


2009-06-15 12:32:09 | 闇の世界史
FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution
反ロスチャイルド同盟:動画『The Money Masters』の翻訳テキスト
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 封印された世界史へ

アグ・アグリア6/12:まもなく地球のものになる宇宙生活 3

2009-06-15 10:14:54 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
We want to see you jump a few generations, and recover from the past years when you have been deliberately held back by the Illuminati. You must realize by now that your lives could have been vastly different. In spite of what you have been told, the resources of Earth have been sufficient to give everyone a satisfactory life, with no deprivation or needs such as still exist today in many quarters of your world. Some will ask why that should be, and Dear Ones we have to be truthful and tell you that you brought it upon yourselves. Yet we must balance those comments by mentioning the Anunnaki who have been a great influence in your present cycle. They found a ready made civilization that could be easily manipulated, and led to believe in separation by conquering their “foes” and taking their territories. Those warlike tendencies continued for a long, long time and your last century was one of the bloodiest ever. Out of it has come a desire to finish with confrontation, but your dark forces have endeavored to keep it going for their personal benefit.
We live for hundreds of years in our bodies, because they do not “die” of old age as yours do. We have therefore seen your history being made, and also known what the motives were so we can speak to you of your past with some authority. It is littered with the corpses of the Human Race, and your blood runs deep into the Earth. You have come back many times and tried to lift Humanity up, but the dark forces have been too strong. However, in the midst of it all a Light has begun to shine out as the love energy has permeated the grids of Earth, creating the opportunity for any soul who so desires to lift up. It came in good time to open up a path that those of the Light could follow, and it came to be named Ascension.
Can there be anyone who would not change his or her present circumstances for the chance to rise up? We hope that eventually many more souls who have been pulled into the dark abyss will respond to the Light. It is only fear that holds them back; as they have been hurt so many times that trust has to be earnt. We will do a considerable amount to ensure that the facts of your lives upon Earth are placed before you. You have been misled about so many matters of importance to your true understanding of the purpose of life. One of the principle points relates to your perception of God, and we must say that God is the totality of Unconditional Love. God is not therefore one of wrath, or anger and does not punish you regardless of the experiences you have undertaken. Freewill means exactly what it says, and it is only you that will decide the outcome of your choices. You are all Beings of love incarnate, and we love you for what you are as we see beyond your outer casing.
Thank you Ag-agria.Mike Quinsey.
Ag-agria Sirian Update June 12/09
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