


2008-11-02 19:43:10 | 巨大地震
YouTube/田代淳子 福岡ファイナルライブ 第1部 その5
【田代淳子~Junkoro Songbird~】
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ ヒーリング音楽へヒーリング音楽


2008-11-02 14:37:42 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
All people will be taught from a young age to respect all life and themselves. They will learn that all life and each individual is special. People will be encouraged to discover and develop their own natural abilities and talents as well as integrating these into the whole of their life.
A new educational system will be set up both for children and adults. Young children will be advanced learners. At early stages in life they will be taught to speak in different languages, they will be taught ecology, science, psychology and emotional understanding. Project and experiencially based teaching will be the most prominent medium for teachers. Children will be taught that are productive and useful to themselves, their community and world around them.
Vision of the World Future


2008-11-02 05:54:43 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
We are moving into interesting times! We are at the brink of a New Age...an age of hope and re-construction. At the epicenter of this New Age is a heart-warming movement of human empathy and unified vision. We are no longer satisfied with building up our egos and feeding the insatiable beast inside. We realize after centuries of war and destruction that we are not any more secure. And it has taken a devastating toll on the human spirit! But now the seeds are sprouting, we are moving into a new direction...it is the beginning of a New Age as we rebirth a New Earth.
The Sirian Council* Nov08 New Age of Hope
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ