おお ツォイスよ、
何故に わたしは儚く滅びる身なのか と美は訊ねた
すると 神は云われた;
私は 儚く滅びるものだけを 美しく創ったのだ・・・
きみ知るや 思い叶わぬ恋の 素敵な毒を
そは 胸を焦がすも 生気は失われず こころの髄が蝕むとも
新たな生命の 生まれしとき・・・>>>
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a literary colossus, has left an indelible mark on the world of poetry. His works, transcending the confines of time and language, continue to resonate with readers and inspire artists across the globe.
Goethe's poetry, characterized by its depth, beauty, and universality, has influenced a myriad of composers, most notably Franz Schubert, who composed music for many of Goethe's poems, including the renowned "Wanderer's Night Song" 旅人の夜の唄 and "Heidenröslein" 野バラ.
Goethe's poetry often explores the richness of human emotions and a profound love for nature, striking a chord with those who encounter his words. For those interested in delving deeper into Goethe's poetic genius, it is recommended to start with his masterpieces such as "Faust" ファウスト or "The Sorrows of Young Werther. 若きウエルテルの悩み" Reading these works in their original German language can offer a direct experience of their rhythm and resonance.・・・
Throughout his life, Goethe expanded his worldview through relentless effort and a burning passion for learning. His body of work, akin to an inexhaustible spring, is rich and varied, encompassing joy, sorrow, wisdom, and love, all underpinned by a deep trust in humanity.
Goethe's lyrical poetry, along with his narrative and philosophical verses, have been meticulously selected and compiled in collections that showcase his contributions to world literature .
Schubert's Lieder: A Harmonious Blend of Goethe's Poetry
The collaboration between the poetic words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and the musical genius of Franz Schubert has given birth to some of the most exquisite pieces of Lied, or German art songs. Schubert, profoundly inspired by Goethe's poetry, composed music that perfectly encapsulated the essence of Goethe's verses, creating a legacy that continues to enchant the world of classical music.>>>
One of the most celebrated pieces is "Heidenröslein" (Wild Rose), a song that captures the delicate narrative of a boy's encounter with a rose, set to a light and playful melody that contrasts with the rose's prickly defense against being picked .バラが少年によって摘み取られることへの抵抗の対称の妙・・
Another masterpiece is "Gretchen am Spinnrade" (Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel), 糸車を回す乙女グレートヒェン which portrays Gretchen's turmoil and longing for Faust, with the piano mimicking the ceaseless spinning of the wheel.
Schubert's "Erlkönig" (Elf King) 魔王 is perhaps one of the most dramatic and intense adaptations of Goethe's work. The song tells the harrowing story of a father racing to save his son from the clutches of the supernatural Erlkönig. 真っ暗闇のなか 一心に走り続ける馬上で 魔王から息子を必死に護る父親の姿 The urgency and terror are palpable in the music, with the galloping piano representing the father's frantic ride through the night .
These Lieder are not mere musical settings of poetry; they are a fusion of two arts, where the music extends the emotional and narrative depth of the poetry. Schubert's ability to translate the mood and imagery of Goethe's poems into music was unparalleled. His compositions often reflect the themes of love, nature, and the supernatural, which were prevalent in Goethe's writing.
Schubert's dedication to Goethe's work was profound. Despite never receiving acknowledgment from Goethe himself, Schubert continued to compose music for his poems, leaving behind a rich collection that would posthumously earn him the title "the master of the art song" .・・・
The legacy of Schubert's Lieder is a testament to the enduring power of artistic expression.
These songs remain a cornerstone of vocal repertoire, celebrated for their emotional depth and melodic beauty, continuing to inspire musicians and listeners alike.