


2008年12月16日 | 模型・車両
 写真は、おそらくグレートノーザン鉄道が新しいエンパイアビルダーのグレートドームを宣伝するために作られたOゲージモデルですが、出自等が分かっていません。見つかったのは、なんとセントポールの雪の積もったゴミ捨て場だと言うことです。詳細は、GN Archiveのページをご覧ください。

 何か情報をご存知の方は、ぜひGN Archiveまでご連絡ください。

I ran across a posting in an O-guage model forum from someone who recently bought an O-scale model of one of the full-length domes, and is seeking information about it because it seems to be a unique item. It looks like it may be a hand-made prop for the GN Passenger Dept. to publicize the new Great Dome Empire Builder. Does anyone know if GN commissioned such models, or Budd provided them? It came in a custom crate labeled "Property of GN" and with shipping labels addressed to: Mr. C.W. Moore, Great Northern Ry, St. Paul, Minnesota.

I've uploaded photos of it to http://www.gnarchive.com/dome_model.html

According to the owner....

I just got this Great Northern Full Dome Model. It's over 21 inches long and hand made. The man that I bought it from said he found it years ago while walking in the snow to his car in St. Paul. He said he saw a wooden box in the garbage and thought he could use it to hold his tools. When he got home and opened the box, the model was inside. On the box it says "Prop. of Great Northern Ry". There are Railway Express Agency stickers all over the wooden box. It's addressed to: Mr. C.W. Moore, Great Northern Ry, St. Paul, Minnesota.