

サ・ルー・サ6/8:進行するアセンションへのレディネス 2

2009-06-11 08:11:07 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Keeping faith and supporting those that have taken on the mantle of leadership, is something you can do by sending them your Light and with it your desire that they shall be protected. This also allows us to join forces with you through the Law of Attraction, and we are most joyful that together we can become a formidable force for good. Our emergence into the public arena is not far away, and with our knowledge of who amongst your leaders is ready to back us, our plan for open contact is ready. We have also allowed a greater number of sightings, and it concerns your dark ones as they have no way of preventing us from doing so. They may have sophisticated weaponry but it is as you might say, child’s play to us to neutralize its effects. There is no development of warlike weapons that we do not monitor, and whilst we cannot stop you researching them we can ensure that they are not used for mass destruction. Again we must respect your freewill, but we can represent those of the ordinary folk who would otherwise be at the mercy of such weaponry.
The desire for world peace is going to suddenly break out, and will be powered by yet another rising up in your consciousness levels. The Spiritual Hierarchy does not force the issue, but allow you to bring peace into being in your own way. However, having sent out such a strong desires, they will help you create the conditions that will bring it about. Little can happen of any major importance until you have a world that is united in its quest for peace. It means having to give up power bases, and disposing of all weapons designed for war like purposes. Most importantly it means working together for the good of all mankind, and remembering that Mother Earth is also allied to it. There will be much to do in readiness for Ascension, and by your measure only a short time in which to achieve it. From our point of view time is not an obstacle as we can easily adjust our activities, and ensure that the final result is in accordance with the Master Plan for your release from the cycle of duality.
SaLuSa Sirian Update June 8/09
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