


2008-11-15 13:42:02 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Well, it has been a significant week for all of humanity, as we witness the dawning of a New Age. As the world reacts to the election of Barack Obama as the new leader of the United States, the shift in consciousness is palpable. The time has come for the karmic cycle to swing into alignment with universal truth and benevolence. As we feel this realization within...we all breathe a sigh of relief!
It was not too long ago when we were caught up in the death-lock of duality. For every forward movement we made in our lives, the opposing counter-force pushed us back. What an uphill battle it was! It came out of the woodwork, hidden, sneaking up on us at unsuspecting moments. There was no way to prepare for the opposition, the crushing blow, the sabotaging wave that wiped our dreams away.
Just as I was beginning to feel broken, worn out and losing hope, the Universe responded with a harmonic display of inter-dimensional activations linking two parallel Earth planes in suspension. We are witnessing at this time the profound groundswell of humanity's awareness shifting towards the vision of this New Earth. It is sparking alive in millions of awakened minds, a glimpse of One World, a world free of war, disease, hate and separation. It is a new world free of counter-force! It is a world that is free of duality...existing in perfect Union in the Law of ONE.
スピリチュアルな世界を歩んでいた私たちの多くが、この数年間新しい地球を夢に描いてきました。対抗するネガティブな力から解放されて神の生きた力と共に生きるもう一つの世界の現実化を願い続けてきたのです。古い世界体制の崩壊を一方で眺めながら、私たちが次に待ち望んできたことは、二元性から解放されてきらめく光の中で口笛をふいて暮らす毎日でした。そしてとうとう今私たちは、求めていた人類のふるさと:エデンの園へたどりついたのです。 ここは光輝き美しい色彩と音楽があふれる無限の創造のガーデンです。私たちは生まれながらにここで暮らす権利を持っていたことに、今気づきそのことを思い出しています。
Many of us on the spiritual path have seen this New Earth for the past several years, and have been actively bridging into this alternate world reality free of counter-motion...a world alive with divine life force! All around us we observe the continuing collapse of the Old World Order...as we become familiar with living in a life space free of duality, humming with glimmering light! We have arrived at the "Garden of Eden", the original human birthplace. It is alight with brilliant colors and tones, a magnificent, lush garden of abundant creation. It is our birthright! We are awakening and remembering...
eveAs we travel back in time to the "Garden of Eden" and the original human prototype...we can trace our DNA all the way back to Africa. Scientists have been able to determine through the mitochondrial DNA passed through the matrilineal descent, that the most recent common ancestor for all humans alive today is believed to have lived about 140,000 years ago in what is now Ethiopia, Kenya or Tanzania. Based on this evidence, Researchers have given her the name, Mitochondrial "Eve", representing humanity's African Mother.
私たちは歴史のらせん階段を何周もした後で、今幸いにも「アフリカ(遺伝子の母”イブ”) への帰還」を果たそうとしています。人体の遺伝子細胞には人類の秘める神秘的な可能性がプログラムされているのです。人類をエデンの園へと導く指導者としてバラク・オバマ氏ほどの適任者はいません。バラク氏はアフリカン・アメリカンであると共にシリウスの魂を引き継いで光のパワーを内に秘めている指導者で、人類を愛・希望・意識の統合の新しい世界へと導く指導者です。彼は一方でアフリカのイブの遺伝子を引き継ぎながら、もう一方でアメリカという国家を引き継いで新しい世界運用を切り開くことになります。彼は人類の過去・現在・未来のすべてを体現する政治家なのです。バラク氏は古い地球と新しい地球の橋渡しをして、すべての魂たちが待ち望んできたパラレルな世界をリンクする働きをこれからすることになります。
As we spin around and come full circle, we now are witnessing at this propitious moment in time the "return to Africa" and the pure DNA of Mitochondrial "Eve". Held within the receptor cells of human biology is the memory of divine human potential. And who better to lead the human race back to the "Garden of Eden" than an evolved African-American named Barack Obama. His Sirian lineage positions his "star" power to serve as humanity's leader into the New World of love, hope and unity consciousness. He carries within his genetic makeup the African link to "Eve" and the American link to the New Age of Sovereignty. He represents the past, present and future. Barack Obama is the "bridge" to the New Earth, the parallel reality awaiting all human souls.
earth hologramWe welcome you to join us in this Unified Field hologram, so that you can begin to experience life without opposition, an open flow of abundance, a heightened feeling of joy and connection, a world reality free of pain and disease. This new world does exist, and you are being called to journey across the bridge. The movement has come to fruition and the wave is swelling, raising us higher and higher to step across the divide.
We're no longer alone...the Universe has prepared a leader who embodies our African roots and our Divine Human lineage. He will pave the way for humanity to reach a higher vibration of living and loving. We are breaking free of the chains of enslavement, recognizing our divine right to freedom and sovereignty. As our hearts and minds open to new possibilities, we can ride the sea change of hope and sail into the New World of ONE.
(Copyright © 2008 Meg Benedicte · All Rights Reserved www.soulfulservices.com)
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ

重要な転換点だった11・11(クツミ11/11) 3

2008-11-15 11:36:31 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Today’s transmission is a little different to what we usually do and what we want you to do are certain exercises, which make up the complete picture of what we are creating. The very first thing you are to do is take as much time as you need to write down absolutely every regret you have ever had and have in your life. Write down every fear and negative belief system you have about yourself, about your health, relationships, money, family, your abilities and creativity (A minimum of four under each of those headings). Once you have done this you are then to set those pages aside and imagine yourself as God or Goddess looking down upon you from the midst of the Cosmos, from the realms of pure divine light and love. Take a few minutes to breathe this essence into your body and do not begin the next exercise until you feel the immensity of this power and of this light inside of you.
Once you feel it I want you then to write down every pearl of wisdom you can see from the God mind and the Goddess mind that you have gained as a result of your life experiences. I want you to write down every hope, every dream and every joy that you have experienced in your life and then I want you to write a letter to yourself from God/Goddess. In that space God and Goddess will channel through to you. If you find your mind trying to distract you, stop, take a deep breath in, relax and affirm I am God, I am Goddess and repeat it like a mantra for as long as you need until that strong feeling is back again and continue to write. Only stop when you feel everything has been said. Do not analyse the process, do not stop and think about what you are writing let it flow, if there is a judgement that arises while you are writing, stop, breathe in deeply and do your mantras again and continue.
This exercise challenges the old paradigm self to respectfully step down from the podium of ruling your life and to relinquish control to the higher aspect of the human self you are becoming. This is one of the most important exercises you will do for yourself at this time. The purpose behind this exercise is to support the closing down of those access points that the darkness has used to access your fear.
You can only release it when you see what you have lived by in relation to your fears, your beliefs and attitudes about yourself. Your regrets become triggers that motivate you and your behaviour, which often manifests as compromise, self sabotage and self wounding, saying yes when you mean no and vice versa. All of your fears, when you see what those fears are and you remember my words at the beginning saying to you that everything within fear, above it, beneath it, before it, behind it and to either side of it is illusion you begin to grasp the fact that the higher wise human has within it’s essence the ability and the tools to transmute all of that. This is one of your major initiations and “tests” so to speak as an alchemist. The alchemist must transform his or her own life before they can truly practice alchemy with others.
11:11 Turning of the Tide Master Kuthumi
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ


2008-11-15 09:24:10 | 代替ニュース
What an uplifting moment we're in! We made it through the 11/11-13 transition everybody. What was accomplished during this 3 days?
On 11/11 Veterans' Day, there was a "fire-fight inside FBI HQ" in which 2 FBI agents--beholden to Bushes-- who wouldn't "Stand Down" were taken down by White Knights with orders from Barack Obama, Patrick Fitzgerald, and some military assistants. they went there with papers authorizing all records pertaining to drug activities involving stolen money which the Bush Cabal have used for the last 20 years for their own rolls be opened to them. They were looking for the whereabouts of the $2Trillion. Don't know if they found what they were looking for. There was far more to this story than has yet appeared. Barack was demanding the records be turned over to Fitzgerald so that recovery and return to the people could be assured. The basics of this story were verified by Mother and others.
Tomorrow, Friday 11/14, a Secret G7 Meeting will take place including Canada: the most important one thus far. Bush is not invited. Others are. We have some clues but no confirmations of what will happen there, so we'll just wait and see.
Saturday, 11/15 the G20 will meet. D.C. is already seeing blocked off streets, restricted routes and a huge influx of G7/G20 reps.
Mother Sekhmet, tonight, referred to the above and the scheduled reconvening of Congress on 11/17. Nancy Pelosi will open that session and it "is likely that a Special Person will be with her". That person may well, it is hinted, turn to Dennis Kucinich and say: "Regular Agenda is superceded by New Agenda". We believe the new agenda will call for Impeachment Vote and introduce 911. If Nancy Pelosi shows any signs of resisting a hand will go up and she will be told: NOT THIS TIME, STAND DOWN. Now, neither Ashtar or Mother will give an exact date but Ashtar said, on 11/9, that Bill Clinton and Barack Obama will stand beside Nancy Pelosi when she reconvenes Congress in the House of Representatives. It may well be that Bill Clinton speaks and may even Announce NESARA. But they won't say for certain if that will be on the 17th or after the House has taken it's actions and arrests have been completed.
From all that has been discussed you can see that Kuthumi was not kidding when he said that passing through this last 3 days has brought us into a new potential and a new era, in which we will be well advised to be mindful of our increasing abilities and responsibilities and accountabilities.We have placed our feet on the edge of the 5th dimension and things will begin to be experienced in expanded ways as we upshift more and more during the remaining days of this cycle. The next 45 days will see very many changes and they have commenced now.
Nesara Events Update Nov 14/08 (抜粋)