


2008-11-21 14:41:46 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Greetings, I am Mira. I am pleased to speak with you today.
Know that much is going with the Earth. There is far more than you realize. We can see it and have a much bigger picture than your media would have you know. The old world is breaking apart. Even the controllers of your planet are losing control. The secrets are rising to the surface. Nothing can be hidden. Everything is coming out. You are running into some challenging times. It will seem like a free-for-all. Balance is on the way. This is purposeful. You will soon know what I mean.
There will be some hidden factors that will soon be released that will change the way people on the Earth think. This information is long overdue. You are not quite ready for it but the decision has been made and when the time comes for the truth to come out you will need it. Humanity is on the brink of a spiritual awakening that will lead it into the energies of 2012 and beyond. This is a necessary opening and will be revealing.
The chaos that you are experiencing now is just the tip of the iceberg. It is going to get stronger and you will need inner strength. The Earth herself is feeling the chaos and will be cleansing and releasing. There is no turning back for any of you. We hold the energies along with other space families for the continual balance and restructuring to ensue. You, as Light beings, are doing the same. We recommend that you use your spiritual tools to ride through the rocky times ahead. We are with you.
The stronghold that the controllers have had on the planet is being released. There is a lot of pent up anger and fear that collide with this release. Do not be afraid when you feel it. The plot thickens and the Light rises more to the surface. The old way is going by the wayside and you are paving the way for the glorious new day on the New Earth.
It might seem like free fall as some businesses, organizations and corporations fall. This accelerated shift is a part of the re-organization of the planet and the new focus away from greed, corruption, self-interest, competition, exploitation, and irreverence for life and for the Earth. It is another requisite for the higher dimensional energies. These old energies are not intended to exist in the Light of the New Earth.
During these changes you will find that as Lightworkers, part of the ground crew, many will need your assistance. Find ways to be there for them. They will be seeking the love and understanding that you have as their old worlds fall apart. Help them to rise above the fear and know that change is purposeful. This is a part of your job.
We stand at the ready to be of assistance to you wherever you need us. Right now our ability to assist in broad ways is still somewhat limited however we can assist you with thoughts, and energies in motion. We are always with you. We ask that you request our input and we will give it.
We give you love and support. I am Mira.
Mira Pleiadian Council Nov 20/08
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ダイアン・シリアン11/19:これからの大変化と変革の希望 2

2008-11-21 12:31:37 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
For those of the Light this period is something of a revelation, fulfilling the prophecies of ages past. It has moved beyond Armageddon and all that it implied, and the final years will be ones of massive changes without the death and destruction associated with it. Of course physical changes are necessary to cleanse and restore the Earth, but they will be under our control instead of the dark forces. Once we can openly reach out to you, we can work together and reduce the risks to an absolute minimum. Just bear in mind that some souls have elected to leave Earth through them, and it is part of their life plan. Let it be clear that death is not the frightening experience that many believe it to be, and at your time of transition you are accompanied by loving Beings from the higher realms. It is for many a welcome and happy release from their meager lives of poverty and suffering. Your passing is not painful, but an experience of moving into the Light and Love.
As time progresses so many Lightworkers shall emerge and with their knowledge and understanding, to guide Humanity into a greater Truth. They are already working now and you can find them if you desire to uplift yourself. As soon as you put out such thoughts there is a response from those who accompany you through life. They will guide you in the right direction so that you may move according to your choice. Life may seem chaotic and have no real direction or purpose, but that is really down to you. Instead of being pulled along with the flow, be prepared to set your own course regardless of those around you. Humans have something of a herd mentality and are used to being under the control of others, but this need not be so.
It is now time to look inwards and decide whether you wish to determine your own path in life, or still move in the old vibrations that hold you back. After all, your presence on Earth is to experience the value that duality can give you. However, you were not meant to remain in it for all time. It is not your true reality, and you are far greater souls than you can imagine. Believe in yourself and accept that you are sovereign Beings, entitled and able to lift yourselves out of the darkness and ignorance that has beset you for eons of time. We come as many others to show you your future Self, and bring you to the realization that you are not just physical Beings. You are souls with the capacity to love and be of the Light as a natural state of being. It is not just for those who have lifted themselves up, each of you have the same potential as a God given right.
We would say “Wake Up” with gentleness and love, as we see quite clearly who you are as you carry your baggage around with you. Release your darkness and step into the Light, and first and foremost forgive your self of your past indiscretions. Love yourself as we do, and then go through life forgiving others. You cannot move on all of the time you hold others in a mindset that refuses to forgive. Do you not realize that you undertook the very experiences that have brought about such situations. They are of your choice as hard as that may be to accept, so it is an experience that you should learn from and then let it go. If you can do so, you will find a new rhythm and purpose in your life and will enjoy the freedom you have given yourself.
I am Diane from Sirius, and it is with sorrow that we see how you torment yourselves because you cannot give freely of your love. We love each and every one of you and see you only as beautiful souls of Light.
Thank you Diane.
Diane Sirian Update Nov 19/08
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2008-11-21 09:34:22 | 代替ニュース
Alex Jones on Coast To Coast AM"The Final Countdown"1/3
今回のG20サミットは、世界経済の中心がG7からG20に転換する時期に入る転換点になりそうだ(今後しばらく流れを見ないと確実なことは言えないが)。それでは、世界経済の転換点となりそうな今回のG20サミットは、何故今の時期に開かれることになったのか。私が最近気づいた理由は「米当局がリーマン・ブラザースを破綻させたから」である。 ・・・今後、米英の国債と通貨がいつ破綻するのか、破綻しそうでしないのか、先行きは確定的ではないが、米英ともに財政難がひどくなり、ドルとポンドへの信頼が陰って、米英経済覇権が崩壊に向かう可能性は高い。それとともに、G7中心の世界経済体制は、多極的なG20中心の体制へと転換していくことになりそうだ。世界経済は、多極型への転換期に入ったといえる。

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