., K. Liu : (2018) Modeling the relationship between the urban development and subsurface warming in seven Asian megacities. Sustainable Cities and Society, 38, 560-570 
Ichinose, T., K. Liu : (2017) Modeling Chinese domestic cereal flow due to stock and economic gradient. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 5, 10, 43-51 etc.
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