


2017-09-15 16:16:05 | GFLJメッセージ












偽旗(Fales Flag)は今に始まった訳ではないが、

昨今に偽旗(Fales Flag)はすぐに暴露される・・・。


























  1. 問題提起と混乱、
  2. リアクション
  3. 解決策

































3 Hour Relaxing Guitar Music: Meditation Music, Instrumental Music, Calming Music, Soft Music







2017-09-15 05:28:52 | GFLJメッセージ



ホテル・カリフォルニア (曲) - Wikipedia

  • 主人公のホテル滞在中に繰り返し聞こえ幻聴とも思われる
Welcome to the Hotel California
の言葉の本質は何を意味するのか? また、従業員または滞在客が言った
We are all just prisoners here, of our own device


さらに、大広間の祝宴に集まった滞在客らが鉄製のナイフで刺し付けるものの決して殺すことのできない「その獣(けもの)」(the beast )とは何のことを指すのか?(これは、歌詞のsteely knives(複数の鉄製ナイフ)がスティーリー・ダンを、the beastが 音楽業界を指し、スティーリー・ダンをもってしても商業主義の音楽業界に立ち向かえなかったと揶揄している節がある。アルバム「ホテル・カリフォルニア」 が発売される以前、スティーリー・ダンは自グループの曲中に(イーグルスの)うるさい曲をかけろと揶揄したことがあり、その当てつけに書き込んだとも)

I had to find the passage back to the place I was before

  • 歌詞の最後は、こんな環境に居続けると自分がダメになると気づいた主人公が、出口を求めてホテル館内を走り回っていた際に警備員にたしなめられ、
We are programmed to receive. You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave!
という印象的な言い切りの言葉で終わり、直後に続くフェルダーとウォルシュによるツイン・ギター・リフと そのフェイドアウト効果により、聴き手に深い余韻を与える構成となっている。

また、 checkout (チェックアウト)は、北米口語でしばしば「自殺する」の婉曲表現に用いられるため、この一節は「死ぬまで逃げられない」と掛け言葉になっていると解釈することもできる。

「1969年以来注文したワインを置いていない」1970年代に入ってから文化的な閉塞感は加速し、日本でも精神世界に逃げ口を求めようとする傾 向が強まっていく。1990年代に起こった波動ブームを代表する書籍が波動の法則であり、90年代は宇宙からのメッセージを受け入れる土壌が形成されて いった時期だとも言える。

Amazon.co.jp: 波動の法則―宇宙からのメッセージ: 足立 育朗: 本




Hotel California - Gabriella Quevedo




2017-09-14 13:51:21 | 地球解放




Atuko Kimisima

 コ ブラ情報更新:4月13日付 平和瞑想はクリティカルマスには達しなかったが、巨大な成功を収めた。この緊迫とした状況で瞑想を行うのに準備にわずか4日 間と平日という都合が悪く、カバール達がほとんど完全にこの瞑想についての知らせについてフェイスブックをブロックしたにもかかわらず。


そ の企てに対し、プレアデス人達は素早く数時間後に防ぎました。幾人かのキーとなるロシア人、中国人の軍部の人間と接触をとった事によってです。それはそれ 以外の理由でも可能になりました。何故なら地球上のエネルギーグリッドに対しての私達の瞑想によるエネルギー支援があった為でした。







フ ルディスクロージャーで敗北する事を恐れた闇の勢力達は、NASAが土星の衛星エンケラドゥスに地球外の生命体の可能性について急遽発表しました。これは 地球の歴史においてメインストリーム(マスメディア)が私達は(宇宙でたった一つの生命体でない)孤独では無い可能性を公式に初めて認めました

ド ラゴン筋はカバールの代表が今降伏について交渉している事を伝えてきましたが、レジスタンスはその結果については懐疑的です。北朝鮮での紛争がまだ解決し ておらず、するべき作業がまだ沢山あるのです。プレアデス人達は更にアクションをとり、レジズタンスは最大限の警戒をし続けるでしょう。


Victory of the Light!



平和瞑想 2017-4-11 / PEACE MEDITATION (Japanese)



台湾カンファレンス・ノート 17年3月






US & Russia ‘will work out fine’: Trump promises ‘lasting peace’




2017-09-14 12:10:53 | ディスクロージャー


トランプ革命の真実 on twitter




Shock Report: One Third Of US Government Satanic Pedophiles


Shock Report: One Third Of US Government Satanic Pedophiles

2017-09-14 12:03:06 | ディスクロージャー

hello folks David's Oobleck here with
the America talks radio program with
breaking news
now as many of you are well aware we
have been covering the pizza gate
pedophiles sex trafficking scandal
engulfing the federal government the
business community the entertainment
world the clergy for quite some time and
during the course of the time that we
have been covering this story we have
told you about the thousands of arrests
that have already been made many low and
mid level individuals have been arrested
and charged with crimes involved in this
pedophilia and child sex trafficking
scandal but many of you have been
writing to me asking why hasn't more
been done especially since I have made
it a point of reporting on the fact that
the Trump administration is doing
everything within its power to bring
these people to justice finally an
administration that is investigating
arresting and planning to prosecute to
the fullest extent of the law those
individuals who are responsible for
child sex trafficking and pedophilia
harming our innocent children why is it
more been done many of you continue to
ask me why aren't we reading more and
hearing more about what is happening to
bring these people to justice well now
we may have some answers and what I'm
about to tell you is one of the most
disturbing bits of news that I have come
across in a long time apparently this
scandal is completely out of control
if the individual whose yeomen reporting
on this pedophile ring is to be believed
the reason that the federal government
has not yet gotten ahold of all of the
people involved in this and brought them
to justice is because one third of the
federal government is made up of satanic
pedophiles one third of the federal
government are involved in a satanic
pedophile ring this from a very
prominent and a very credible reporter
by the name of Liz croakin according to
Koken a third of the government that's
an entire branch if you will because we
have the the executive branch the
legislative branch and the judicial but
members of all three branches but one
third of the federal government are
involved in ritualistic child abuse
pedophilia of child sex trafficking
murder mutilation and if croakin is to
be believed the harvesting of the organs
of these children and the eating of
their bodies in satanic ritualistic ways
folks this is incredible but it's
something that you need to be made aware
of because we're trying to do everything
in our power to bring these people to
justice but it may be out of control the
truth is about to be unsealed
columnist and commentator Liz croakin is
fully committed to the theory that there
is a massive global satanic pedophile
ring run by high-ranking government
officials powerful business executives
and celebrities which regularly engages
in the ritual sexual abuse and murder of
children she says that president Trump's
administration has been quietly working
to break up this global pedophile cult
but has kept its success under wraps
until it can properly prepare the
American public to accept the horrible
truth what is happening is so abhorrent
so horrible and so unbelievable
according to croakin that the Trump
administration is working to slowly
break the news to the public about how
massive and rampant of a problem this is
coke and said that the average person
simply cannot comprehend the fact that
one third of the government is part of a
satanic illuminati cult that sexually
abuses kills and eats children but
that's what these people do
she said the raping of children and the
drinking of blood is a ritual they do
that this is they religion that this is
how they believe they obtain power
that's very hard for people to believe
she said but we have learned from the
Podesta emails that is exactly what is
going on she said it's very hard for the
public to process so President Trump and
his people understand that they can't
just come out and say hey one third of
the government is raping children and
sacrificing them and drinking their
blood and they're Satanists you can't
just drop that bomb on people according
to Croghan people can't process
information like that they need it in
they need to be conditioned and prepared
so what we have going on behind the
according to croakin is that the Trump
administration is slowly trying to
condition the public and to prepare them
from what's about to go down here's
something else that's going on behind
the scenes with which a lot of people
don't understand is that the sex
trafficking is so F for it's so horrible
it's so unbelievable I believe that
there's orchestrated there's there's an
orchestrated effort with administration
to slowly break the news to the public
about how massive and rampant of a
problem of this is it's very hard for
most people to believe that someone
could break a child you know I thought
that most people to believe it so much
rape like a you know like a young teen
let alone a child a toddler or an
instant okay and it's even more hard for
people to believe that someone could
rape a child and then sacrifice that
child and then eat that child and drink
that child but unfortunately that's what
these people do their stayed in it like
the the raping of the children and the
drinking the blood this is a ritual
thank you this is the religion this is
how they believe they have seen power
this is their members of the cult
their members Illuminati them the
members of these creepy secret societies
in group or they all worship Satan or
Lucifer or Moloch whatever you want to
call it and that is very hard for people
to believe but we did learn from the
Podesta emails that that's exactly
what's going on
these people are stateless and they are
trafficking children and they are going
to spare cooking dinners where they
practice cannibalism gin drinking blood
and Lord knows what else that's very
hard for the public to process it's very
hard for I mean I call her this stuff
non-stop and hey I still can't process
that like normal human
with conscience 'as with with souls
can't process this information easily at
no president Trump and his people
understand that they can just come out
one day and be like oh hey one-third of
the government is raping children and
sacrificing them and drinking their
blood and their status like you just
can't drop that bomb on people it's
people they can't people can't process
that information like that they needed
in doses they need to be commissioned so
what we have going on behind the scenes
is that and I believe is my opinion
based off of my sources and my research
that the Trump administration is slowly
trying to condition the public and to
prepare them for what's about to go down
and what's about to go down is that
these people involved in the elite sex


2017-09-06 23:52:24 | ディスクロージャー

y al poco de aquel histórico alunizaje
amstrong aldrin volvieron a
sobresaltarse la frecuencia cardíaca se
disparó hasta  y  latidos por
las palabras de amstrong atropelladas
dejaron perplejos a los técnicos justo
al otro lado del cráter existente a
poco más de  metros de la vida
habían aparecido con astados de unos
seres objetos en forma de disco y
perfectamente alineados sobre el terreno
y junto a ellos varios otros nueve altos
con trajes blancos y ajustados
cuando los astronautas obedeciendo las
insistentes órdenes ni justo ni
trataron de filmar objetos y se
y llegó el momento culminante el
verdadero objetivo de apolo
la secretaría razón que impulsó a los
militares a conquistar la luna tras las
esta fue la verdad la única y secreta
verdad aquel  de julio de
amstrong aldrin se alejaron escasos
metros del módulo filmando esta
increíble construcción
esta película de  minutos jamás fue
difundida por la nasa y rojo fue uno de
los pocos norteamericanos que tuvo
acceso a ella
a escasos metros y del águila y no fue
casualidad todo estaban minuciosamente
programado estas misteriosas buenas como
otras igualmente firmadas por los
restantes apolos habían sido
fotografiadas con anterioridad por las
diferentes ondas automáticas
una de ellas la surveyor  lanzado el
de septiembre de  fue decisiva
alunizó en el mar de la tranquilidad
muy cerca de esta construcción enviando
 mil fotografías
edificios en ruinas de edificios en la
superficie de la luna edificios
aparentemente de una gran antigüedad
pero quién los había levantado
nosotros los humanos
obviamente no sólo quedaba una
esto era obra de una civilización no


and shortly after that historic moon landing
amstrong aldrin returned to
startling your heart rate if
fired up and barked
the words of amstrong run over
left the technical experts perplexed
on the other side of the existing crater
little more than meters of life
they had appeared with roars of some
beings in the form of disc and
perfectly aligned on the ground
and with them several other nine high
in white and tight suits
when astronauts obeying the
insistent orders neither fair nor
they tried to film objects and
He disappeared
and the culminating moment came the
true goal of apollo
the secretariat reason that prompted the
military to conquer the moon after
this was the only secret truth
true that of July
amstrong aldrin left scarce
meters of the module filming this
incredible construction
this minute movie was never
spread by the nasa and red was one of
the few Americans who had
access to it
a few meters and the eagle and was not
coincidence everything was meticulously
programmed these good mysterious as
others equally signed by the
remaining apolles had been
previously photographed by the
different automatic waves
one of them the surveyor launched the
of September was decisive
landed in the sea of tranquility
very close to this construction sending
a thousand photographs
ruined buildings in the
surface of the moon buildings
apparently of a great antiquity
but who had lifted them
we the humans
obviously there was not only one
this was the work of a civilization not






Tom DeLonge - 2017 - UFO Researcher of the Year Award

2017-08-30 21:30:11 | GFLJ速報

the  presidential campaign is
finally over
and so are the mysterious leaks of
emails posted by WikiLeaks of Hillary
Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta
@openmindtv we often cover the news of
Podesta's interest in the UFO topic an
interest that was reflected in his
leaked emails in surprising ways perhaps
one of the more shocking revelations
from the Podesta emails in his
involvement with rock star Tom DeLonge
who is seeking to expose a vast UFO
cover-up within the government belong
the former frontman for the band
blink- and currently for the band
Angels and Airwaves says he based his
recent fiction book secret machines book
one chasing shadows on information fed
to him by government insiders the book
is about the government's decade-long
project to back engineer alien
technology and hide it from the public
according to Rolling Stone DeLong claims
he was approved to say he used quote
sources within the aerospace industry
and the Department of Defense and NASA
who approved him to save as' and who are
his sources until the Podesta UFO
WikiLeaks we had no idea who these
people were if they were really within
the government or if they existed at all
it turns out along with having
conversations with insiders and some of
the names of the people he was talking
to are in the Podesta emails in fact
Podesta invited them to a meeting a
google hangouts invitation sent out on
january th for a meeting on january
th at  a.m. included Rob Weiss
executive vice president and general
manager for advanced development
programs skunk works at Lockheed Martin
aeronautics skunk works is the group
that built area  at the behest of the
CIA and for decades has worked on
developing top-secret advanced aircraft
Major General William and McAfee the
commander of the US Air Force's research
laboratory at wright-patterson Air Force
Base wright-patterson has a rich history
in UFO folklore as it was the home of
the Air Force's official UFO
investigations from  to
and the final attendee was retired US
Air Force Major General Michael Jerry
according to his Air Force bio Kerry was
the special assistant to the commander
Air Force Space Command Peterson Air
Force Base which is also the home of
NORAD Peterson is at the base of the
famous Cheyenne Mountain a
recommendation for the lungs book
written by Kerry can be seen on the
books web page on amazon.com this
appears to be extraordinary the long met
with the head of a research lab famous
for UFO research a man who worked for
the head of Air Force Space Command a
man who was in charge of the people who
run area  and the campaign manager of
the person who might have been the next
president of the United States as if
that is not exciting enough the long
seems to imply in other emails the
general McCaslin claims to have
recovered an alien body although
McCasland seemed to take a skeptical
viewpoint at the google hangouts meeting
the meeting took place on January th
 at  a.m. in an email from
DeLong to the desk assent that afternoon
DeLong rights of McCasland he's
mentioned he's a skeptic he's not I've
been working with him for four months I
just got done giving him a four-hour
presentation on the entire project a few
weeks ago trust me the advice has
already been happening on how to do all
of this he just has to say that out loud
but he is very very aware as he was in
charge of all of that stuff when Roswell
crashed they shipped it to the
laboratory at wright-patterson Air Force
Base General McCaslin was in charge of
that exact laboratory up to a couple
years ago he not only knows what I'm
trying to achieve
he helped assemble my advisory team he's
a very important man while it seems
McCaslin was reticent to share what he
had previously told the long this email
is not the extent of the long shocking
claims regarding a previously
unidentified general who de long claims
helped him assemble his team of insiders
on July th  DeLong posted a
statement on Facebook with a picture of
the gates at area  in it he describes
meeting an unnamed General in his s
who told him that during the Cold War we
found a life-form DeLong told the
general he needed help getting this
story out to young adults so the general
helped him assemble a team of advisors
just as he told Podesta
done the long writes quote I was given
ten advisors each with knowledge in
different areas that pertain to UFOs and
the very real national security issues
associated with them
this statement is similar to statements
he has made in interviews including on
the popular late-night paranormal radio
show coast to coast am it's not a leap
to see the longest suggesting the castle
of the guy who told him he found a life
either way it is apparent that the long
has had high-level meetings regarding
UFOs and he says he is in the process of
developing media projects that will
reveal what he has discovered the UFO
Congress and open minds productions
commend along for his efforts for his
groundbreaking work in the past year we
are happy to award Tom DeLonge the
open minds TV UFO researcher of the year
hello I'm Tom DeLonge and I want to say
thank you for acknowledging some of the
hard work I've been putting into some
subject matter that concerns us all and
that you're passionate about
just like I it's been a crazy whirlwind
of a year or two there's a lot that I
can't say on but there's some that I can
and I'm so appreciative that I've been
acknowledged for this stuff but I'm not
done I'm just like you guys I've spent
 years up all night reading about
Roswell Dulce serpo Churchill the
crashes here Nazis building crafts there
and Antarctica and what's on Mars and
what's on the back of the moon and
structures and anomalous dis and I mean
I've done it all I know it all I read
all the same authors as you guys
hundreds of books I look at all the same
sights I listen to all the
coast-to-coast stuff that you guys do
I'm the same on but I I kind of used
some of my notoriety to try and do
something pretty ambitious and it worked
I came out and told you guys about a
book I was writing called secret
machines and I said a bunch of stuff
that I was working with some people well
I think a lot of people doubted
and they thought it was crazy that this
musician would have this kind of access
and then the WikiLeaks thing happened
and I think you guys saw that I'm into
some serious shit and uh men making
really good progress I can't tell you
what I'm about to announce if you look
at my social media at least on my
Instagram you'll see that I said there's
going to be announcement an announcement
in like within the next  ish days I
want you all to know in the UFO
community that you know whoever's past
passionate about this kind of
paradigm-shifting subject matter I need
you all to look really really closely at
that announcement and I need you to be a
part of it because what that
announcement is about is so much more
than it will look like on the surface
and I need you guys to come along for
the ride you have to be a part of it and
you'll see what that means when the
announcement comes out but I want you as
an educated group of people to read
between the lines and look at the
history of what I've been doing over the
past couple years and get a sense for
what the hell I'm getting ready to do if
you guys come along for the ride um it's
going to be a pretty fantastic I'll
leave you with one thing my job has only
just begun
on the subject matter and there's some
big shit planned and I'm excited about
it just remember that whatever happens
in the civilian world it's game on okay
remember that thank you and have a good


2017-08-29 03:51:56 | 真地球史


Lemuria was an ancient civilization which existed prior to and during the time of Atlantis. Physically, it is believed that Lemuria existed largely in the Southern Pacific, between North America and Asia/Australia. Lemuria is also sometimes referred to as Mu, or the Motherland (of Mu). At its peak of civilization, the Lemurian people were both highly evolved and very spiritual. While concrete physical evidence of this ancient continent may be difficult to find, many people "know" that they have a strong connection to Lemuria.

Lemuria (pronounced /lɨˈmjʊəriə/)[1] is the name of a hypothetical "lost land" variously located in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The concept's 19th century origins lie in attempts to account for discontinuities in biogeography; however, the concept of Lemuria has been rendered obsolete by modern theories of plate tectonics. Although sunken continents do exist — like Zealandia in the Pacific and the Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian Ocean — there is no known geological formation under the Indian or Pacific Oceans that corresponds to the hypothetical Lemuria.

Though Lemuria is no longer considered a valid scientific hypothesis, it has been adopted by writers involved in the occult, as well as some Tamil writers of India. Accounts of Lemuria differ, but all share a common belief that a continent existed in ancient times and sank beneath the ocean as a result of a geological, often cataclysmic, change. There is no scientific evidence to support these claims.

In 1864 the zoologist and biogeographer Philip Sclater wrote an article on "The Mammals of Madagascar" in The Quarterly Journal of Science. Using a classification he referred to as lemurs but which included related primate groups,[2] and puzzled by the presence of their fossils in both Madagascar and India but not in Africa or the Middle East, Sclater proposed that Madagascar and India had once been part of a larger continent. He wrote:

The anomalies of the Mammal fauna of Madagascar can best be explained by supposing that... a large continent occupied parts of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans... that this continent was broken up into islands, of which some have become amalgamated with... Africa, some... with what is now Asia; and that in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands we have existing relics of this great continent, for which... I should propose the name Lemuria![2]

Sclater's theory was hardly unusual for his time. Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, also looking at the relationship between animals in India and Madagascar, had suggested a southern continent about two decades before Sclater, but did not give it a name.[3] The acceptance of Darwinism led scientists to seek to trace the diffusion of species from their points of evolutionary origin. Prior to the acceptance of continental drift, biologists frequently postulated submerged land masses in order to account for populations of land-based species now separated by barriers of water. Similarly, geologists tried to account for striking resemblances of rock formations on different continents. The first systematic attempt was made by Melchior Neumayr in his book Erdgeschichte in 1887. Many hypothetical submerged land bridges and continents were proposed during the 19th century, in order to account for the present distribution of species.

After gaining some acceptance within the scientific community, the concept of Lemuria began to appear in the works of other scholars. Ernst Haeckel, a German Darwinian taxonomist, proposed Lemuria as an explanation for the absence of "missing link" fossil records. According to another source, Haeckel put forward this thesis prior to Sclater (but without using the name 'Lemuria').[4] Locating the origins of the human species on this lost continent, he claimed the fossil record could not be found because it had sunk beneath the sea.

Other scientists hypothesized that Lemuria had extended across parts of the Pacific oceans, seeking to explain distributions of species across Asia and the Americas.

[edit] Superseded
The Lemuria theory disappeared completely from conventional scientific consideration after the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift were accepted by the larger scientific community. According to the theory of plate tectonics (now the only accepted paradigm in geology), Madagascar and India were indeed once part of the same landmass (thus accounting for geological resemblances), but plate movement caused India to break away millions of years ago, and move to its present location. The original landmass broke apart - it did not sink beneath sea level.

In 1999, drilling by the JOIDES Resolution research vessel in the Indian Ocean discovered evidence [5] that a large island, the Kerguelen Plateau, was submerged about 20 million years ago by rising sea levels. Samples showed pollen and fragments of wood in a 90 million-year-old sediment. Although this discovery might encourage scholars to expect similarities in dinosaur fossil evidence, and may contribute to understanding the breakup of the Indian and Australian land masses, it does not support the concept of Lemuria as a land bridge for mammals.

If this continent were to exist, Australia would have to be sideways while attached to half of Antarctica and Madagascar. Sir Lanka would also be attached to Australia while India would need to have drifted more from its current position it is in today. For Australia to be in its current position it is in today, the polar shift theory of a northern boundary in the east would have to be incorporated. There would be a river in between the two continents and it would extend eastward to a larger, now submerged portion of the continent known as Mu.

[edit] Blavatsky, Elliot, and Bramwell

Map of Lemuria superimposed over the modern continents from Scott-Elliott's The Story of Atlantis and Lost Lemuria.Lemuria entered the lexicon of the Occult through the works of Helena Blavatsky, who claimed in the 1880s to have been shown an ancient, pre-Atlantean Book of Dzyan by the Mahatmas. According to L. Sprague de Camp, Blavatsky's concept of Lemuria was influenced by other contemporaneous writers on the theme of Lost Continents, notably Ignatius L. Donnelly, American cult leader Thomas Lake Harris and the French writer Louis Jacolliot.[6]

Within Blavatsky's complex cosmology, which includes seven "Root Races", Lemuria was occupied by the "Third Root Race", described as about 7 feet (2.1 m) tall, sexually hermaphroditic, egg-laying, mentally undeveloped and spiritually more pure than the following "Root Races". Before the coming of the Lemurians, the second "Root Race" is said to have dwelled in Hyperborea. After the subsequent creation of mammals, Mme Blavatsky revealed to her readers, some Lemurians turned to bestiality. The gods, aghast at the behavior of these "mindless" men, sank Lemuria into the ocean and created a "Fourth Root Race"—endowed with intellect—on Atlantis.[citation needed]

One of the most elaborate accounts of lost continents was given by the later theosophical author William Scott-Elliot. The English theosophist received his knowledge from Charles Webster Leadbeater, who communicated with the Theosophical Masters by "astral clairvoyance." In 1896 he published The Story of Atlantis, followed in 1904 by The Lost Lemuria, in which he included a map of the continent of Lemuria as stretching from the east coast of Africa across the Indian and the Pacific Oceans.[7]

James Bramwell described Lemuria in his book, Lost Atlantis, as “a continent that occupied a large part of what is now the South Pacific Ocean.”[8] Bramwell described the people of Lemuria in detail and attributed them with being one of the “root-races of humanity.” According to Bramwell, Lemurians are the ancestors of the Atlanteans, who survived the period “of the general racial decadence which affected the Lemurians in the last stages of their evolution.” From “a select division of” the Atlanteans - after their promotion to decadence - Bramwell claims the Aryan race arose. “Lemurians, Atlanteans, and Aryans are root-races of humanity,” according to Bramwell.[9]

[edit] Lemuria and Mount Shasta
In 1894, Frederick Spencer Oliver published A Dweller on Two Planets, which claimed that survivors from a sunken continent called Lemuria were living in or on Mount Shasta in northern California. Oliver claimed the Lemurians lived in a complex of tunnels beneath the mountain and occasionally were seen walking the surface dressed in white robes.

This belief has been repeated by such individuals as the cultist Guy Warren Ballard in the 1930s who formed the I AM Foundation. It is also repeated by followers of the Ascended Masters and the Great White Brotherhood. This list includes such organizations as Bridge to Freedom, The Summit Lighthouse, Church Universal and Triumphant, and The Hearts Center. Nowadays this thesis is also described by Kryon.[citation needed]

[edit] Kumari Kandam and Lemuria

"Lemuria" in Tamil nationalist mysticist literature, connecting Madagascar, South India and Australia (covering most of the Indian Ocean).Kumari Kandam is a legendary sunken kingdom sometimes compared with Lemuria (cf. works of G. Devaneyan, Tamil: ஞானமுத்தன் தேவநேயன்). In Tamil tradition, Kumari Kandam is referred to as the Land of Purity, a sophisticated kingdom of higher learning, located south of Kanyakumari or Cape Comorin. During a violent geologic catastrophe the entire island was submerged under the water. The survivors migrated to the present Indian subcontinent and supposedly sparked the Indus Valley Civilization. This mass of land is often compared to the island of Lemuria.[10]

According to these modernist interpretations of motifs in classical Tamil literature — the epics Cilappatikaram and Manimekalai that describe the submerged city of Puhar[11]— the Dravidians originally came from land south of the present day coast of South India that became submerged by successive floods. There are various claims from Tamil authors that there was a large land mass connecting Madagascar and Australia from the Southwest and Southeast respectively to the present-day Kanyakumari District coast.

Another piece of literature in Ayyavazhi mythology, specifically Akilathirattu Ammanai speaks of a sunken land about 152 miles south of present day Kanyakumari. It goes on to describe the civilization with exactly 16008 streets

Lemuria was an ancient civilization which existed prior to run during the
time of Atlantis physically
it is believed that Lemuria existed largely in the Southern Pacific between
north america and asia / Australia Lemuria is also sometimes referred to as
move or the motherland of new at its peak of civilization
the lemon people were both highly evolved and very spiritual
while concrete physical evidence of this ancient continent may be difficult to
find many people know that they have a strong connection to Lemuria
approximately , years ago the culture known as Lemuria was thriving
there were also other cultures on earth such as Atlantis which were thriving as
the holy people or the prophets of the Lemurian culture began to be aware that
something was going to be changing
they began receiving information but the earth was going to go through a very
dramatic shift the shift that they were referring to was what you call the Great
you've also called it the destruction of Atlantis these holy people of Lemuria
were very much in touch with the land they were the ancient ancestors of the
native americans they began to be aware that it was very important that the
knowledge from Lemuria be preserved
and so for about two thousand to three thousand years they were preparing for
this great Cataclysm they began spreading their teachings about the
earth and about mankind's history to as many people as they possibly could
they believed that if they could spread this information to as many people as
the information would be stored within the cells of the human partners then it
will never be forgotten
also began to store information in crystals these crystals were taken deep
within the earth to be stored and preserved
these ancient Sumerians also began to create detailed maps that the
underground tunnels that existed between power points on your planet
they also took the time to prepare their plans
they knew that they would receive a sign telling them it was time to go into the
ground before the flood came
so they prepared themselves for these several thousand years to be the sacred
keepers of the records of the earth
they know it was very important that the information they held to be saved for
when the waters receding otherwise the entire history of her and the sacred
teachings of the lamians would have been lost forever
these holy people received the signs
began going on the graph this bird approximately one year before the while
underground they learned to live then use the underground environment for
their assistance they built very supportive and loving communities and
the ground during that year they did the final work involved in preserving some
of the knowledge but then you needed to be preserved
then the flood came all these people who weren't the ground were safe from the
waters even though many many people on the surface of the earth perished when
the waters receded the people emerged from the underground the land they once
knew was now very different
this emergence from the earth is the point at which the Native Americans
creation history begins in a very literal sense they did emerge from the
most of the native peoples have lost the exact literal memory of this emergence
but within the highest ranks of the shins
this knowledge is still passed on now we tell this story from the point of view
of the Native Americans but they were not the only people who went underground
the holy people all around this planet went underground
for instance the Aborigines in Australia and those who were later to become the
Druids in England were all preserving their knowledge underground as well
the Druids were preserving the ancient Atlantean information as worthy
Egyptians but the native peoples of the Pacific area including Asia were
preserving the Lemuria information
these native peoples even today
hold within themselves this sacred knowledge
some of it is conscious but most of it lies in the subconscious
the aim of Japan out one of the tribes that preserve some of the knowledge
there was a great cooperation among all of these peoples on earth to make sure
that the sacred teachings were never lost
the ancient knowledge is rising to consciousness the prophets also knew
that when the new time came after the flood mankind would move away from the
sacred teachings of the prophets knew that there would be a very long period
of time during which the teachings would have to be kept hidden
they knew that one day that cycle would end and the teachings would once again
emerged from each and every person that is what is happening now for all of you
you are drawn to visit places like the Native American sacred parts or Peru or
reach it because you are feeling this ancient knowledge beginning to rise to
the surface within you and you seek to find a vehicle through which that memory
can be activated as the memory is activated in each of you
it will not necessarily take the form of information instead it will simply take
the form of your own spiritual and inner wisdom of the Ancients never had
religion never felt the need to make someone else believe the way they did
that battle happened only after the front of the Ancients all had an inner
wisdom and aninha spirituality but was never discussed or argued about even
though everyone is unique and has his or her own spiritual beliefs ultimately
those beliefs all are the same ideal next releases the belief in a higher
power love and respect for each other and love and respect for the
that is the very basic foundation of spirituality that was the spirituality
of the Ancients and that is the spirituality that is awakening within
it doesn't matter whether you are Buddhist Shinto or Christian
all that matters is that basic foundation of spirituality belief in a
higher power love and respect for each other and love and respect for the it is
really good simple as you travel for these hallowed sparks you get back in
touch with the that's our spirituality gets awakened within you
do not underestimate the power of the experiences you have while you are on
this trail
they wake up
something that was lying asleep for quite a long time
reincarnation alee you are those ancient lemorians you are fulfilling your
agreements by being here now and helping in the awakening you all carry those
memories within you honor that and trust that you do have them within you the
question that has been asked to us so many times is what's going to happen now
is there going to be another Cataclysm like the club
how is this new awareness going to be activated on earth you are all working
very hard on an energetic level so that you will not bring about another
we do not perceive that you are going to experience another flood or destructive
earthquake this time the change is going to happen within you you are going to
experience in a sense your own personal internal earthquake your own crumbling
of belief systems that no longer serve you
so in a sense there is going to be destruction and the ending of our cycle
but it's not going to take place around you in the physical world
it's going to take place in an even more powerful place within you
so do not fear if all things you can t begin falling away
do not fear if all relationships and no longer be the same
most of all do not fear exploring the unknown for the deeper you go within the
more profound to you are going to experience this know that all that
happens to you
even the things that may be disturbing is part of your own personal release of
the old as you are releasing the old you will be exposed the new ideas they may
feel strange or foreign to you but just keep yourself open and allow whatever is
there to come to you before you assume that it is not for you stay open and
during this tour the ancient energies that you are exposed to are going to
accelerate this process even more for it is time now for the awakening to happen
you have all chosen to be the pioneers who help to led to the planet in this
there is a very powerful site in santa fe called a mandala to describe what the
energy is like there is very difficult
so please bear with us angela is one of the places on earth that integrates the
star energy and the ancient earth energy
so when
visit there you may feel strong that energy but at the same time you may feel
the presence of the earth mother very strongly to it is very important left on
each planet very sacred spot swept integrate both the star in the planet
vandal is one such place there are many for instance in Japan you have monkey
drama so as you are walking through and you feel your feet planted firmly on the
ground at the same time
feel your star connection one of the themes of your time in sedona has been
grounding you allowed yourself to take a very difficult type
you succeeded because you allowed the earth to support you
you became one with the earth from the earth you through strength and it is the
strength of is now going to help you as you go to the second part of the top the
energy of Santa Fe is going to be different but it is very closely
connected to what you experience this morning when the Tories over you will
see how they fit together
the Native Americans do something called the rain dance today much of the
significance of that certainly has been lost today
the belief is that the dance makes it rain
however in the ancient days the rain dance was very much like what you
experience with proud
Native Americans with to train dogs because they
I wanted it to but because they could sense the energy of the environment they
come on
celebrate the way there is a subtle difference
we hope we have explained it you experience the feeling of being one with
the earth
it was very important to bring up that ancient knowledge
what is the significance of the snake people
the snake people are very very ancient they existed approximately  to
years ago they were descendants of the lemorians in particular
descendants of the original record keepers of Lemuria the snake in terms of
symbology has always been used on earth to mean
wisdom so you find many cultures around Earth in which the snake as a symbol
plays a very important role now today you were taken to a place called
Montezuma's well the myth is that that was one of the emergence points of the
ancient Sumerian / Native American sedona is one of the places that was
first inhabited by the people who were keeping the records after they emerged
their civilization lived mostly high in the cliffs at that time said owner was a
Jane violence
so they had to live on higher ground
this original group that came from beneath the earth lived here
of course there are created so there were many generations here
the snake people are descendants of those original ones from beneath the
now you all seen the large amount of quartz crystal that is in the red rock
and you all know that quartz crystal can hold information and knowledge said
owner was chosen as an emergence point because of all the quartz crystal in the
it would be very easy to use all the quartz crystal in the rock to hold the
knowledge of Lemuria
so the snake people living in this area were committed to programming that
knowledge into the rocks
this is why so many people are now drawn to sedona anyone who has a lemorian
connection will naturally be drawn here all of you at one time or another belong
to the snake people tribe
are there any ruins of memory and temples in the set own area there are
some physical remains of those temples but they are so eroded now that you
really couldn't recognize them as remains of the temple
however energetically those temples still exists
they can only the access on the inner planes through your dream state or
through your meditations
but they are still very active
that's another reason why people feel so drawn to come to sedona they have
traveled here in other states of consciousness so even though their
physical bodies haven't been here
they feel familiar with it there are many mauryan temples here in two
is there any connection between those who survive the Great Flood and
what a wonderful and creative question no one has ever asked this before and it
is one of the particular areas of interest for us we assume that a good
number of you have read the prism of Lara
but we will attend to keep it very simple in case you have the people who
went underground during the flood quickly associated with what we call the
sirens or the side Ian energy
they're simple was the snake they were the keepers of knowledge to life as to
whether there were people who survived the flood on the surface the arms is yes
you have a bit of story about a man named know
bubble building off that story is very true with one exception
there was not just one know about many people around the planet food bill talks
or votes to survive the from so when the flood finally receiving there were those
who have gone underground in there were those who had stayed above ground and
yet there was contact on those of state of our ground there were two factions
there was one faction that we would say was oriented toward the energy from
series those people had a lot of men time
desire for peace and knowledge but there was another faction that was more
aligned with what we would call the Lyran influence they were the ones who
wanted power
some of those people were the ones in powerful positions in Atlantis now we're
talking about those who stayed above ground for the most part those who went
underground were all of one orientation Native Americans have remained separate
to preserve the knowledge
all through history you have happen flick between the knowledge papers and
those hungry for power that still happens today
so as soon as the floods receded the conflict started again
that is why the people who are now considered Native American did not
integrate themselves with the rest of the world
they kept themselves separate in order to assure that the knowledge would be
they allowed the power struggle to continue while they simply SAT back and
tried to preserve the knowledge you can see that is happening now that the cycle
is finishing because so many of you now are beginning to realize how important
that spiritual knowledge is as more and more of you beginners spiritual search
those in power will have to change their ways because they won't be able to
manipulate people anymore
so your individual search for your own spiritual truth eventually effects the
entire planet
this time on your planet that you are calling a new age is the completion of
many thousands of years of conflict we perceive that the conflict will be
how long did people live underground how long were their lives when the flood
receded about half of those who weren't ground emerged have stayed in the ground
because they were not quite sure it was safe to emerge
those who emerged saw that conflict was already beginning on the surface once
again so they retreated and kept to themselves they refuse
become part of that conflict that's why today there is such a division between
Western society and the native peoples the Native Americans do not want to play
the game of conflict the people who stayed in the ground remained there for
several more generations at one point half of the half emerged but there was
still a group will remain underground they are still there
they are the people you call the in earth people they have evolved quite
rapidly over the past several thousand years they have built their own society
totally independent of yours and in a sense they have mutated to allow
themselves to adapt to life below the surface they do not want to play the
game of conflict either their life vests are quite long of life's and averaging
approximately  to  years they do not drop created the rate you do so
there is no population frogmen in terms of the longevity of people during the
period of the flood their lifespan was longer than yours
it really depended upon the genetic characteristics of the individual if a
person had a genetic makeup
based on a strong extraterrestrial back ground
he had a longer lifespan this information is spoken about very clearly
in the Bible
it is given that the ages of certain biblical figures are well over  years
like Moses some are given quite long lifetimes
those records are out there over time as you all have evolved away from being a
part of the earth
your life stands have gotten shorter
this is because when you are one with the earth you channel the life force of
the earth and it rejuvenates you but when you cut yourself off from your life
force you deteriorate faster
this is why Native Americans have such long lifespans and yo jist who live up
in the Himalayas do too
they have as much as they could get their connections with earth your
lifespan will grow longer the more you reconnect with the earth as your
consciousness changes your life and will grow

Razas Raíz - Primera Parte 2008

2017-08-28 22:28:10 | GFLJ速報


Razas Raíz - Primera Parte 2008

We start with a panoramic
Of the origin of man
the region
tells us
We are product
the creation
And esoterism
We are product
Of incarnation t spiritual intimacies
That had as mission
That sacrifice
They are really both
The future bodies of the monkeys
Were evolving
According to the new needs
These beings
Are known in chronological order
Hyper rolls
Lemuria us
And Atlanteans
Pure light or years is basically a race
The hyper bolides
They were nonhuman beings
They did not have the five fully developed senses
The rose following muriana r of dark skin
They communicated telepathically
the sense of sight
He began to develop until the sixth his race
Le muriana
Known as Samo
Since approximately
Three and a half million years
The Atlanteans
In the beginning they used the mouth
Just to eat
Not to speak
They had to develop the language
The sense of smell
Was one of the crops to develop
With sophomores jackson
The first his race
At the time clan tve
About half a million years ago
The star king
Is the sole cause of all genetic mutations on earth
Following the cyclical process of hulu are divine
Established by this planet
That was known by the Mayas
That the Brahmins
That's how they came
The different
Roots roses
In Atlantean time
It was natural that astral abilities
They were diminishing
According to physical abilities
Were getting better
In the present with his mother who is the fifth country
Fifth auction in accordance with this
A balance has been achieved between the physical and the spiritual
But the race continued cultivating
They existed
Without a doubt
other humanities
With technological achievements that we neither dream
And which also came to an end
Knowing your destination
Left their legacy in the only thing that can be sustained
For millions of years
the stones
The Mexican researcher Mr. Rodolfo Benavides immortalized this fact with the
Next sentence
When the stones speak
The men tremble
The fourth pink root
Like the others
Is subdivided into sep ara
The third its race corresponds the Toltecs
It was very tall people
And proof of it
Just up the steps
Of the pyramids of teotihuacán
Which are its authorship
So you will already imagine how old these pyramids are
Perhaps all his ancestors died
I do not think so
There are always predictions of catastrophes and certainly many of
They emigrated to other planets
As the star decided or on the beaches
The lobon a group of African savages already knew before
That our astronomers
What room was a double star
Knew until the cycle of rotation of each star in years
Where does such accurate knowledge come from
Of our ancestors
Or the extraterrestrials
What is the destiny of the human race
Already the balance between the matter and the spirit was achieved
The laws of karma act
Since we incarnate
What is next now
The man evolves
To a mental plane
The Mayan calendar prophesies a great change
It will be this promotion of consciousness
The advertised
Returning with our ancestors
The lemurs were very tall people
As shown by the rocks of ica waves of acambaro
in Mexico
The Atlanteans had to live the physical transition
Of a different race
Also cube a time in which there were very tiny people
There is physical evidence scattered around the world
Of the giants
This was in Atlantean times
We must keep in mind that here we are talking about
Hundreds of thousands of years
And in other cases
Some millions
Among so many catastrophes
Which will be cyclically every thousand years
this is
Half a great year
Of a thousand years
He was concerned about keeping
Sacred teachings
I kept checking them
the tradition
This is the name
The seven groups in charge
Of preserving the flame of the wisdom of the earth
Before time immemorial
Of the Aztec calendar
He talks to us
Of the four human races
And that we are currently living in the fifth sun
Or the fifth race
Interesting indeed
And if we dig from the two cultures all without exception mention the same
We speak of four human races of four colors
One for the carriage of interests of many
But returning to catastrophes
Those humanities
Recorded more
Such as the fall of a
Of two moons he had on earth before
It is also said that dinosaurs
Were extinguished as a result of a meteorite
I disagree with that
The dinosaurs do not
All died
By the meteorite
the survivors
we have taken
Just as man has evolved physically
Although with evolution its astral powers were diminished
Like the third telepathy robbery
Many of the two hostages found in balance
Belong to the era of mur
And Atlante
You will ask yourselves
And the aliens where they stayed
Maki tanos
I do not think aliens there have intervened directly
With the development of weapons
It is safe
What some of the survivors to previous cataclysms
They returned and helped Carlos Uribe before humanity
That were left in the barbarism poor's so many cataclysms
Pignato orally
Always following diction established by the manu for each race
His family prose with his group prose
The memory of this help
Remains in folklore
With these characters
What in one in dress days ago was concluded
Khedira cars
And quetzalcoatl
They are
the same person
The Atlanteans
Manipulated genetic engineering
And created the atrocities
As are some of the species of monkeys
Mainly associated with our offspring
The most similar monkeys of man
Were a genetic design
Seeking cheap and obedient labor
That resulted
In a failure
Is the true origin of some
Species of monkeys
Concerning the first humanity
I do not have the livelihood of Ecuador as mentioned above
But apparently according to an interpretation
Of the pears of ica
This humanity did not know
Physical diversity in people
Previously all
Were the same
Now we are accustomed to that no two people are alike
but this
Centuries after the separation of the sexes
Diversity current genetic quality
Originated again by the star king
Many millions of years

iniciamos con una panorámica
del origen del hombre
la región
nos dice
que somos producto
la creación
y el esoterismo
que somos producto
de la encarnación t intimidades espirituales
que tenían como misión
ese sacrificio
en realidad son las dos cosas
los futuros cuerpos receptores de las monas
estaban evolucionando
conforme a las nuevas necesidades
estos seres
se les conoce en orden cronológico
hiper bollos
lemuria nos
y atlantes
luz pura ni anos es una raza básicamente
los híper bólidos
eran seres no humanos
no contaban con los cinco sentidos completamente desarrollados
la rosa a raíz de muriana r de piel oscura
se comunicaban telepáticamente
el sentido de la vista
se empezó a desarrollar hasta la sexta su raza
le muriana
conocida como como samo
hace aproximadamente
tres y medio millones de años
los atlantes
en su inicio empleaban la boca
sólo para comer
no para hablar
a ellos les tocó desarrollar el lenguaje
el sentido del olfato
fue uno de los cultivos en desarrollarse
con los sophomores jackson
la primera su raza
en la época clan tve
hace aproximadamente  y medio millones de años
el astro rey
es el único causante de todas las mutaciones genéticas en la tierra
siguiendo el proceso cíclico de hulu son divina
establecido por este planeta
que era conocido por los mayas
al igual
que los brahmanes
así fue como han surgido
las diferentes
rosas raíces
en época atlante
era natural que las capacidades astrales
se fueron disminuyendo
conforme las capacidades físicas
se iban mejorando
en la actual con su mamá que es la quinta plaza país
quinta subasta conforme a esta
se ha logrado un equilibrio entre lo físico y lo espiritual
pero la carrera cultivó continua
sin lugar a dudas
otras humanidades
con logros tecnológicos que nosotros ni soñamos
y que también llegaron a su fin
conocedores de su destino
dejaron su legado en lo único que puede sostenerse
por millones de años
las piedras
el investigador mexicano señor rodolfo benavides inmortalizó este hecho con la
siguiente frase
cuando las piedras hablan
los hombres tiemblan
la cuarta rosa raíz
al igual que los demás
se subdivide en  sep rasas
la tercera su raza corresponde los toltecas
era gente muy alta
y prueba de ello
solá altura de los escalones
de las pirámides de teotihuacán
que son de su autoría
así que ya se imaginarán que tan antiguas son esas pirámides
acaso todos sus ancestros murieron
yo pienso que no
siempre existen predicciones de las catástrofes y seguramente muchos de
ellos emigraron a otros planetas
como la estrella decidió o en las playas
los lobón un grupo de salvajes africanos ya sabían antes
que nuestros astrónomos
qué sitio era una estrella doble
conocían hasta el ciclo de rotación de cada estrella en años
de dónde proviene ese conocimiento tan exacto
de nuestros ancestros
o de los extraterrestres
cuál es el destino de la raza humana
ya se logró el equilibrio entre la materia y el espíritu
las leyes del karma actúan
desde que nos encarnamos
qué es lo que sigue ahora
el hombre evoluciona
a un plano mental
más elevado
el  de diciembre del
el calendario maya profetiza un gran cambio
será éste ascenso de conciencia
el anunciado
regresando con nuestros ancestros
los lémures era gente muy alta
como lo muestran las piedras de ica olas de acámbaro
en méxico
a los atlantes les tocó vivir la transición física
de una raza otra
también cubo una época en la que existió gente muy pequeñita
existen evidencias físicas regados por todo el mundo
al igual
de los gigantes
esto fue en tiempos atlantes
debemos de tener presente que aquí se está hablando
de cientos de miles de años
y en otros casos
algunos millones
entre tantas catástrofes
que serán cíclicamente cada  mil  años
esto es
la mitad de un gran año
de  mil  años
se preocupó por conservar
las enseñanzas sagradas
al igual
quedé registrarlas
la tradición
este es el nombre
que residen
los siete grupos encargados
de preservar la flama de la sabiduría de la tierra
antes de tiempo inmemorables
el simbolismo
del calendario azteca
nos habla
de las cuatro razas humanas
y que actualmente estamos viviendo en el quinto sol
o sea la quinta raza
interesante verdad
y si escarbamos de los dos culturas todas sin excepción mencionar lo mismo
se habla de cuatro razas humanas de cuatro colores
uno por la carroza de intereses de muchos
pero regresando a las catástrofes
aquellas humanidades
registraron otras más
como son la caída de una
de dos lunas que tenía en la tierra antes
también se dice que los dinosaurios
se extinguieron a consecuencia de un meteorito
yo no estoy de acuerdo con eso
los dinosaurios no
perecieron todos
por el meteorito
los sobrevivientes
hemos tomado
igual que el hombre ha evolucionado físicamente
aunque con evolución sus poderes astrales se vieron disminuidos
al igual que el tercer robo telepatía
muchos de los dos rehenes encontrados en equilibrio
pertenecen a la época le mur
y atlante
ustedes se preguntarán
y los extraterrestres en donde se quedaron
los tanos maki
yo no creo que extraterrestres allí han intervenido directamente
con el desarrollo de las armas
es seguro
qué algunos de los sobrevivientes a los cataclismos anteriores
regresaron y ayudaron a carlos uribe antes de la humanidad
que quedaron en la barbarie poor's tantos cataclismos
pignato oralmente
siempre siguiendo de dicción establecidas por el manu para cada raza
su prosa de familia con su prosa del grupo
el recuerdo de esta ayuda
se mantiene en el folclor
con estos personajes
qué en una en vestir hace  días se concluyó
khedira coches
y quetzalcóatl
la misma persona
los atlantes
manipularon la ingeniería genética
y crearon la atrocidades
como son algunas de las especies de monos
principalmente asociadas a nuestra descendencia
los monos más parecidos del hombre
fueron un diseño genético
atlante en busca de mano de obra barata y obediente
que resultó
en un fracaso
es el origen verdadero de algunas
especies de monos
referente a la primera humanidad
no tengo el sustento de ecuador como la mencionada
pero al parecer según une interpretación
de las peras de ica
esta humanidad no conocía
la diversidad física en las personas
anteriormente todos
eran iguales
ahora nosotros estamos acostumbrados a que no hay dos personas iguales
pero esto
siglos después de la separación de los sexos
la diversidad cualidad genética actual
originada nuevamente por el astro rey
muchos millones de años

This is Mars 2017 : Ancient City Ruins Discovered On The Surface Of Mars

2017-08-27 11:38:57 | GFLJ速報

Mars has given us so much to think about
in the last couple of years that it's
hard to put it all together from a
barren and desolate planet Mars has
proven us that it's more interesting
than we'd ever thought before Mars is
approximately half the diameter of Earth
with a surface area only slightly less
than the total area of Earth's dry land
Mars is less dense than Earth having
about  percent of Earth's volume and
 percent of Earth's mass resulting in
about  percent of Earth's surface
gravity but Mars is extremely similar to
earth in many ways experts have proven
that the red planet was one strikingly
similar to earth having an atmosphere
lakes rivers and oceans covering his
surface not long ago NASA revealed that
Mars could have supported life as we
know it but everything changed when the
Red Planet lost its atmosphere according
to scientists the slow destruction of
our neighbours planet's atmosphere was
taught by huge rope like tendrils of
magnetic locations the Red Planet's once
hospitable atmosphere was blown away in
the distant past this means that when
Mars was much younger
it was much warmer and wetter meaning
that it was a very good candidate for
life to develop
scientists believe that Mars oceans
evaporated due to the planet spinning
atmosphere which caused it to leak into
space although Mars has no evidence of a
structured global magnetic field
observations show that parts of the
planet's crust have been magnetized
suggesting that alternating polarity
reversals of its dipole fields have
occurred in the past however there are
more things on Mars that have caused
confusion among experts NASA's Rovers
exploring Mars have noticed spikes in
methane readings on the surface of the
red planet on earth
% of all methane in the atmosphere is
produced by living organisms curiosity
captured traces of methane on the Red
Planet and scientists believe this could
point to the presence of life on the Red
Planet at this precise moment
although there are other possible
explanations but while Mars may not have
life now on its surface
many scientists argue that in the
distant past the red planet may have
supported life and not only primitive
life but advanced complex life forms
that may even have built structures on
its surface one such scientist is dr.
John a plasma physicist who got his
degree from UC Davis and who has
seemingly had a distinguished career as
a scientist argues that Martian life was
purposefully destroyed with news and a
scientific paper dr. Brandon Burke
argues that Mars shows based on new data
evidence that during this period of
earth-like climate biological evolution
produced at length a humanoid
civilization leaving ruins at several
sites Cydonia Mensa and galaxy is chaos
being to sites most intensively
investigated data from these sites
formed the basis for the cydonia
hypothesis Brandenburg DiPietro and
Molinar  of an ancient indigenous
approximately Bronze Age civilization on
Mars and curiously each day new images
from Mars prove that there's something
odd on its surface in the last couple of
years countless images from Mars have
been analyzed by alien hunters across
the globe some of them awkwardly so what
appeared to be artificially made
structures on the surface of the Red
all jokes aside some of the stuff found
on Mars makes you think what if somehow
life on Mars developed millions of years
ago and was eventually wiped out would
we not find traces of such life that
thing images being backed by NASA's Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter show an area on
the surface of Mars covered with odd
structures NASA's MRO captured numerous
images of strange shaped craters on the
surface of the Red Planet the images
show a surface covered in secondary
craters - but astronomers are mystified
by how they developed their raised
appearance in a statement NASA
scientists said
secondary craters formed from rocks
ejected at high speed from the primary
crater which then impact the ground at
sufficiently high speeds and make huge
numbers as much smaller craters over a
large region and they've seen however
the secondary crater ejecta has an
unusual race relief appearance like BA
relief sculpture nASA has admitted it
does not have a conclusive answer to
this enigma one idea is that the region
was covered with the layer of fine grain
materials like dust or pyro plastics
about one to two meters thick when bazoo
knoll impact occurred about a million
years ago and the ejecta served to
harden or otherwise protect the fine
grain layer from later erosion by the
wind wrote NASA in addition to the above
image from Mars other areas on the
surface of the red planet show equally
puzzling structures UFO and anomaly
hunters TVs structures as conclusive
evidence that an ancient civilization
may have existed on the surface of Mars
in the distant past located munition
Planitia near the red planet's equator
are a series of structures that have
sparked an online debate about ancient
life on Mars the controversial images
were also taken by NASA's Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter m dot r dot o if
we search for further information about
Mars and the possibility that I was
inhabited at some point in the distant
past we come across one of the most
fascinating statements to both the Red
Planet made when general Stubblebine
said there are structures of the surface
of Mars I will tell you for the record
that there are structures underneath the
surface of Mars dot cannot be seen by
the Voyager cameras that went by in
I will also tell you that there are
machines on the surface of Mars and
there are machines under the surface of
Mars dot you can look at you can find
out in detailed you can see what they
are where they are who they are and a
lot of detail about them

Quan Yin via Ann Dahlberg, August 23d, 2017

2017-08-25 02:34:35 | ファーストコンタクト

Lady Quan Yin

Wednesday, August 23d, 2017

Channel: Ann Dahlberg


I am Quan Yin and I have been given the permission to appear today and present my message to the world. It is a tumultuous world that slowly is recovering after thousands of year of war and misery. You have done a fantastic job and we are so proud and happy for your efforts to transform this world from a place of darkness to letting the light reappear on Gaia again. There has been many goings back and forth, but it has always advanced forward towards the goal to transform this surface to a light and loving place to live on.

The light has now reached many souls on Earth and the critical mass has been achieved so expect large changes on our world today. Maybe it will not be as you imagined. It is hard to imagine how it is going to be in the higher dimensions of light and love when one is in the lower vibrations. Nevertheless the Earth has raised its vibration a little and then I mean on its surface. The inner Earth already has a high vibration. Light is now trickling out from the Inner Earth and down from Cosmos. You are today awash with light and it affects your bodies greatly. It has the effect that changes will progress faster and it might be difficult for many to keep up with the pace. All you lightworkers that have progressed a bit along the path be ready to assist. You are all needed now by all the worried souls that are in the process of waking up. All helping hands are needed. We have a large but loving task in front of us. We all have different tasks to perform. Some of us will build and work with technology and others will help people socially in many different ways. Yet others will hold meditations and provide healing in order to get people to understand who they are and where they are going. As we go along we will form a large community where we together serve Gaia and Cosmos – our home. Gaia is our home and we love here, but we can also have another home were we feel we have our large family. Yes, there is much to take in dear friends on Earth and we will have to take it step by step. First of all it is the surface on our Earth that needs to be healed and repaired. All experts and all materials are there so you just need to get started.

The old matrix has started to fall and the construction of a new one has started. It is you dear children on Earth that deserve the credit for this. Your steady belief, and your steady light is now shining miles around and it is an impressive vision to behold. We are so grateful and happy for this. The era of light is here and the dark is disappearing at the horizon. More and more have started to find their own light and understood that they can return whenever they so wish. Others are on their way to wake up and they understand that they are a part of it all – that life is bigger than they can see with the naked eye. Everything is a process and this process has come far along the way in the march towards the light.

I, and the whole Galactic Federation, stand ready together with you now. We send you all our assistance and all our love. With the slightest sign or inquiry and we are at your side.

I leave you now with a bouquet of Lotus flowers.

Quan Yin

Quan Yin via Ann Dahlberg, August 23d, 2017




2017-08-22 01:41:48 | GFLJ速報

my name is Jan horizont I'm the
executive director for MUFON we are a
scientific research organization that
basically collects sighting reports from
the public and then goes investigates
them our mission statement as an
organization is the scientific study of
UFOs for the benefit of humanity and we
have three primary goals the investigate
UFO reports we promote research into the
UFO subject and we educate the public on
our findings everybody hear me all right
of the big shout out to Jan Hardman and
many of you know that we have been doing
a lot of research on of person.this and
there's a lot of controversy around it
what I want to cover is on all the
scientific research but I also want to
put it in a larger framework and that is
the area has had a very long history of
contact with extraterrestrial
civilizations sightings of luminous
objects going into the foothills in this
area and most intriguingly and this is
thanks to a fantastic researcher who has
gone down there to the site where this
body was excavated and found if there
have been reports of humanoids that have
been seen coming out during the full
moon or visible during moonlight but not
seen during the day and apparently they
live under the ground now what's
interesting about that is that the
question becomes will we find in our
genetic analysis that there's some kind
of sensitivity to the UV ultraviolet
spectrum that we have here on earth I
think we might I just have notified the
genetics team it's doing all the
research on this with us of this salient
fact to begin to look through the
genetic material and this entire
adventure I went on started a man came
up to me and he had a smartphone and he
hit the button and started playing a
video of this
creature and I thought to myself what
the hell is this and my first take on it
this has got to be a hoax can't be no
way and then he began to share with me
some other information about it asked me
to come and look at it I put on surgical
gloves and was holding examining no
question it's an organic intact non
hoaxed specimen of some type so at that
point we thought well what are we going
to do they were not comfortable with us
taking it there's all kinds of things
swirling to my head we got to figure
this thing out
now I looked at some initial x-rays and
I said yep this is the actual organism
this is not someone put together chicken
bone and faked some kind of creature so
at this point I'm thinking we've really
got to drill down on this but they
weren't comfortable with us doing
anything invasive of to the specimen and
the main reason they invited me over so
is I'm a medical doctor and also the
head of the global disclosure movement
so they wanted me to know about this but
they wouldn't let us do anything with it
so and we approached them against it
look we really want to come over there
and do the following because we have a
team that we've assembled at Stanford
University who wants to do the genome
the genetic research and also study the
morphology with the top experts in the
world who study skeletal dysplasias now
I'm going to you're going to get a big
biology lesson today you may not like
that but you bear with me
dysplasias or abnormality of the
skeletal form and usually those have a
genetic phenotype you know there's sort
of route so you're you have a gene that
will give you dwarfism a gene that will
give you Marfan syndrome very long bones
you know I'm  but I don't have more
offense in them don't worry I have other
things but I don't have mark incentive
here's the thing is that if we can look
at this and do a thorough review we
thought maybe we're going to find
something extraordinary here so given
this as a gift from Stanford now
remember that the man doing the genetic
work is dr. Gary Nolan he's the Harris
chairs an endowed chair so he can pretty
much do what he wants
the man doing the work on studying and
comparing the genetic defects from a
skeletal point of view dr. Ralph Lachman
is the number-one person in the world on
skeletal dysplasias and in particular
neonatal and in childhood
so he's the number one person in the
world not at Stanford but on earth they
all volunteer to do this without charge
in the interest of science and also in
the interest of disclosure so we have a
real debt of gratitude to Stanford and
these scientists now at that point we
then were able to convince them to go
over there so we fly over and of course
here we come with our gowns and our
masks and our surgical stuff and we take
two of the anterior posterior anterior
of inferior ribs clippings you know it's
a few millimeters but inside of each of
these clippings was bone marrow and when
we looked at it under the dissecting
microscope we said Eureka it was done
under sterile conditions put in a
sterile container provided by Stanford
and then it was forensic ly handed off I
just want to give you this background it
was a forensic completely controlled
scientific hand off actually I have a
home in Washington near the White House
and dr. Nolan flew in from California
was having a meeting I think with the
National Institutes of Health we met at
my place I personally handed it off to
him there he then took it and began to
process it it was done into the most
rigorous conditions and he ended up
consulting with the top experts in the
world on what it's called ancient DNA
now there's some confusion on this
ancient we're not talking mummies from
the Egyptians thousands of years ago
ancient DNA is that if you find a body
that's been dead for a year or two
that's considered ancient or old DNA why
because that DNA has been around long
enough to degrade from living DNA and
there's a whole different set of
protocols that you do scientifically to
find out and analysis and do it proper
so it has to be handled from the very
beginning I will not bore you with all
those details as you will all just your
eyes or roll back the fact is that the
point I'm trying to make is that dr.
Nolan and his team did this in the most
rigorous scientific way possible now
this is at the point where he thought it
would become fairly easy getting the
specimen wasn't easy figuring out the
protocols and then it was run that's
when the trouble started so let's I want
to go first to this first slide as you
can see from the morphology I'm going to
get into the genetic material in a
minute you have a very unusual shape
here this is ten ribs there are no
genetic syndromes in humans known in the
entire literature with ten ribs you have
a head that has four skull bones instead
of six you have long bones that are
developed that have and we're going to
get into this in a moment growth plates
a pissah theol plate it's good new word
for you guys to fit the seal but you
know you have growth plates and kids you
can see them there are so many
abnormalities what we call a global
level of abnormalities that there is no
known genetic syndrome in the world that
has ever been described that this
life-form fits whatever it was we
believe it lived between  and
years ago probably late s this is
still being looked at there's something
called a genetic clock where you can
actually look at the genetic material
and see how long it's degraded carbon
dating is going to be more difficult
because we only took a very tiny amount
of material from these ribs right here
so the eye sockets are totally different
the size of the cranium is amazingly
different from here
look at your neighbor sitting next to
you from their eyebrows to the top of
their head
in here this is about three times the
cranial vault of a homo sapien a human
which is very consistent with a lot of
other humanoid sightings just making
this point it also has a very different
shape scapula and we'll go through some
more of these pictures if you look at
the back I don't know how well they're
coming out here the scapula is very
differently shaped and here's a view of
the eye socket and the sort of bossing
over the what looked like an eyelid that
is actually bony material but we did
take some meningeal material and some
matter out of the skull and that is in
part of the collection that we have the
radiology place going WTF is this I mean
it's not every day you walk in with one
of these what is this and the first
thing that the chief of the series
Medical Center dr. mantong said is a
woman physician radiologist chief of
radiology said oh my god it's an alien I
said I'm not going to say that but you
can so anyway so I'm not going to go
through all the abnormalities they are
TNT C which is a term in medicine too
numerous to count there are so many
abnormalities versus a human and have
all the abnormalities found in one
creature one specimen is very unique
there is a lot of bad information on the
internet about this has been written by
quack doctors quack scientists debunkers
fools and Liars so I know I'm blunt
everyone loves it or they hate it deal
with it this report is the most
important thing that's come about is dr.
lachman's assessment and his imprimatur
and these are all the things that he
found abnormalities he does of course
mention the obvious relative facial
hypoplasia now one thing that he also
has said since then that he didn't put
in his report is that the epiphysis eel
findings as a led
were found throughout the entire
skeletal system dr. mantong when she
looked at it immediately made the same
comment well the cat scan that they may
be able to figure that out
the cat scan shows internal organs so it
shows the lungs that have collapsed what
looks like a small but left of a heart
was less of a heart in the ribcage so
that was totally intact that's also an
amazing finding because if you were
going to just put together something
with a bunch of bones and what-have-you
you're not going to also be able to put
together under cat scan imagery proof of
internal organs that are still there the
whole process of analyzing this both
from the point of view of the genetics
and of what dr. Lachman found now the
genetics you understand these scientists
are not going to say this is an EXO
biological specimen it's not possible so
they're going to say and they have to
say and until proven otherwise it's some
kind of bizarre human now the genetics
however have become very difficult now I
want to just explain a little bit about
how you do a genetic run on something
like this
you take the genetic material in this
case the bone marrow that we got from
the ribs you then isolate that genetic
material it's not it was very rich
meaning that it did not have to go
through a lot of PCR polymerase chain
reaction replication where you can get a
lot of errors so it was a very pure very
rich being example normally when you run
they might sample your sample against
the , ethnic groups that are in the
genetic database of the human genome
project you get a very very very high
match this one they took it purified it
ran it at the three top loss lab
laboratories in the world three separate
ones with now  X  times
checking checking it  times and there
are two million base pairs or % of the
genetic material unmatched let me repeat
that with x magnification or
replication it's still a % unmatching
now sometimes you'll get  or % and a
bad take  that it's very corrupted but
this wasn't corrupted DNA and therefore
the issue really becomes how you get a
% unmatched on a sample that was done
at the top labs in the world where you
normally would not expect that so this
is the unexplained heart is a
computerized run against the known human
genetic now the National Security Agency
and majestic may have this but I do not
have a database of et civilizations
genetic therefore we don't have et
genetic material to compare it to all we
can do is run it against humans now keep
in mind that a mouse is % a tentacle
to you and me a chimpanzee is  percent
identical Neanderthals which of course
are extinct extinct well there's some
people you wonder but perfect but
they're .% identical to humans
there's a Neanderthal all right so
Neanderthals and Homo sapiens modern
humans are .% identical if you have
that much concordance between
Neanderthals and us what's the
difference between a creature like this
and I now normally if you have a genetic
defect that leads to say Down syndrome
which is a trisomy everybody knows that
then I won't go into all the genetic
syndromes but you know you can map that
and it can cause all kinds of problems
it's from one mutation something like
this appears not to be one mutation and
even more amazing and dr. Nolan goes on
to explain this is that so where he was
expecting to find abnormalities or
not abnormal and there's % of the
genetic material which is  million base
pairs that if were kicked out by the
computers that we can't match this weird
so now the hard part starts why because
you have two million base pairs that
could theoretically represent a thousand
genes that has to be looked at one by
one by one to see what they do that's
going to take years and probably
millions of dollars unless we can
recruit a lot of people to do it what's
really important for you to understand
is that people have taken his comment
saying well this deformed human well
what else is he going to say it's from
Stanford he privately he knows that
nobody knows what this is and he will
admit of he will say we don't know what
it is so when you ask me what is this I
will tell you I don't know and neither
do you and if there's a quack out there
telling you they do know what it is
there's not only a liar put a damn liar
and they don't know anything about

Corey Goode August 15 2017 - INNER EARTH Q&A - David Wilcock 2017

2017-08-16 09:40:16 | GFLJ速報

all right let's get the break
you want to stay put
in the emergency room again looks like I
broke my foot I'm about to get an x-ray
see the fracture right there
at at Arsenal
I'm gonna be hopping along for a little
while six weeks just about to do my
presentation for Joan oceans ranch and
her guests and then when I get home I
have to go right to Boulder to shoot
cosmic disclosure beyond belief and do a
few other things it's not a good time
for her
dear friend for me good will be speaking
earth and my friend to you very well
whether to happen to be full production
- Cory Buddha pouring healthy revealing
his experiences it's like  early
 and the effect his head really had
me very much is electric that be a
catalyst for many people who previously
didn't really have any great interest in
UFOs and to Crystal Light doesn't cover
up all of this now more and more
documents are coming forward actually
confirming important aspects of what
Cory has set up at the latest book
others just come out the u.s. may be
secret space program it goes over a lot
of the documentation that corroborates
essentially the core of what Cory has
been saying for over two years now so
the documents are still coming out and
I'll be what's going to occur is that
the documents will show that all the
things Cory has been revealing are
anchored in very deep truths and so we
need to pay attention and everyone here
thank you for coming and being
confluence for other people in this
community and your friends and family
literally that Cory and this information
so it's my great they'd like to
introduce Corey good
thank you
so first of all like to think think
Roger and Rene who helped me put
together this presentation we're trying
to make every one of our presentations
completely different so if you see a
presentation one time it should be
totally different
what is the inner earth
my first and his introduction to any of
the interpret information was on the
smart glass package and for those of you
who don't watch the show
it was a plexiglass light had that if
you found on the ground you think it was
unremarkable but there was a vital
neural interface components that work
with it we're going to show you what you
wanted by thinking it and show you in
your language and you would get
three-dimensional displays opposite it
was like a dunk terminal that connected
to a database
all of this information and just with
the challenge of being this betrayed
it's very hard
okay my Mars experiences I actually
analyzed four inches of prey
intelligence documents in the French
language along with the fellow future
President Barack Obama and Regina duty
to become the first woman to direct
article about the humanoid civilization
of Mars it is an existing indigenous
human civilization we've been going
there since we said astronauts of
so what things I want to clarify is that
my life story is sort of a historical
curser to account by language like for a
good Randy Cramer now on the personal
level my father made a decision what was
pretty much prompted by government
intervention he was approached when I
was in kindergarten and told that I had
to be in project Pegasus which was the
umbrella program under under Dartmouth
begun in the mid-s to kind of put
everything that would yield a time space
capability into an intelligence umbrella
that included information from the
Babylonian Sumerian and
experiments with time travel that
involved foreign technologies such as
the Nazi German and Soviet Russia
experimentation with time travel
extraterrestrial technology recovered
through eg
crash retrieval and easy human is on
that was the beginning then in the s
and also a major contribution by
contemporary physicists like Walter
Russell Lea Thompson Brown and
especially Nikola Tesla my principle all
has been to do what Michaels doing which
has proved the historicity of these
events there's so far out but I want the
whole common cultures to understand
really two major areas of knowledge the
first is we have a human right that's
part of the common heritage of our
supermarket identities human means to
know the truth technical history of our
civilization such as the fact that the
US government achieved time-travel
and I wonder eight for you that eight
modalities of time-travel that I was
firstly indirectly involved with for
those four years in - in my childhood
from  to  and darvis project
Pegasus I daresay that we also have a
human right as part of the common
heritage of humanity to know the true
technical history of the cosmos that we
inhabit well I have the privilege of
not just with Laura but with Cory good
at labels don't like being this ocean as
most of you know I I had no connection
to the ocean didn't had a swim and
through John Luke's art which combines
pictures of paintings of dolphins and
sacred geometry I was so moved by his
art and his images that it just awakened
in me this feeling that I had to get
into the ocean and never connected that
that was my last name and maybe that was
a little clue I didn't know so I did
become involved in with traveling around
John Luke and telling stories about
dolphins and meditation multi-generation
experiment how is this instigated by
humans Inner Earth ETS and how are you
doing the dolls is how do you stay
peaceful and loving despite everything
that you experience well the
multi-generational generational program
that I was born into it was a human
operation but they were using a lot of
technology that had been imparted to
them by nonterrestrials and some of the
nonterrestrials were loosely guidance
you know it's it's it's pretty difficult
because I'm getting to a point now where
some of my family is just now starting
to find out about it and I feel the
major conversation is about to occur
real private family very secretive
family it always has been military
family me talking publicly about one of
my grandfather's going during World War
two being brought into operation white
coat to where they were given viruses
that contained genetic code that they
can use viruses to invade your body to
force genetic changes and the people in
the government saw us as government
property now a lot of the people on my
family will have a lot of problems with
what I'm saying
even my either side of the family where
it was common knowledge that my
grandfather was a part of this very
secretive program to the white coat
operation white coat now that's that's
how it started when it comes to me how I
stay grounded not get angry about it
it's been such a perk of my life
since you know five six years old that
it just became life now the person that
you see now is not the same person that
was in those
and I came out viewing at the PTSD a lot
of the stuff I had to do I was not a
person that people of your sort would
want to associate with drinking a lot I
I was known for getting in fights I was
I was definitely on a wrong destructive
path and a lot of it was because I never
could deal with all the stuff I had been
through I couldn't even tell my wife you
know we've been married
this  years I wasn't able to tell her
at all
just a few years ago when we started the
show she read this book can't remember
the author's name how they changed it
habit of beating yourself and she had a
download and she's never been into
anything esoteric or three years ago or
four years ago if I had told her the
things that I have told the world she
would have grabbed my kids and moved
back with her parents three states away
like that
so this awakening she had to book that
book being the catalyst opened the way
for all of us to be able to occur
because I would not have come forward to
am about my
you know they free breaking the habit of
being yourself
and what's his name again dr. Joe
Dispenza we would love to get an idea of
your opinion of how full disclosure
would play out initially and how it
would affect life as we know it
yeah and a lot of people have come to
the conclusion that I support a partial
disclosure narratives which absolutely
do not that's I've been working for the
opposite but people in this community
need to fully realize what we're asking
for a full disclosure event is going to
be you know the most common traumatic
things that ever happy lated happen to
the population of this planet it's not
we're going to hear the information look
at our neighbor and then hold hands with
them and start singing Kumbaya everyone
is going to be if they get full
disclosure not just there are aliens but
all the crimes against humanity that
have occurred to hide that and about the
technologies that have been around you
know I've watched family members die of
diseases that I know they could cure so
this is going to be a very painful
upsetting time even for us who think
that were so much further ahead of
everyone else but all evolution happens
in stress and unless we are willing to
just rip off the band-aid there's always
going to be an opportunity for them
control us or change the narrative of
the sculpture if they're just given a
social information and a lot of the
people on the good side and the bad side
have a lot of information that they want
to hide that they don't want made public
so they are pushing % for a partial
disclosure it's up to people like us to
realize that using all these political
things to make us at each other's
throats it's dividing conference what
they've always done we always fall for
it always and if we can turn some of
that raw emotion into protesting the
government and said we want this
technology that could have saved my aunt
it's like a technology but you know all
of this make it about the technology we
want this information out if we all
start working on that they'll see
movement but we can't seem to muster
things to do it because I keep dividing
us and conquering countries are
different belief systems or ideologies
people are against ourselves until we
can you know if we can come together and
start to do you know really start
hitting these mass meditations that the
meditation effect is really changing the
world and it has the ability to it's
been scientifically proven co-star doing
that as well as showing up on the
streets demanding answers we'll probably
more likely get to a full disclosure to
talk about the scenario otherwise if we
sit back and just wait for the
government to tell us we're going to get
what they want to know and they want us
to know it excellent
have you had any visits for me to your
inner earth friends during your same way
I did have a meeting with car reading
the construct the day after I broke my
foot when they've been on me about
always maintaining my vibration they
don't have a problem if I have a glass
of wine
you know as long as I don't get it he
created they definitely don't want me
drinking alcohol when I was here I guess
the first thing was here I didn't eat
the point I was standing out having
drinks with Amy and Jamie and my kids
and I fought my knee buckles my fault
and I jacked my wrist up my forearm I
think I actually have a fracture in this
finger my hands were so swollen I
couldn't clothes on I didn't get the
two days later and something told me
that that's what had to do with but I
blew it off two days later I'm at the
no figure out what happened
all right let's get the brief it was
after that that car reset stated that
they wanted me maintaining the proper
vibration on this trip because I just
want to have a couple of experiences
that I ended up not having because I was
out of tuning they couldn't reach me
hopefully I learned for the next six
weeks I'll be thinking about that lesson
at least this information do you have
any recommendations on us being more
unified in our speaking out yeah and I
in beginning I really didn't realize how
did we are with our different belief
systems and how strong all of us want to
defend them
you know I've used this scenario this
this explanation before but we are all
wandering around trying to figure things
out we're picking up little grains of
sand which are our personal experiences
and information that resonates with us
we're taking all those little bits of
sand and we're grinding them into a lens
that lens is the only thing we use to
take in information it's an information
is white whatever whites are new
information comes in we hold up that
lens that we've created with our
experiences and our belief systems to
that life and we interpret all of
information through that lens well guess
what that's where all of our distortions
are all of these distortions are
incidents and so many of us are we are
so bought in to that lens that
perspective that we refuse to break it
in half and with more lenses but I write
a new mix and it looks like for the most
part a lot of us are just not at that
point but I tried to start something
called the full disclosure project it's
still kind of simmering if we can get
everyone together and first of all just
agree that none of us have figured it
all out when we do digital disclosure
all of us even you know may think we've
got it all figured out we're going to
have an issue the deal you know we just
need to realize that and not focus on
all these different differences and our
little personal UFO religions and just
say listen we know we don't know all the
answers we feel like we have a watch but
how about we just all get together and
get the data answers you know and the
only way we're going to get them is if
we over come back all come together and
start thumping it away at the power
structure otherwise you know we're doing
exactly what they

Contact Has Begun - James Gilliland ECETI ET UFO sightings

2017-08-15 05:48:09 | GFLJ速報

they're both power nap holy smokes I got
both of them powered up what we are
seeing against the backdrop of space
itself if UFO footage shot over a period
of years by James gilliland a man who's
built a sanctuary near Mount Adams in
the state of Washington the visions
showed me this beautiful mountain a
river on the eastern border and then a
little mountain behind me I would have
to say the main question that should
have been asked is why are they here we
have a civilization that's dedicated to
destruction through saucers certainly
over the gate and they move over the
missiles and they start turning them off
the greater family of man or the
offworlders you might call them are
deeply concerned we've just say in the
beginning of the earth changes they're
going to escalate it's going to be very
intense in the next couple of years the
current that regulates climate around
the world will stall and Europe will
have a Siberian climate when we die we
leave the body we move up through the
spine we come on out we blast on out as
a light sphere and I ended up in what
they call the golden plane of bliss
where you're held in the arms of God or
the cradle of God there goes it's
doubling its split into two you know
they've transcended war disease poverty
and they have that wisdom and that
technology to share with humanity they
teach the basic universal principles
such as universal peace and brothers
history love and and living in harmony
with each other in the planet and you
look at all the diversity of life in
just this dimension alone
at  more dimensions to that you can
imagine what's out there we have a
golden opportunity right now to join the
rest of the universe in peace and to
unite with these beans that are
extremely spiritually and
technologically advanced far beyond
anything we can imagine

2001年に行われた地球外文明実在を証明するディスクロージャー 1

2017-08-13 08:19:11 | GFLJ速報










