

重要な転換点だった11・11(クツミ11/11) 1

2008-11-13 09:39:23 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of focus, nurturing, understanding and divine wisdom. Greetings beloved ones.
And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.
Beloved ones this key date activation for the 11th of the 11th 2008 is a very important one. This is a time of the turning of the tide. You find yourself within a place where everything around you is in the state of constant change, it appears as if nothing is guaranteed other than change however, this perceived turmoil, chaos and fall is vital in order for all of you to move forward.
The reason why this key date is so important is because between the 11th and 13th of November the doorways and all the access points that the Dark Lord has used to gain entry to the world will be sealed, now the world I speak of is the world of the fluid energy, the fluid paradigm. The time of darkness is coming to a close and in this case you are ending the journey through the Dark Age, which we refer to as the age of ignorance. The Piscean Age was very much that, the time where everyone expected to be told what to do, how to do it and when to do it, now you are entering the Aquarian Age. This is the time of reclaiming your power and stepping into the knowingness of who you are and what your truth is. With these portals being sealed you are released into a new time-line; a new experience of what the Aquarian energy is all about.
Between the 11th and 13th it will feel as if a great part of you is disconnected, perhaps even you may sense or feel some kind of disruption within yourself. During those three days the process that will be activated by us to disable the access points will require stillness, and the three days of stillness is the time where you journey within into the place of yourself and you will be shown some of your own strengths and the wisdom that lies within you. Your mind will undergo a powerful release of the old paradigm and the shift that shall take place will literally lift you from one place and place you within a new one, therefore, we suggest that during these three days you spend time focusing on that which nurtures you, on that which brings about balance and support in your life.
Focus on the inner qualities that allow this to unfold. You will also find that unsupportive and ignorant belief systems will surface, however, they will not hang around for very long because of the presence of support you will be experiencing. On the 11th, 12th you will have within your midst the energies of myself, Lord Kuthumi. The entire Elohim will be focusing on this grand time of change, you will experience how the portals within yourself through which darkness accessed your greatest fears will close and you will find that the realisation of what fear is all about coming to the fore. It is vital that you truly understand the illusion that lies within, beneath, above, before, behind and to each side of fear. There is a big difference between natural survival instinct and fabricated fears.
11:11 Turning of the Tide Master Kuthumi
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