

書籍 The Great Northern

2018年03月31日 | 実物・歴史
 グレートノーザン鉄道に関する新しい書籍「The Great Northern」が出版されました。Richard Yaremko氏著で、256ページ、価格は79.95ドルです。カラー写真多数を含んでいるそうです。GNファンの集まるgngoatでは、早速この話題で盛り上がっています。写真は、これまであまり取り上げられていなかったものも多いそうです。私もぜひ購入したいと思っています。

White River Productions

にほんブログ村 鉄道ブログ 海外鉄道へ

好ましいストラクチャー 石炭ドック

2016年05月13日 | 実物・歴史

1893 Harrington Coal Dock

にほんブログ村 鉄道ブログ 海外鉄道へ

雑誌Classic Trainsでエンパイアビルダーの特集

2013年04月04日 | 実物・歴史
 雑誌Classic Trainsでは、Great Limited Onlineのページで有名な旅客列車の特集を行っています。今回の特集はグレートノーザン鉄道の特急エンパイアビルダーです。写真や1944年の乗車記事等を無料で見ることができます。お楽しみください。



2012年11月03日 | 実物・歴史
 gngoatからの話題です。エンパイアビルダーはシカゴまで走っていましたが、ツインシティからシカゴまではCB&Qの線路を走っていました。そこで、シカゴ等での宣伝用に作られたのが、上の写真の宣伝です。ヘッドマークに「Burlington Route」の四角いロゴを使っています。もちろんこれは実物では実現していないもので、宣伝用のアートです。しかし、珍しいので、話題となっております。



2012年01月23日 | 実物・歴史


にほんブログ村 鉄道ブログ 海外鉄道へ


2011年01月15日 | 実物・歴史

 今年最初の話題は、変わり種の鉄橋です。橋の中の橋(Bridge within Bridge)とよばれているそうです。ワシントン州ロックアイランドでコロンビア川を渡るところにかけられています。重量に耐えられるようにもともとの橋(1892年建設)の外側に追加のトラスを設けています(1925年)。ちなみに隣はデッキトラスで同じような橋となっています。


Brass Model Trains Price & Data Guideより

3386.1, bridge in a bridge, 415' long factory painted black, GN/BN/BNSF, 18 imported by OMI, for $1500

3386.2 same as above except silver 2 imported by OMI for $1500

3387.1 Pratt deck truss, 250' long factory painted , black? GN/BN/BNSF, 25 imported by OMI in1999 for $1500



にほんブログ村 鉄道ブログ 海外鉄道へ


2010年06月10日 | 実物・歴史



にほんブログ村 鉄道ブログ 海外鉄道へ


2010年03月02日 | 実物・歴史




にほんブログ村 鉄道ブログ 海外鉄道へにほんブログ村  


2009年06月23日 | 実物・歴史


2009年06月18日 | 実物・歴史

Daily Inter Lake

April 15, 1968

Special Train Leaves Tuesday With Montana Wheat Destined For Japanese Grain Markets

A solid train load of Montana wheat bound for export to Japan will roll out of Wolf Point Tuesday over Great Northern Railway. The 175,000 bushel shipment carried in 50 covered hopper cars is the first such movement by rail from Montana to a Pacific Northwest port. The grain, bound for Portland, Ore., was loaded April 15 from elevators of Peavey Producer Service, Equity Cooperative Association and the Farmers Union Elevator Company. The hoppers, ranging in size from 4,000 to 5,260 cubic feet capacity, average 3,500 bushels each.

Destination is Peavey's West Coast Terminal Operations at Portland. The grain will be unloaded April 18 and 19 and ultimately will be taken aboard ship chartered by the account of Mitsui Trading Co. for shipment to Japan.

The experimental train will be operated to determine the advantages that would accrue to producers and marketers as well as G. N. from the trainload movement of grain in covered hoppers. G. N.'s "grain special" originally was conceived by Ted Schwinden, Wolf Point grain grower, who initiated negotiations between growers, elevator operators and the G. N. The operators held back grain from normal commerce and made improvements to elevators to make the test possible.

The cooperative test is expected to result in valuable information for producer groups and elevator operators enabling them to help solve problems involved in rapidly gathering a large quantity of grain to satisfy export requirements. "Of prime interest to all parties concerned is the importance the American grain industry is giving to the burgeoning grain export market," said A. E. Michon, G. N. market manager, grain and grain products. "The Japanese and Far East markets for American grain are of vital significance to farmers, county elevator operators and the railroads," he added.

A solid grain train could give all parties a logistical control they do not experience in conventional freight movements, Michon said. Maintaining the domestic grain markets and expanding foreign exports could prove beneficial to participating parties.

- The grower would realize the economic benefits of a broadened market for his grain;

- The county elevator operator could experience a fast turnover of a greater volume of grain than is now possible;

- The exporter may be able to purchase larger quantities of grain on a more consistent basis thereby reducing ship and car demurrage charges.

The railroad could realize greater car utilization in moving grain in large volume on a scheduled basis from one consignor to one consignee over an extended period. Burdensome services such as five days free time at the port for unloading, 48 hours free time at origin for loading, stopping cars at interior hold points for sampling and diversion would be minimized.

An observation team accompanying the "special" is comprised of representatives of elevator operators and G. N. marketing officials and operations department specialists. They include Charles Wulff, traffic manager, Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association; James Scoggin, vice president in charge of traffic, Peavey Co., Schwinden, producer; Robert Penner, president of the Citizens First National Bank of Wolf Point and mayor; Clarence Olfert, manager of the Equity Cooperative Elevator, Wolf Point and president of the Northeast Montana Elevator Association.

G. N. officials who will accompany the train are Mal M. Scanlan, vice president marketing; P. F. Cruikshank, assistant vice president, marketing - planning; Michon; M. H. Karl, manager of pricing, grain and grain products; A. M. Einhorn, senior cost analyst, vice president and comptroller's office; John T. Hall, research analyst, marketing department, and J. R. Galassi, trainmaster, division of economic research, executive department.

Advent of hoppers, including the "jumbo" variety, vastly accelerated the loading and unloading of grain. A "jumbo" hopper has the carrying capacity one and one-half standard-sized boxcars. Great Northern first purchased covered hoppers in 1940. The railway currently has 2,799 covered hoppers in its fleet of cars. Their acquisition meant a capital expenditure of $38,063,000 or an average cost of $13,600 per hopper


2009年06月12日 | 実物・歴史


The Empire Builder operated with non-streamlined equipment for 18 years (1929-1947).
The Empire Builder operated with streamlined equipment for 62 years (1947-present).
The Empire Builder operated with dome cars for 24 years (1955 to 1979).
The Empire Builder operated with Superliner equipment for 30 years (1979 to present).
The Empire Builder operated as primarily a Great Northern train for 41 years (1929-1970).
The Empire Builder operated as a Burlington Northern train for 1 year (1970-1971).
The Empire Builder has operated as an Amtrak train for 38 years (1971 to present).
The Empire Builder running mate “Oriental Limited” operated 30 years (1905-1931 and 1947-1951).
The Empire Builder running mate “Western Star” operated for 20 years (1951-1971).
The Empire Builder rival “North Coast Limited” (CB&Q/NP/SP&S and later BN) operated for 71 years (1900-1971, with 23 of these years being a streamliner).
The Empire Builder rival “Olympian” (Milwaukee Road) operated for 50 years (1911-1961) with its streamlined version (the “Olympian Hiawatha”) running from 1947 to 1961.
The Empire Builder rival “City of Portland” (primarily Union Pacific) operated for 36 years (1935-1971).
The Empire Builder running mate “North Coast Hiawatha” (Amtrak) operated for 8 years (1971-1979).
The Empire Builder running mate “Pioneer” (Amtrak) operated for 20 years (1977-1997), though the train was a combination with another train (the SanFrancisco Zephyr until July 1983, the California Zephyr thereafter) between Chicago and or Denver, Salt Lake City, or Ogden, and didn’t begin through car service between Chicago and Seattle until 1981.


2009年04月07日 | 実物・歴史
 Minnesota Transportation Museumに保存されているビジネスカーA-11用のドラムヘッドです。実に美しいグレートノーザン鉄道のロゴをイルミネートしています。

Minnesota Transportation Museumは、以前からこのドラムヘッドに関する情報を募集していましたが、様々に集まった情報から、最近復元したものと言うことです。大きさなどの詳細は下記の通りです。

Technical: 3M Scotchcal vinyl on 1/4" white acrylic, with a 1/8" plexiglas protective cover, illuminated from behind with four 15-watt bulbs. 15" diameter, scaled from an 18" metal sign donated by late GN engineer Tony Becker.


2009年03月20日 | 実物・歴史
