for today 科学に目を向けよう


(旅の相棒募っています 乙女)

time to change

2014年05月24日 07時49分02秒 | 日記

It's alive in a small pot

needs for water, it withers

with water, it grows  much leaves at her favarite place


Baby swallows  are growing , I say hello to them looking at their wide-open eyes

but I cannot  catch well their amazing first time in their life looking at me

 just adorable in a small space of a nest

job chance

2014年05月24日 06時47分42秒 | お知らせ

I bought 1 set of  king's war in english subtitle, but  it was poor ,which made me enjoy to read books for better understainding.

I am wondering to get another set in english subtitle. ( Well I selected that kind of set for my study.)

There is job chance in here.  Why not try the translation from Chinese to English ?

I know Japanese people's language ability is getting better and better.