


2006年08月20日 | ちょっと脱線
 Rail Truckさん、よしくん、コメントありがとうございます。
 さて、サトウキビ鉄道の一部は観光鉄道にも使われています。島の南部、コーラルコーストにあるシャングリラリゾートのすぐそばの駅から、写真の観光列車が走っています。真っ赤な蒸気機関車が開放型の客車2-3両を牽いて走っているようです。機関車は蒸気機関車の形はしていますが、すでにメインロッドもはずされて、テンダー部分に積んだディーゼルエンジンで走るテンダードライブです。しかし、機関車には、「HUDSWELL CLARKE & Co. Ltd. No.972 LEEDS 1912 Railway Foundry」と記されていました。


datenail 枕木の年数表示

2006年08月15日 | 実物・歴史
Datenails were tagging devices utilized by railroads to visually identify the age of a railroad tie. Different railroads used different sized nails with either alpha or numerical markings. An example would be a Southern Pacific Railroad nail with the marking "01" stamped on the head of the nail. The "01" would identify the nail as being hammered into a railroad tie in the year 1901.

Datenail use has dropped dramatically since the mid-20th century and the advent of more modern maintenance of way equipment. Ties are no longer marked in this manner in North American practice, and the nails themselves are now sought after by railroadiana collectors. It should be noted that the Southern Railway never made use of datenails.

Roger, You can only buy the Jeff Oaks books in the three volume set -

It's a bargin for $28.00 postpaid - These are spiral bothree
volumes - over 560 pages of info!!

I inserted his ordering info. The history of RR tie preservation &
the Great Northern tie & Somers, MT info is in Volume One - Volume
Two has the specific GN datenail info and Volume Three has other RR
datenail info and any new additions.

Anyone interested in datenails even a little bit should have these

The cost for the three volume set is $28.00 post paid. Canadian
orders: send US$34.00 in a postal money order or Paypal. I ship it
book rate (ca. 4-6 days), but if you want faster delivery, add $7.00
for 1st class (rates have gone up!). I accept Paypal (no credit
card payments), or send your money the old-fashioned way to:

Jeff Oaks
Dept. of Mathematics
University of Indianapolis
1400 E. Hanna Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46227.
e-mail: oaks@...

Talk to ya later,
Dale Jones



2006年08月02日 | 一般