

NASA Leaking Info on Mars Ancient Civilization(1)

2017-08-13 07:15:21 | GFLJ速報

but now most of us have heard about the
face on Mars and repeated accusations
that NASA has been covering up the truth
four years ago when NASA announced the
discovery of life in a Martian meteorite
I was quoted in the press as saying that
the earth-shaking announcement was a
government test balloon to gradually
prepare the public for a bigger
bombshell I also said that the
announcement was part of a time-release
program to give us all the news and
stages the release of , photographs
from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor has now
put us on the fast track to discovery
about a past intelligent civilization on
the red planet this is NASA's uncover-up
if you will and the Space Agency and I
haven't said this in the past but I'll
say it now it was to be congratulated
for finally making these photographs
available to the general public
today's press conference is truly
historic Tom Van Flandern Brian O'Leary
and scores of scientists the world over
have been eagerly poring over these
pictures and discovering remarkable
things strap yourself in we're about to
see compelling proof of artificial
structures on Mars that could have
profound implications for the history of
the human race as fate would have it
NASA's Mars Odyssey named for the
spacecraft and Odyssey Clarke's
breathtaking film  is now racing
toward the red planet when the Odyssey
finally sends pictures back to earth
sometimes this coming year NASA will
have taken the next giant step in
preparing the public for some very
exciting news indeed Clarke believes
that quote large life unquote namely
vegetation perhaps even trees may be
present in some of the Mars Global
Surveyor photographs that Tom van
Flannan will be showing you in just a
few minutes this is a sculpture by
artist John Sheldon of the famous five
sided pyramid photographed by NASA's
Viking probe in the Cydonia region of
Mars but as a lake Carl Sagan pointed
out in his television series cosmos the
Elysium there
it also has pyramids and these pyramids
very seldom spoken about are said to be
twice as tall as the World Trade Center
how could that be twice as tall as the
World Trade Center geologists and says
that the wind would have to be blowing
from three directions I all at the same
speed for the pyramids of Elysium to
have been formed naturally and then
there are the glass-like tunnels which
are at least  feet in diameter with
exposed sections running a thousand feet
long the tunnels are amazing we may be
looking at nothing less than the
ultimate proof of an ancient
civilization that use these tunnels for
water or perhaps even for transportation
before I turn the microphone over to
Brian O'Leary is something I want to
show you over to your left
the place on Mars is back if this
sculpture is made by artists Salvador
Brazil er based on the original Viking
photograph of the face on Mars that
shows a giant snakes like figure with
human features inside o Mia and now a
new photograph has been released that's
really going to make you sit up and take
notice it's an entirely new face on Mars
and this time it appears to be the face
of a woman wearing a crown okay and now
I would like to introduce dr. Brian

thank you Michael I normally don't read
statements but I think I'm gonna start
reading this one science is going
through a major revolution there's no
question about it we are living in
exciting times in spite of what
government agencies might tell you more
than and probably in no area has there
been more misunderstanding than in the
area of the search for extraterrestrial
intelligence whenever anybody embarks on
this search there seems to be great
controversy great misunderstanding and
yet more than two decades of responsible
research by investigators outside of
NASA on this object the so-called face
on Mars have revealed very strong
evidence not yet proof that this object
and other objects nearby were
artificially constructed and yet NASA
and his contractors have shown no
interest in these objects and have
obfuscated the research history is full
of examples of denial and suppression of
new ideas by the establishment
we have Galileo Copernicus Bruno the
Wright brothers and so forth in each
case the conventional wisdom was
reversed by the investigations of
courageous outside researchers who have
risked their careers and sometimes their
lives to seek the truth rather than to
be politically correct
my colleague dr. Tom Van Flandern is one
example I have known dr. van Flandern
for nearly  years and can attest to
the thoroughness and integrity of his
research during the s we were
graduate students together at Georgetown
University Tom went on for his PhD at
Yale I went on from my PhD at the
University of California in Berkeley
then I was appointed by NASA to be the
first astronaut to Mars
unfortunately the Mars program was
canceled at that point
Tom and I each pursued mainstream
careers in astronomy research publishing
dozens and dozens of peer-reviewed
papers in our fields until the s
when we independently began to address
promising but unsupported topics such as
the Mars anomalies in  the Mars
Viking orbiter imaged a mile long Mesa
that resembles a human face staring
straight up into space the spacecraft
also imaged other objects of interest in
the surrounding areas
this began a  long period of
scientifically inappropriate actions
including the initial denial of a second
corroborating image of the cydonia face
the use of improper optical algorithms
and filters on the high-resolution face
image for for example the initial Mars
Global Surveyor photograph holding back
or delaying the release of images from
the public and providing premature
negative interpretations of their
possible artificiality also we have seen
in NASA a lack of cooperation with
qualified outside investigators
including campaigns to discredit the
inquiry the refusal by mainstream
scientific journals to even consider and
review papers let alone publish them and
NASA's failure to reimage the face and
surroundings under proper circumstances
when occasions rose
collectively these activities violate
NASA's own Charter as an open civilian
agency accountable to the public
the main casualty and all of this has
been the truth how could this have
perhaps NASA and his contractors and
other agencies are following a secret
policy to deny evidence for
extraterrestrial intelligence pursuant
to a  Brookings Institution report
recommending non disclosure to the
public regardless sufficient evidence
has been gathered to warrant a public
outcry to get to the truth of the matter
through the years dr. van Flandern
the Society for planetary SETI research
and I have published significant
scientific evidence for artificial
structures on Mars in the presentation
you're about to hear dr. van Flandern
will be showing you some provocative
images from the ongoing Mars Global
Surveyor mission some of the images
should not be regarded as definitive
scientific evidence but rather as
further indicators of what could turn
out to be one of the most significant
discoveries of our time the public needs
to know about the evidence being
presented and the depth of the
extraordinary collision between the old
and new paradigm no important question
has been more maligned or more control
than whether or not were alone in the
universe it's time to get to the bottom
of the story Tom

afternoon as we speak the Mars Global
Surveyor spacecraft the MGS is in orbit
around Mars and it took all of the
images that we will be showing this
afternoon the links to those images are
available on websites official websites
of NASA the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
and Mail and space science systems the
contractor that does the imaging on the
spacecraft and any of you can go to the
original sites and confirm any of these
images the no special processing was
done to the images we simply are showing
the extract of interest here in each
case unless I remarked otherwise and in
all cases I'll be showing the original
image so for the first of these no I
should stress that all of the images
we're going to look at are in the
general category of if we saw them on
earth we would conclude that they were
the activity of either humans or
large-scale biology on earth now there
are arguments why these are not normal
products of nature and certainly nothing
like them exists on any of the other
moons or planets of the solar system
that we have imaged to date the object
on the left has a T shape which is
obviously pretty rare that and and
perfect triangles are rarely seen in
nature and are not the result of normal
processes the craters on the right I'm
calling them craters in a general sense
because that's the appearance they have
but actually craters on the moon
planet surfaces are not formed by
excavation when something hits it they
are formed by an energetic explosion
when something hits it at extremely high
speeds as anything striking these bodies
must be the gravity fields guarantee a
minimum speed high enough to vaporize
completely the impacting object so the
crater is formed by explosion and
therefore defined a flat-bottomed
high-walled crater that can't happen
from an explosion likewise to have a
crater of the shape of the elongated
object there cannot happen from impact
either you can get a slightly elliptical
crater but not something with that
extreme shape the next picture is in a
different category of glassy tubes the
glassy tubes are seen in dozens of
places since we've sampled only one one
thousandth of the surface of Mars so far
at high resolution there they must be
all over the place
they are networked we've established
that it is not an optical illusion they
are really tube shaped they're not
easily explained as dunes or lava tubes
they seem to be translucent in fact in
this case that bright spot seems to be a
specular reflection of the Sun implying
that the surface must be glassy or
metallic natural surfaces don't
ordinarily give you specular reflections
this is an object one of several in this
area which if we saw them saw it on
earth we would say well that's a tree
seen from above but Mars is supposed to
be a lifeless planet yet we see the
radial structure around a central truck
trunk we can see several levels of
branching we can see shadows cast on the
ground these are clearly not on the
geologically they are above it casting
shadows downward this is one of the
images that led Arthur Clarke to say
he's  percent certain that Mars has
large life on it
this is what he means by that and this
is one of many examples of what we would
ordinarily interpret as vegetation on
the planet here's the category of
infrastructure and I showed this one out
of several because both because triangle
shapes require a special explanation and
here there's so many of them so similar
and even if those are shadows you still
have an unusual number of monoliths
large mountain lists all of the same
size and shape not only that but they
are organized not randomly placed at all
but there there are long curved arcs on
both sides there and they tend to need
to be lined up in the horizontal
direction this is a return to the our
old friend the cydonia face on Mars but
there are two new things we've learned
about it
one is that one of the arguments that
it's probably natural is that it's can
only be seen from above and yet it was
tilted at an angle and it's at no
special place on the planet however the
white line shows the old equator of Mars
prior to the large pole shift that Mars
experienced at an unknown time but
probably dated to . million years ago
and before that pole shift the face on
Mars interestingly was right on the Mars
equator and oriented upright both
indicators that it was a built object in
addition to that its three-dimensional
nature and the fact that it here we see
only half of a face and the original
discovery photos computer enhancements
of these  images such as on the left
here have brought out some detail on the
right and we can see that it's not just
half a face
that the symmetry does go all the way
around the the enclosure is there there
is a trace a hint of a second eye the
mouth going through and so on so
symmetry is another artificiality
indicator since the law of ever just
said with half a face you'd probably get
sand desert mountains reals anything but
but another half of a face in the shadow
when you could see it but at this point
we were we still had the argument facing
us that you can see faces in clouds you
can see faces in nature this would be a
rather improbable thing to see but it is
possible to be an accident of nature in
science there is a method called the AA
priori principle that allows you to
distinguish accidents from reality
it's a tests all scientists use to
establish significant statistical
significance to their results basically
it says you take your first instance of
something and make predictions from it
with the predictions of things that you
have no data at all on so far and then
the predictions distinguish hypotheses
in this case a natural origin a product
of nature or geology versus an
artificial origin a built object the
prediction in this case that it's built
is that when viewed close up there would
be secondary facial features to support
these primary ones the eye would have an
iris and eyebrows the nose would have
nostrils the mouth would be parted lips
and so on in this high-resolution photo
taken in  the face was again imaged
as we see up in this corner when that
image was released to the media on April
th  this is the image that the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory JPL released this
anyone would agree is is a very natural
looking object it does look like a pile
of rocks and make the the face look like
an accident the trouble is that it
doesn't look anything like the previous
and there's a there's an even bigger
problem for the scientists it doesn't
look like the data that came down from
the spacecraft either and that's a more
serious problem the beta the data that
this image was based on well on the JPL
website that is cited in the press ket
you can go there and you can see this
image and the actual image that it was
based on side by side and the recipe for
how JPL got from one to the other they
put the actual image through a high-pass
filter then through a low-pass filter
then they averaged the two to get this
image they claimed the justification was
removed striping from the original image
that was an artifact of the of the CCD
chip that's not a scientifically
legitimate way to remove striping
because it removes all the detail in an
image for example from Adobe Photoshop
we see this description of what a
high-pass filter does to an image
emphasizes edge details
the important thing is suppresses the
rest of the image the filter removes
low-frequency detail in an image it's
used for extracting line art and large
black and white areas from scanned
images when we go back to the actual
image the actual image was taken at a
rather oblique angle under extremely
unfavorable lighting conditions but
because we have the older images from a
different angle we can triangulate and
computers processing programs are very
good now at giving reproducing lighting
from any angle so we can use those
computer techniques with the actual data
this is done by a computer not by an
there is no introduction of new data in
this image by any artist it is just
rearranging the features you see by
computer instructions to restore a high
angle of lighting put the shadows in the
right place and to restore an overhead
view from this oblique view to one side
and here's what happens when we do that
there's the lighting restored and now we
rotate to a view from above and this is
what the
object actually looks like as best we
can tell at this point
so both the other scientific arguments
and the new view of the face certainly
have our attention with regard to
prospective artificiality of this object
but there is more in this image to the
amazement of everyone including the
scientists involved who made these
predictions we can see two nostrils at
the end of the nose we can see an iris
inside the eye socket we can see an
eyebrow feature over the eye socket we
can see that the mouth does consist of
hearted lips all of those predictions
that were made in advance to distinguish
artificial from natural were fulfilled
in favor of an artificial or built
object in this image moreover they are
fulfilled in a most interesting way
because there is no background of
similar features from which we can pick
and choose the ones that fit our
preconception of a face so when all is
said and done this operatory principle
that I mentioned allows us to calculate
the odds the calculated odds of the face
itself being found by chance only apply
to the next instance not to the one
already found that can be a face and
clouds effect however improbable it is
but the predictions that were made in
advance are referring to the next
instance and in that case we have the
prediction of these secondary facial
features their size their shape their
location and their orientation there's a
probability to each of them the fact
that each of these things were fulfilled
individually ranging with probabilities
from  in  to  and , and that
all the features showed up and that they
have the right size shape location on
orientation gives us very large combined
odds against chance and the fact that
there is no background of similar
features means that the
the calculations are statistically
significant to a scientist
the combined odds of this feature
arising as a product of nature or the
chance origin hypothesis are a thousand
billion billion to one
the artificial reality of Cydonia is
therefore established beyond a
reasonable doubt the cydonia face this
is now the second face image net not the
cydonia one this is at a another
location on Mars near the famous dark
marty marking syrtis major it's located
about a quarter way around the planet
from Cydonia the coloration is always
artists addition to the original image
shown here don't let that detract from
the original image shown on the left but
there are some of us we divide into left
and right brain groups and the left
brain groups seem to prefer the the help
of the artist and the right brain groups
kind of think that detracts so in the
case of this which is a sample of the
kinds of artistic imagery we're seeing
on Mars one of many it is really the
interrelationships and the context which
establish our official 'ti nonetheless
the fact that we have a second
impressive face on the planet and
probably indications of a few more - not
quite so impressive tell us again that
those a priori odds that do apply to the
second and third instances that these
are statistically significant and
telling us that the planet is art has
artificiality artificial structures on
it and that these are not repeated
instances of freakish chances of nature
now this is the last of the sample
images I'll show it's in three parts
this is the bottom of the same image
that was taken in  that showed the
face at the top we saw that in set off
to the right
the first slide showing the face so
quite near the faith face at Cydonia
near the bottom with the dnm pyramid
that we have a model of on the table
just off screen to the left here we have
a bright v-shaped feature down in this
area so just concentrate on the bright
feature in that area and notice that
just above it is a darkness that we
that's not otherwise resolved just above
the the bright V right in here and a
little more above and to the left of it
when we magnify that area without any
impressing or alteration what we see is
here's the bright v-shaped feature just
magnified the whole area and adjusted
the brightness and contrast to eye level
again and the dark mark markings here
are a little more distinct now and some
of you you already begin to see that the
dark markings are not random but seemed
to form familiar looking shapes somewhat
like symbols some of you will not see
that while I was showing this very
picture at a presentation not unlike
this someone behind me was videotaping
this and I noticed when I turned around
that the whole room had clustered behind
the video camera looking at the little
viewfinder of the video camera instead
of looking at the original on the screen
and the reason was because the video
camera automatically applied a noise
filter to get of any get rid of any
random noise in the background of the
image and that gave me a tip that that
would be an interesting thing to do with
this image so I said to the computer
again this is to a computer not to an
artist I said just take this whole image
I'm not telling the computer anything
about what's in this image or what the
target is I just said apply a noise
filter to this image
and when we did that we got this result
and now we can see a little more clearly
because the background has faded away
that we are dealing with things that
look like strings of symbols with a
larger one at the left end very
reminiscent of the way we use language
symbols now I although some of these
look Romanesque I don't think it would
be appropriate to to say that there are
Roman characters on Mars because the
many of the symbols are not recognizable
to us like this one at the end of the
string here we see other instances of
reverse peas and ours and other places
that are like symbols and other
alphabets but not Roman I think the
answer here is there's just a very
limited number of symbols you can make
out of a few lines and curves and that
any symbolic alphabet if that's what it
would have necessarily familiar
characters in it the only thing to add
here is that these in this particular
image because it contained the face on
it it was downloaded from the spacecraft
two computers at mail and space science
systems under the watchful eye of
reporters and while still in the
computer the format was changed to an
Internet appropriate format and it was
uploaded to the Internet within
minutes of receipt without ever existing
outside the computer and at that point
thousands of people including myself
downloaded the image from the internet
where it still sits today so the point
is that with something like this since
if those are on Mars and they are not an
accident of nature the odds against that
being enormous then we are dealing with
again symbols of intelligence so the
question arises did somebody
accidentally or deliberately write those
on into a photograph at JPL or mail and
space science systems that wasn't
possible in this case so
our conclusion to this section of the
discussion is that the consequences of a
claim that something is true are
entirely irrelevant to the issue or
whether or not the claim is true and
with that I'll throw the the discussion
open to questions and be guided by your
questions as to well what avenues we
want to follow up thank you

NASA Leaking Info on Mars Ancient Civilization (2)

2017-08-13 07:14:09 | GFLJ速報

question is could the civilization of on
Mars have been lost to war well we we
don't know too much directly until we
explore and get some ground truth here
about the origin or the demise of the of
the hypothetical situation here but we
do know and this is standard science
that is accepted by by all the planetary
geologists that Mars at some point
suffered a horrendous Cataclysm now as
to what that what the nature of that
Cataclysm was that's where opinions
divide I think there is evidence that
Mars was at one time a moon of a larger
planet that exploded in the not all that
distant past millions rather than
billions of years ago here are just a
few of the items that suggests that the
Cataclysm was that kind of an event Mars
is strongly cratered on one side through
the craters are saturated on about half
of Mars and very sparse hardly any
cratering at all on the other hemisphere
which again suggests a cataclysm on one
side or the other standard view is that
there's a cataclysm that removed the
craters on the smooth side I think it's
more likely that there's a cataclysm
that produced the craters on the
saturated side the crust is
kilometers thicker on one side and only
one kilometer stick up thick on the
smooth side the pole suddenly shifted
about  degrees
in one fell swoop the original distance
atmosphere is now gone swept away by
something there are fission byproducts
things unique to massive explosions
usually artificial explosions such as
xenon  found in extra abundance on
Mars so that's just a sample of these
indicators of a cataclysm if there were
a civilization either there or on the
parent world they would have been facing
extinction at that point unless they
were able to migrate elsewhere how do
how do you differentiate the importance
of the structures and phases found on
Mars versus what can be seen on moon
photos I would differentiate the
features we've seen on Mars from those
on the moon in a number of ways we see
lots of faces on earth two faces in
mountains and in topography and of
course as everyone knows we see faces in
clouds all kinds of natural formations
what distinguishes Mount Rushmore from
the others is that there is a context
and the the level of detail and the fact
that it's three-dimensional instead of
two only in the case of the cydonia face
on Mars have we established three
dimensionality to the facial features so
the nose really is the highest point on
that face the eye sockets are really
recessed the original explanation when
it was first seen is it's a trick of
light and shadow well in this case of
the cydonia face it's a trick of light
and shadow that exists at all lighting
angles with all shadows because it's an
actual three-dimensional sculpture
that's a strong determining factor in
favor of artificiality but the strongest
argument is the fact that we have two
generations of images for the first one
we are able to make predictions if this
is natural then this follows if this is
artificial than this follows all of the
predictions of the artificiality
hypothesis were fulfilled dramatically
at levels that are just a
impossible to arrive by chance so that's
the answer I would give yes yes it's
your conclusion that these we're dealing
with only ruins from a long time ago
or with also currently inhabited
structures and it currently obviously
wouldn't be from Earth but from Mars
that's right we have no evidence of
current activity of intelligences on
Mars although that image I showed you
that looked like a tree does certainly
suggests that there is current large
biology on the planet but our best guess
at this point and all we have is
speculations to go by is that the major
Cataclysm of Mars suffered perhaps ended
life on Mars the way mass extinction
events on earth five times in the
history of the earth have nearly wiped
out life on this planet yes do they know
the location of where the seemingly
feminine face is so they can in general
go by that area again and give us maybe
a thousand more pictures of that that
face where they can go back and get
views at higher resolution under better
lighting right now that should go a long
way toward resolving any doubts about
the artificiality of these objects and
establishing it or denying it at a level
that should be satisfactory to all of
the scientists involved so we hope that
NASA will take the opportunity to follow
up during the remaining short lifetime
of the spacecraft sir you're aware
you've even said that there is in large
part ridicule and/or denial
how would you tell the layperson in that
 seconds you'll get on TV what it is
you believe did or does exist on Mars
I would say that in the examination of
the images we now have there are
thousand of them of which we examined
several thousand in close detail we've
turned up anomalies so unlikely to be
products of nature and in some cases
fulfilling a priori predictions and
having relationships and contexts that
support artificiality that the
conclusion that there is there are
artificial structures on Mars is now
beyond a reasonable doubt to the skeptic
who says I won't believe it until the
government tells me you would say here
here are the pictures all we're asking
for is that the spacecraft that is there
now and the one that is on its way there
now be pointed in this direction to get
pictures that confirm or deny these
hypotheses to everyone's satisfaction
consider we met the MGS with several
miles high when I shot the pictures of
what you would like to be vegetation is
there any idea that the circumference of
the vegetation of what you believe to be
vegetation and also the tubes could you
tell us is it looks like there was a
reflection from an object that you would
call the tube you have any idea where
the Sun was in the sky at that point in
time so that we could determine what was
being shot from the MGF mark Global
Surveyor yes well taking the last point
first the Sun was at  o'clock which is
at the just  degrees passed overhead
to the west so it was in the right
position to make that reflection given
the orientation of the tube at that time
the scale of the tree picture I showed
the largest one was about a hundred
meters in diameter which is rather large
by for a near-earth tree but Mars isn't
a much weaker gravity field and Grose
structures trees that big are
conceivable there we really haven't even
begun to study the possibilities because
up to now there's been no reason to
believe there was Mars biology but now
we think there may be and that would be
an active feel for furthering in
interest if with future flights will see
that these faces and sculptures are just
natural formations if they are that is
would you continue looking for other
signs of life well the scientists
involved are strictly researchers
whatever the data shows that's good
enough for any of us we're not pushing
any agenda well there are  thousand
images already in the queue and tens of
thousands more coming down the pike we
want to see what's there don't you
so we'll be we'll keep looking I am
something what's that yeah I think
that's an interesting question because
you have to look at the cultural context
of what's been going on for  years now
we've had this face image and yet NASA
has been totally ignoring it the most of
the people that are on the investigation
teams that have been funded by NASA and
I used to be on one of the tee out I was
in the Mariner  team I was deputy team
leader of the Mariner  Venus mercury
mission Mike Malin who was in charge of
the imaging for the Mars Global Surveyor
was a graduate student then he basically
worked for me and since I began to give
credibility to the inquiry not not
necessarily the result then all of a
sudden I was out not one penny from NASA
not one acknowledgment this is what's
happening culturally and if you
understand that then you begin to see
the pattern the geologists on the Mars
Global Surveyor team look at Mars
through geological colored glasses so
they're going to be looking for canyons
and signs for water erosion and so forth
and so on
where some of us outside of NASA have
culturally coalesced admittedly in a
kind of
ad hoc way because we haven't been
organized or funded for any of the work
and so if you look at it from that point
of view you begin to understand how it
might be that these investigations
actually are every bit as credible as
the ones that happen within NASA
it's just culturally different why has
NASA refused to give any credibility to
any possibility of non terrestrial life
past present or future all these stories
about the Brookings Institution report
and sociologically this and people this
you know we've grown up through  or
years of sci-fi movies and young people
being interested in the subject that
won't wash anymore what do you believe
is the real reason NASA is putting the
lid on this information my guess is that
the Brookings Institution report which
is a very important report basically
recommended a policy that the US
government would not admit to any
evidence for extraterrestrial
intelligence so it's been obfuscated
ever since well it goes way back to
Roswell actually if you look at the
paradigm of inquiry and extraterrestrial
intelligence the only one that's that's
really passed the mustard and that was
through the efforts of Carl Sagan and
some of his colleagues was the radio
telescopic search for extrasolar planet
arest real intelligence radio signals
but that paradigm is very limited and it
makes a number of cultural assumptions
about how extraterrestrial intelligence
might manifest what we're looking at now
are probable artifacts on another planet
and those kinds of investigations for
whatever reason there may have been a
policy decision made quite a while ago
pursuant to the Brookings report that
anything like this is got to be not
sanctioned I know that mainstream
conservative scientists tend to not want
to touch it either they're afraid they
might lose their funding
so not many of us are able to speak out
on this even though our science Tom van
Flandern science my science the
scientific aspect is every bit as
conservative as anybody else's well what
do you think people should do about this
what what do you what would you see what
would you suggest
not only how we're being dumbed down so
so deeply I think we need to broaden the
education I think we need people need to
have more courage to go for the truth
rather than go for what's politically
correct that we are living in a dark age
right now we're going toward fossil
fuels the wrong direction now maybe that
will wake us up the rest of us to say
well we do have alternatives we have
alternatives and energy and we have
alternatives in expanding our knowledge
base and opening ourselves up more into
inquiry in the question of whether we're
alone in the universe I would like to
hear hear from dr. van Flandern about
the relation between NASA and JPL that
seems to illuminate why there is such
hostility to following up on these
pictures we don't ultimately know JPL's
motives for its use of ridicule in
connection with this program rather than
addressing it scientifically but I did
work myself at the laboratory for four
months back in the s and I got a sense
of the mindset there and I for my taste
as a scientist even then it was not a
healthy mindset there was concern in the
laboratory because they only get funding
for robotic space missions and there was
a feeling in the s that the Apollo
missions had ended the series of JPL
missions to the moon in favor of manned
missions out of the NASA centers and
even after the manned missions ended
never reversed and there were no more
robotic missions to the moon that JPL
was given funding or control over its
the best conjecture I can give as to why
they seem institutionally determined to
ridicule and make life difficult for
scientists and media who give we publish
images genuine images from the space
program with genuine scientific
commentary and may take it seriously and
that's scientifically inappropriate that
much I will say for sure
is there a reason to send human beings
to Mars well I think that's up to
American people they up to the people in
the world for my point of view I think
it would be a very exciting thing to do
it may not be top priority right now I
think top priority is to save the earth
to on soil our nest but we'd certainly
like to visit other nests too and see
what happened there I think these
pictures are very revealing and they are
leading us into hopefully what will
become a mainstream inquiry where we
don't have to put our lives on the line
to be able to do the work okay thank you
very much that concludes the session I
want to thank Thomas van Flandern and
Brian O'Leary for joining me today at
this important news conference thank you
all bye-bye
there is a strong mindset by the people
in charge of the Mars exploration
program that we don't we we are certain
that the idea of artifacts on other
planets and moons is such a long shot as
not to be scientifically worth
considering and that the standards of
the public and some of the scientists
investigating these are too long and
they're seeing the kinds of faces
everybody sees in clouds and mountains
and they do not spend their valuable
time looking at the reports looking at
the work of the researchers reading
their papers they just ridicule it's
unfortunate it's unscientific behavior
but that is the stance they have adopted
as it responds to all of this material
the odds against a natural origin are
now a thousand billion billion to one
and that's good enough for me
so I'm concluding in simple layman's
language it's artificial beyond a
reasonable doubt we don't know the
motives of the builders or these
intelligent species that we now think
once inhabited Mars but the fact that
they are showing things so frequently
familiar to us so terrestrial in nature
suggests that this was not part of
infrastructure for an indigenous
civilization but rather it was something
like what our own moon will resemble in
a thousand years from now when we have
tourism visiting the place and viewing
from space stations in orbit its
artistic and museum-like quality that
suggests an attempt to portray things
elsewhere whether than things that are
useful to the species living there I
think it's a fascinating feature and
you're referring to the feminine face or
the king or the queen or whatever the
it has a it has a very interesting and
restful quality but the original face on
Mars is still I think scientifically the
most convincing because the
three-dimensional structure of the face
is very face like and we know that now
from to Viking pictures that were taken
at different Sun angles so we were able
to pair them up and you've got a three
dimensional structure which makes it
more like Mount Rushmore than the old
man of the mountain and New Hampshire
which is just a one-dimensional thing
you know I think the important thing at
this time is to establish the
credibility of the investigation and to
look at these objects openly and not not
with the kind of censorship and ridicule
and cover-up that nASA has been involved
I think NASA may be following the
brookings policy  which basically
said that if there's any discovery of
extraterrestrial intelligence or
artifacts in the solar system that this
should be kept in the public and I think
that's been happening across the board
but the you know it's very obvious to me
that through the years the accumulated
evidence for the UFO phenomenon for the
anomalies on Mars the crop circle
phenomenon that right now there is this
a paradigm collision going on there's a
conflict between two very different
points of view and the forces that are
covering this up and obfuscating and
steering people away from orderly
inquiry I think is a crime against
humanity so how long did it take you to
create this giant based on more
sculpture he took about three and a half
months for it to complete completely dry
because couldn't be handled before that
it's a made of paper mache what were
your feelings as you worked on it over
that long period of time well as I
concentrated on the face half of the
face was not visible so I had to make up
what wasn't that shot of heart the main
thing that I saw was that had been a
huge cataclysm that created a flood a
huge flood that sort of wiped the whole
planet like washed it you see
I felt that the face had been washed
what do you think of the new face on
Mars oh it was shocking when you show me
that face it was shocking I mean this
face is so realistic like the man
mentioned that face has emotion this
face I could not make up whether it was
an animal extraterrestrial a human but
the proportions are right between the
forehead the nose and the chin you know
it's a face in the new face it's almost
well the implications would depend a lot
on what that means in terms of are we
alone or what how does the human species
fit into this picture and there are
still two almost diametric possibilities
there it may turn out that this is
evidence for somebody other than us or
it may turn out that this is newly
discovered evidence of our own
prehistory and that there was a
something like the human civilization
was at an advanced state on another
world and when the Cataclysm came they
had to send as many members of the
species as they could elsewhere possibly
to earth to survive and that the human
race then evolved from a new beginning
from those survivors I think the public
could handle it I think the public I'm a
very much a populist I think that people
need to wake up and see that we do have
energy alternatives that we do have what
looks like life out there beyond the
earth and I think the public is ready


2017-08-10 05:33:24 | 縄文宇宙文明


古史古伝 - Wikipedia



    1 写本自体が私有され非公開である、などの理由で史料批判がなされる予定がなく、史料として使えないものも多い

  2 超古代文明について言及されている

  3 漢字の伝来以前に日本にあったという主張がある神代文字で綴られている

  4 上代特殊仮名遣に対応してない(奈良時代以前の日本語母音が8個あったが、5母音の表記体系である)

  5 成立したとされる年代より後(特に近代以降)の用語や表記法が使用されている




「古史古伝」という言い方は、吾郷清彦が著書『古事記以前の書』(大陸書房、1972年)で最初に提唱したもので、この段階では「古典四書」「古伝三書」「古史三書」とされていたが、著書『日本超古代秘史資料』(新人物往来社、1976年)では、「古典四書」「古伝四書」「古史四書」「異録四書」に発展した。 初期の頃の吾郷清彦は「超古代文書」という言い方を好み、「古史古伝」とは言わなかった。あくまで分類上の用語として「古伝四書」とか「古史四書」といっていたにすぎない。1980年代以降、佐治芳彦がこれをくっつけて「古史古伝」と言い出したのが始まりである。








  • 九鬼神伝精史」(いわゆる「九鬼文書」。『天津鞴韜秘文』(あまつたたらのひふみ)は九鬼文書群の一部である)
  • 竹内太古史」(いわゆる「竹内文献」。「天津教文書」「磯原文書」ともいう)
  • 富士高天原朝史」(いわゆる「富士谷文書」(ふじやもんじょ)。「宮下文書」「富士宮下古文献」ともいう)
  • 物部秘史」(いわゆる「物部文書」)









  • ウラ・リンダの書』(『オエラリンダ年代記』ともいう):自身を由緒正しい古フリーズ貴族の末裔に違いないと信じていた大工コルネリウス・オヴェル・デ・リンデが偽造した、先史時代までさかのぼる年代記。フリーズ人はキリスト教以前に独自の一神教を持つとし、万物創造の唯一神ヴラルダを讃え、ザクセン人やフランク人を見下しフリーズ人の優越性を説く。1872年にオランダで出版され、偽造であるとばれて事件は終わっていたが、ナチズムの台頭の中、1933年にドイツの先史学者ヘルマン・ヴィルトがユダヤによる旧約聖書以前の本物の古文書であると主張し、北方人種の栄光ある過去を創造する道具として利用しようとした。[13]ヘレナ・P・ブラヴァツキー神智学における根源人種論の元とも言われ、ニューエイジにも影響がある。
  • Oahspe: A New Bible』:オアフスペ、オアースプ等いろいろに読まれる。1882年出版。
  • モルモン経
  • アカーシャ年代記」(「アカシックレコード」ともいう[14]





「古史古伝」とはいったい何なのか? これは、「日本最初」の歴史書、『古事記』(ふることふみ)・『日本書紀』(やまとのふみ)(両者を合わせて、通称『記紀』)よりも、遙かに古い「日本の歴史書」群の総称です。それらの代表的な物を列記すると、

  • 竹内文書
  • 九鬼(くかみ)文書
  • 宮下文書
  • 上記(うえつふみ)
  • 秀真伝(ほつまつたえ)
  • 東日流外三郡誌(つがるそとさんぐんし)


 Hotsuma Tsutae Document Tree by Torii


  1. 『記紀』や、聖徳太子時代に編纂されたと言う『天皇記』(すめらみことのふみ)・『国記』(くにつふみ)よりも成立年代が古い。
  2. 『記紀』等の正統な史書は神武天皇を「初代」とするが、「古史古伝」の多くが神武天皇以前に数十代から数百代の天皇を載せている。つまり、「古史古伝」では神武天皇は初代ではない。
  3. 「古史古伝」の多くが漢字渡来以前の古代日本文字「神代文字」によって書かれているか、もしくは、「神代文字」を載せている。










これも同様に『竹内文書』に出てくる物ですが、読んで字の如く、「天(空)に浮く船」です。一日に千里万里を行くその性能からすれば、旅客機かはたまたUFOか・・・と言った感じでしょうか? ちなみに、古代インドの聖典にも「ヴィマーナ」(「飛行車」の意味)と呼ばれる飛行物体が存在した事が記されています。



だまだ「古史古伝」には、『記紀』等の「正統な歴史書」には無い様々な内容がちりばめられています。しかし、史学界はあくまでもこれを「異端」として認めていません。中には『竹内文書』の様に、国家権力が狩野亨吉博士(故人 元・京都大学文学部長)等、当代の碩学を総動員して「偽書」の烙印(レッテル)を押した物もあり、言論・研究・思想の自由が保障された戦後日本の現代でさえ、名のある歴史学者は、未だに手を出そうとはしません。よほど、狩野亨吉博士の下した「偽書」鑑定が効いたと見えますが、「古史古伝」は果たして「偽書」なのでしょうか?









Dogu: Japans Mysterious Pottery Figures

2017-08-08 11:33:47 | 縄文宇宙文明

Japanese society Italy debated their
origins they still ask questions such as
who are we and where did they come from
a question that is asked in many
societies but when a large prehistoric
settlement was discovered in a moral
Prefecture in the far north of Honshu it
would change Japan as we know it it was
a story that would be found on every
newspaper in Japan the earliest artifact
that dated back from about , BCE
tools were discovered to scholars
thought dated back to an Old Stone Age
culture that spread from Northeast Asia
into Japanese suck sakeni on kimitaka
peninsula and even to north america
adorn the time these tools are
discovered scholars realized detour
these tools will possibly use during the
Old Stone Age these tools developed
pottery within the hunting and gathering
society neo mythical hunters and
gatherers created figures of clay these
pottery figures would be one of the
oldest in the world older than any
pottery in the Middle East the period
discipline the period this pottery came
from would be known as jomon period or
from the german society the reason why
would be called the jomon period is due
to the cord markings that characterized
the ceramics made during this time or
the rope-like chord patterns designed on
the pottery
this hollow figurine or doogal of a
female is representative of the type
found in Tohoku region is displayed at
the Metropolitan Museum but many of the
german pottery figures are displayed all
over the world there are party figures
that can be found at the British Museum
the unit the University of Art Museum
the Tokyo University of Arts and many
others but the main one in my opinion
would be the perpetual amore Museum of
Art the pottery figures that are
featured in these museums range from
sizes  inches up to nearly two feet for
the larger Dougal this specific dogo
from the late to final jomon period is
six-and-a-half inches in height or
sixteen point five centimeters looking
at this pottery figure you can
immediately recognize those big coffee
bean shaped eyes it's almost has an
aenean like aspect to its design as well
the nose in the mall for just merely two
small holes and doing those eyes almost
look like goggles the true meaning of
this convention remains unknown while
other versions of the figures are more
complex and never really supposed to be
understood other pottery figures have
more complete examples of this type have
fleshy torsos with bare navels above
dick sturdy legs the emphasis on the
pointed breasts and generous hips of
these figures suggest that they function
as fertility symbols most of these
figures were seen as symbols with
recognizably human or animal features
they have a fascinating history in japan
dating back thousands of years Google
evolved within the earliest dated
continuous tradition of pottery
manufacturer in the world stretching
back to about , bc they were
produced by the German people
prehistoric foragers in the temperate
forests that covered the Japanese
acapella jam own people lived in tune
with the seasons and shattered and
shared their rich natural world with the
spirits since the Edo period
Dougal have been excavated from many
sites through throughout Japan the best
example is coming from central and
eastern regions from where most of the
current exhibits are drawn more than
, Dougal have been recovered from
each of the two major sites shokudo in
yamanashi prefecture in san e maria ma
in a morir prefecture mostly in
fragments nationwide the total reported
to date is about eighteen hundred
thousand the techniques used to make
such pottery were modeling clay
applicate marketed with twisted plant
fibers and varnishing the artistic and
high quality potteries are very unique
but what is what is a mystery is its use
there's a belief these Dougal were used
for the embodiment of spirits venerated
and revered sometimes buried with the
dead to guide them to the next world
sort of how the children's will put a
coin on the eyes or in the mouth of
deceased so they can pay the ferryman
Sharon to ferry them throughout done the
world River known as sticks but i did
bad i digress the debate between
japanese still continues the functions
of the Dougal are open for
interpretation to jack up the japanese
acapella during the jomon period was
occupied by a large number of different
groups of people or different societies
they probably spoke a number of
different dialects and express
themselves through a huge range of
pottery styles over  local styles
have been recognized today ja mon people
lived in tune with their seasons and
shared a rich natural world with the
spirits the mystery of the german
pottery figures could be compared to the
mystery of the Easter Island heads
although the two are entirely different
objects they share similarities though
the Easter Island heads were said to
keep the evil spirits away from dead and
Dougal or said to be buried with the
dead one so they can be guided to the
next world creating a symbol meaning for
both of these objects especially when it
came to making sure the dead remained in
peace and even more interesting to bake
turning the German people is a theory or
scientific matter that links them to be
of Korean descent they have also been
studies of hybridization saying that
both yo-yo and Jomo engines have made a
contribution to contemporary gene pool
genetic studies have suggested
interbreeding between the yo-yo and your
own people with a gem own contribution
to modern Japanese being as much as
forty percent apparently a yo-yo
language prevailed along with the
agricultural technology researchers who
have studied German and yoyo cultures
came to the conclusion up to studying
various dialects of Japanese the
conclusion was all Japanese are
descended from a founding language taken
to the Japanese islands  years ago
the finding sheds new light on the
origins of the Japanese people
suggestion that their language descended
from that of the rice-growing farmers
who arrived in Japan from the Korean
Peninsula and not from the
hunter-gatherers who first inhabited the
islands some , years ago in the
th century Dougal served as a potent
source of artistic inspiration and in
recent decades they have featured they
have been even been featured in manga
comics and PlayStation games it is
testimony to the power to do gold I can
that they can serve simultaneously as
symbols of prehistoric japan japan
entrancing works of art and protagonist
in contemporary culture here are my
citations now not all my citations are
here which is why i have a google doc
link in the bottom them I recommend you
go and check that out that's where all
my citations up are as well as the
lecture I just gave word for word most
of the citations are used we're mainly
for pictures
the main domain websites i use for my
research were the museum websites that i
provided here thank you and i hope you
enjoyed this lesson


Speech Excerpt/Work Citied


Dogu: Japans Mysterious Pottery Figures

Japanese society heatedly debate their origins, they still ask questions such as: Who are they and where did they come from? A question that is asked in many societies, but when a large prehistoric settlement was discovered in Aomori Prefecture in the far north of Honshu, it would change Japan as we know it. It was the story that would be found on every newspaper in japan, the earliest artifact that dated back from about 30,000 B.C.E. Tools were discovered, tools scholars thought dated back to an Old Stone Age (Craig). Culture that spread from northeast Asia into Japanese, Sakhalien, Kamchatka peninsula, and even to North America. During the time these tools were discovered, scholars realized these tools were possibly used during the Old Stone Age. These tools developed pottery within the hunting and gathering society.  Neolithic hunters and gatherers created figures of clay (Ron). These pottery figures would be one of the oldest in the world, older than any pottery in the Middle East.  The period this pottery came from would be known as the Jomon Period or from the Jomon Society. The reason why it would be called the Jomon period is due to the "cord markings that characterize the ceramics made during this time (JOM),” or the ropelike cord patterns designed on the pottery.

Part 2:  This hollow figurine or dogu of a female is representative of the type found in the Tohoku region. It is displayed at the Metropolitan Museum, but many of the Jomon pottery figures are displayed all over the world. There are pottery figures that could be found at the British Museum, The University Art Museum, The Tokyo University of Arts and many others, but the main one in my opinion would be the prefectural Aomori Museum of Art. The pottery figures that are featured in these Museums range from sizes two inches up to nearly two feet for the larger dogu. This specific dogu from the Late to Final Jomon Period is 6 ½ inches in height or 16.5 centimeters (Bus). Looking at this pottery figure you can immediately recognize those big coffee bean shaped eyes it almost has an alien like aspect to its design as well. The nose and the mouth are just merely two small holes and dogu’s eyes almost look like goggles. The true meaning of this convention remains unknown, why the other versions of figures are more complex is never really supposed to be understood. Other pottery figures have more complete examples of this type have fleshy torsos with bare navels above thick, sturdy legs. The emphasis on the pointed breasts and generous hips of these figures suggests that they functioned as fertility symbols (Bus).  Most of these figures were seen as symbols “with recognizably human or animal features, (sic) they have a fascinating history in Japan, dating back thousands of years (Pow).” Dogū evolved within the earliest dated continuous tradition of pottery manufacture in the world, stretching back to about 12,500 BC. They were produced by the Jōmon people, prehistoric foragers in the temperate forests that covered the Japanese archipelago. Jōmon people lived in tune with the seasons, and shared their rich natural world with the spirits. Since the Edo period (1615–1868) dogū have been excavated from many sites throughout Japan, the best examples coming from central and eastern regions -- from where most of the current exhibits are drawn.

Part 3: More than 1,000 dogū have been recovered from each of two major sites, Shakadō in Yamanashi prefecture and Sannai Maruyama in Aomori prefecture mostly in fragments. Nationwide, the total reported to date is about 18,000 (The).  The techniques used to make such pottery were modelling, clay appliqué, marking with twisted plant fibres (jōmon means ‘cord-marked’) and burnishing. The artistic and high quality potteries are very unique, but what is a mystery is its use.  There is a belief these dogu were used for the embodiment of spirits, venerated and revered; sometimes buried with the dead to guide them to the next world, sort of how the Trojans would put a coin on the eyes and mouth of the deceased, so they can pay their ferryman Charon to ferry them through the underworld river known as styx, but I digress. The debate between the Japanese still continues, the functions of the dogu are open for interpretation, “the Japanese archipelago during the Jomon period was occupied by a large number of different groups of people, or different societies. They probably spoke a number of different dialects and expressed themselves through a huge range of pottery styles - over 400 local styles have been recognized to date (Stone)."Jōmon people lived in tune with the seasons, and shared their rich natural world with the spirits (Pow). The mystery of the Jomon pottery figures could be compared to the mystery of the Easter Island heads. Although the two are entirely different objects they share some similarities.

Part 4:The Easter Island heads were said to keep evil spirits away from the dead and dogu’s were said to be buried with the dead so they can be guided to the next world creating a symbol or meaning for both of these objects especially when it came making sure the dead remained in peace. An even more interesting debate concerning the Jomon people is a theory or scientific matter that links them to be of Korean descent. There have also been studies of hybridization saying that both Yayoi and Jomon genes have made a contribution to the contemporary gene pool (Tra). Genetic studies have suggested interbreeding between the Yayoi and Jomon people, with the Jomon contribution to modern Japanese being as much as 40 percent. Apparently the Yayoi language prevailed, along with the agricultural technology (Wade). Researchers who have studied the Jomon and Yayoi cultures came to a conclusion after studying various dialects of Japanese. The conclusion was all Japanese are descended from a founding language taken to the Japanese islands 2,200 years ago.  The finding sheds new light on the origin of the Japanese people, suggesting that their language is descended from that of the rice-growing farmers who arrived in Japan  from the Korean Peninsula, and not from the hunter-gatherers who first inhabited the islands some 30,000 years ago (Wade). In the twentieth century, dogū served as a potent source of artistic inspiration, and in recent decades they have even featured in manga comics and Playstation games. It is testimony to the power of dogū that they can serve, simultaneously, as symbols of prehistoric Japan; entrancing works of art; and protagonists in contemporary culture (POW).


The Secret Space Programs Shocking True Purpose Revealed 1

2017-08-07 10:02:29 | 秘密宇宙プログラム(SSP)

the glory days of NASA

today the military-industrial complex is

marching towards world dominance through

space technology on behalf of the glow

to find out how and why the space

program will

used to fight all future Wars on earth

and from space it's important to go back

in time to understand how the public has

been misled about the origins and true

purpose of the space program if we

really want to understand what's going

on in space today and what's happening

with the plan to put weapons in space I

think it's instructive to go back and

understand the origins of the u.s. space

program and to do that you have to go

back to Nazi Germany Hitler recruited a

brilliant young rocket scientist by the

name of Verner von Braun who had a

weekend rocket Club to come to work for

the Nazis to build the v and v rockets

they were used to terrorize the cities

of London and Paris and Brussels towards

the end of World War two and for von

Braun and his team they set up along the

Baltic Sea

a place called peenemuende there was a

research and development centre for the

Nazi rocket operation and to this place

at peenemunde a the Nazis brought

thousands of Jews and French resistance

fighters to serve as prisoners

essentially slaves to build this

production effort the British found out

about it went in and bombed the entire

operation and so the Nazis said we've

got to move to a more secure location

and down inside of central Germany

there's a mountain chain called the

hearts mountains and in that mountain

there's a huge tunnel where the Nazis

were storing military hardware

well they cleared the whole thing out

move the entire rocket operation into

the tunnel named it middle work and just

outside the mountain tunnel at middle

work the Nazis built a brand-new

concentration camp called Dora and to

Dora the Nazis brought , Jews

Gypsies French resistance fighters

homosexuals communists even a black

American GI were brought there to serve

as slaves for the operation

well inside the mountain tunnel the

slaves began to sabotage the operation

they left screws unturned they urinated

on the wires so that when von Braun and

his team were launching the rockets they

were going haywire so they sent their

team in to find out who was doing this

they identified  of the slaves and

summarily hung them in front of everyone

as a warning that you will not interfere

with this operation

well eventually the Allies even closed

in on this place too and on the day that

they did von Braun and his team fled for

the hills knowing that if they were

captured here they would be accused of

crimes against humanity one of the first

to arrive at this place was an  year

old American GI by the name of Hugh

Carey who later became governor of New

York State and he said when they arrived

what they discovered lying at their feet

was thousands and thousands and

thousands of dead bodies and come to

find out , of the , slaves at

this place perished at the hands of the

Nazis well you know immediately after

the war the US and the Allies created

the Nuremberg trials and which time we

brought the Nazis to justice for their

crimes against humanity but , of the

top Nazis never went to trial they were

smuggled into the United States by the

US military in under a program called

Operation Paperclip smuggled in through

Boston and West Palm Beach Florida

and Verner von Braun and his rocket team

 of them along with  copies of the

v rocket were sent to Huntsville

Alabama where von run became the first

director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight

Center what's interesting is the other

, Nazis who were they well some of

them were brought to the United States

to work for the CIA

others were brought to the United States

to do the LSD drug experiments and the

MKULTRA mind experiments during the

's where people were drunk jumping

out of windows some of the Nazi

scientists that in Germany had been

taking Jews and putting them in freezing

temperatures to see how the body would

react to that

were sent to wright-patterson Air Force

Base in Ohio and were put in charge of

the US military flight medicine program

and so when you take , of the top

Nazi scientists and essentially cede the

military-industrial complex

the question I have is do they bring

with them an ideological contamination

well not only did von Braun go to work

for NASA but the guy that was in charge

of the v flight test program up at

peenemunde a along the Baltic Sea guy

by the name of Kurt Debus became the

first director of the Kennedy Space

Center in Florida and then the man that

recruited von Braun Major General walter

dornberger the guy that was sent by

Hitler to recruit von Braun to come to

work for the Nazis he became

vice-president of Bell AeroSystems

Corporation in New York that made its

riches building the helicopters for the

war in Vietnam in fact when NASA was

created the US military freaked out

you're going to have a civilian space

program you can't do that the military

has to be in charge of space oh don't

worry don't worry the military was told

from the first day we're going to have a

NASA Oversight Committee that ensures

that the Pentagon control

the space program and Major General

walter dornberger the Nazi that

recruited von ronn was appointed to

that NASA Oversight Committee in fact in

 dornberger testified before the

United States Congress saying that

America's top space priority should be

to quote conquer occupy keep and

utilized space between the earth and the

moon and in fact later on in a speech

before a national missile industry

conference dornberger told the assembled

gentlemen I didn't come to this country

to lose the third world war I lost two

already and then finally the man that

was in charge of production and middle

work inside the mountain tunnel there in


The Secret Space Programs Shocking True Purpose Revealed 2

2017-08-07 10:01:18 | 秘密宇宙プログラム(SSP)

Arthur Rudolph he became the first

project director of the nasa saturn v

rocket program that took the united


so these are the essential origins of

the u.s. space program and so when we

hear this slogan master of space that is

on the building of the US Space Command

headquarters in Colorado Springs at

Peterson Air Force Base do we not find

an ideological similarity between master

of space and Hitler's slogan Deutschland

uber alles Germany overall but what were

the major implications of the space act

they simply said that we were to pursue

the development of activities in space

for the benefit of all mankind

well let's take a look at this US Space

Command what is it it's the command that

has been put in charge of controlling

space and it has just recently been

merged with the old Strategic Air

Command so now that the the space guys

if you will and the old bomber guys and

the missile guys are all part of the

same command and the Space Command put

out a planning document a few years ago

called vision for  on the cover of

it you see a satellite hitting targets

on the earth below let's take a look at

some of the language in this so-called

vision for  the Space Command says

that in the future because of corporate

globalization of the world economy they

expect that there's going to be a

widening gap between the haves and

have-nots between the rich and the poor

all over the world and as a result of

that the Pentagon predicts that there's

going to be more and more regional

instability around the world because

people that are under the boot of these

multinational corporations are going to

organize they're going to try to

organize unions they're going to

organize to get these corporations from

controlling their governments and the

Pentagon says you know we can't put a

marine on every single street corner of

the world to suppress these populations

but with space technology in place we'll

be able to see everything hear


and essentially target everything in

every place on the earth and the vision

 says that space superiority will

emerge as an essential element of

battlefield success

future warfare vision for  also

talks about dominating space and

controlling space and they actually

define control of space they say control

of space is the ability to assure access

to space freedom of operations within

the space medium and I think most

importantly of all they say an ability

to deny others the use of space so here

we are % of the world's population

we're going to deny other countries the

use of space because we are going to be

the masters of space

if you take a look at the Space Command

website and you take a look at the plans

they have it's mind-boggling I mean they

are trying to put in motion plans which

in effect could allow some command post

in Colorado Springs Colorado mountains

to instantaneously attack any part of

the world without warning from space

platforms with either nuclear or other

high disruptive destructive weapons and

to chance they think to cut back on

forward basing and simply to hold the

whole world in thrall to instant

destruction with you know Mach and

hypersonic drones giving instant

surveillance of whether somebody's

crossing a street in some Australia or

something like that

well we now know that the Persian Gulf

War in the early s was actually the

first space war ever with us satellite

supremacy we were able to pre identify

all of Saddam Hussein's military targets

before the war ever began and in the

first two to three days of that war we

bombed over  percent of Saddam

Hussein's targets intentionally leaving

just a tiny sliver of capability in

place that we then played cat-and-mouse

with over the remaining weeks of the war

where we used a hundred cruise missiles

at a million dollars apiece tested out

new stealth bombers and new laser

weapons and so coming out of that war

the Space Command said my god whoever

controls space is going to control the

earth below whoever controls the space

will win all the wars on the earth and

so we now know that the Kosovo war the

war would Yugoslavia was actually the

second space war and the war with

Afghanistan was the third space war and

in that war with Afghanistan the United

States introduced a whole new weapon

system called the UAV the unmanned

aerial vehicle a pilotless plane that

flies over Africa

Stan sending back what is called

real-time split-second time streaming

video via satellite back to MacDill Air

Force Base in Tampa where general Tommy

Franks was sitting watching the

television screen is it Taliban is it al

Qaeda is it a wedding and in a moment he

could push the button and the UAV the

unmanned aerial vehicle which the

Pentagon has nicknamed the predator

could fire in real time could fire and

hit the target on the earth below all

done in split-second by satellite

technology and so the Pentagon calls

this increasing the kill shame and in

George Bush's new war with Iraq the

latest space war the Pentagon has tested

out a whole new military doctrine called

shock and awe so today with the United

States controlling space we are able to

absolutely win every war on the earth

there is no challenger on this earth

able to stand against us at the same

time the Bush administration is

introducing this program called national

missile defense the idea of having a

bullet hit a bullet in deep space in

order to protect the continental United

States from attack by the so-called

rogue states well I would submit to you

that this idea of national missile

defense is really a Trojan horse

that it has nothing to do at all with

defense but in fact it's about

controlling space dominating space and

denying other countries access to space

so the United States could be the master

of space and the master of the earth

below that we can control the

battlefields of the earth and it's not

beyond realisation I'm in the u.s. is

there's nobody else is there's no space

race the u.s. is in it alone no other

country is willing to put the huge

amount of

money into efforts to nominate by

extreme violence at the cost of lots of

social cost you know the American people

are being asked to turn over the

National Treasury to the Pentagon

because so-called missile defense will

literally cost us hundreds and hundreds

and hundreds of billions of dollars and

how will we pay for this through cuts in

education health care job programs

environmental cleanup this is the way

the Bush administration and their allies

their corporate allies their aerospace

allies who view space as a new market

this is how they intend to pay for these

programs but besides this idea of

national missile defense that they say

will protect us from attack by the rogue

states and from even China China who

today only has  nuclear missiles

capable of hitting the United States

besides national missile defense though

there's a whole new program underway and

it's called theater missile defense TMD

the idea of theater missile defense is

you don't wait until the missiles get

way up into deep space

The Secret Space Programs Shocking True Purpose Revealed 3

2017-08-07 09:57:42 | 秘密宇宙プログラム(SSP)

you forward

deploy your systems and surround this

so-called defending rogue state and try

to hit their missiles immediately after

they're launched in what's known as its

boost phase and so today the United

States is moving to deploy theater

missile defense in the Middle East and

in the Asian Pacific region we're going

to put theater missile defense on Navy

ships each

destroyers that are made at Bath Iron

Works in the state of Maine and on these

Aegis destroyers they will be outfitted

with interceptor missiles that will be

deployed throughout the Asian Pacific

region in addition to the Aegis

destroyers the United States will also

deploy theater missile defense on trucks

ground-based launchers and also on the

airborne laser a converted Boeing

with a laser beam on it snows flying

hours a day seven days a week

over this so-called offending area now

when I started thinking about this China

has  nuclear missiles capable of

hitting the United States if you've been

to Walmart or k-mart anytime recently

you know we're China's very best

customer is China going to attack its

best customer knowing that we have

of our own nuclear weapons that we could

hit them back with it just doesn't make

sense but then I found an article in The

Washington Post a while back called for

the Pentagon Asia moving to the

forefront and the article says that we

are going to manage China the United

States is going to manage China the

article says that we're going to double

our military presence in the Asian

Pacific region in fact we are now

lengthening and widening the runways on

Guam and Wake Island in the Pacific to

handle the b- bombers and also we're

now pre positioning cruise missiles on

Guam and we are going to deploy theater

missile defense systems in Japan what we

now call our unsinkable aircraft carrier

where today we have , US troops

deployed and right next door to Japan

and South Korea where we have , US

troops deployed and where bush is now

heating up tensions between the United

States and North Korea we're going to

deploy theater missile defense in South

Korea which will only anger the North

Korean government even more making them

feel like we are closing in on them

and that they must respond by escalating

their own military hardware we're going

to deploy theater missile defense

miles off the coast of mainland China in

Taiwan which will make China feel like

they've got to respond and they've got

to go now and build more nuclear

missiles to meet this growing threat you

know after / I began to look at this

whole map of this Asian Pacific region a

lot differently previously I was just

looking at the coastal region along

China's coast where the United States is

talking about deploying these theater

missile defense systems but after / I

now look at China's inland mortar an

area that we now call Central Asia we

know a lot more about it today we know

that the United States has set up bases

now in this Central Asian region and

that as President Bush has said we're

going to be there a long long time

and so today we've set up bases in

Afghanistan in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan

and throughout this region and come to

find out we now know that this Central

Asian region has some of the largest

deposits of oil and natural gas in the

entire world lose Becca Stan has the

largest gold mine in the entire world

so clearly this response from / to go

to war with Afghanistan and to take over

Afghanistan I would submit to you is

part of a larger geopolitical strategy

now underway what gives me confidence in

saying that is that I recently read a

book by former national security adviser

to the Carter Administration a guy by

the name of is a big new Brzezinski and

the book is called the grand chessboard

and in that book Brzezinski has two very

important graphs one of those graphs

shows oil pipelines coming through

Afghanistan taking the oil into ports in

the Arabian Sea where US oil

corporations could then move it to Asian

Pacific markets that are expanding now

and demanding more oil in fact we found

out that in  the Unocal corporation

one of their vice presidents testified

before the Congress of the United States

imploring Congress to help put a more

compliant government into Afghanistan so

that Unocal could then get agreements to

build the oil pipelines through that

region and so in Brzezinski's book then

he lays out what he calls two key

collision points that if the united

states is going to control the oil and

control the markets in this emerging

asian pacific region the one collision

point is the coastal region along china

where today we're moving to

to deploy theater missile defense

systems and the other collision point is

in the Central Asian region where today

we are setting up bases since / to

supposedly go after terrorists in the

Space command's other planning document

of importance called the long-range plan

they lay out their final vision control

not only of the Middle East or the Asian

Pacific but control of literally the

entire earth with the new technologies

under way the successor to the shuttle

that is being worked on today for

example what they're calling the

military space plane it would fly down

from orbit drop an attack on the earth

and then go back up into space and also

the space-based laser what they're

calling the Death Star at the Pentagon

the industry magazine Aviation Week and

space technology recently reported on a

Space Command computer war game set in

the year

and in that computer war game it was the

u.s. against China

Graham Hancock - Fingerprints of the Gods 1

2017-08-06 05:03:08 | 闇の日本史

please put your hands together and
warmly welcome mr. graham hancock thank
you Dad I've got volume here right yes
thank you very much indeed for for all
being here today I was just listening to
what Graham birds'll was saying about my
my past career and I was thinking how
how I got into all of this from being a
journalist working on the Economist it
actually happened because of repeated
visits that I made to Ethiopia and the
claim that Ethiopia makes to possess the
Lost Ark of the Covenant this claim was
ridiculed by scholars but as I began to
look into it I found that it rests on
very solid foundations and I ended up
writing the sign of the seal and that
book the research on that book took me
to Egypt because of course the origins
of the Ark of the Covenant lie in Egypt
and in the exodus of the Israelites from
Egypt and when I went to Egypt and began
looking into that civilization I
realized that I was confronted by an
extraordinary mystery a mystery that
Egyptologists had never satisfactorily
explained or if any rate if they tried
to their explanations certainly didn't
make sense to me I remember we were
reading a book called archaic Egypt by
Professor Walter Emery now deceased but
a great authority on his subject and he
drew attention to curious similarities
between ancient sumerian civilization in
Mesopotamia and the archaic
Egyptian civilization and while he could
find no strong evidence of a direct
influence of of ancient Egypt on Sumer
or of Sumer on ancient Egypt he found
that these similarities couldn't be
explained away as coincidence and he put
forward an interesting hypothesis
he asked what if an earlier an
identified civilization a remote third
party civilization had influenced both
Egypt and Sumer passed down a legacy to
both of them and what if the
similarities between these two cultures
were explained by that remote common
influence and I thought I thought this
was a very interesting idea and one
worth pursuing further and in fact more
than anything else it was that seed
planted by Professor Walter Emery
that led me to research and write
fingerprints of the gods I could not
have written that book at all or indeed
developed in the direction that that I
have developed as a writer and
researcher if it hadn't been for my
partner and wife santa hire whose
photographs were going to be looking at
here she certainly been the most
profound influence on my life and I did
some bad stuff back in the s which
when I look back on it I regret it but
we have to live with our mistakes and
I'm very grateful to Santa for putting
me right
many other people also who I need to
thank and without whom fingerprints
could not have been written researchers
people working in the field of the
mystery of the origins of civilization
over the last hundred years or so going
back as far as Ignatius Donnelly who
wrote Atlantis the antediluvian world in
the s more recently professor
giorgio de santo jana of the
massachusetts institute of technology
he's now also deceased did wonderful
work on the astronomical content of
ancient myths the amazing discovery that
in some of the oldest myths relating to
global cataclysms that have come down to
us from remote prehistory that in those
myths is found detailed astronomical
information relating to the phenomenon
that I'll be discussing a little bit
during this
Nonna's precession of the equinoxes
professor Charles Hapgood whose earth
crust displacement theory and whose work
on ancient maps again provides a clue to
this lost civilization that exists way
back in our past and I'm quite sure that
it does exist and more recently rather
than Rose flemeth who've refined Charles
Hapgood theories of earth crust
displacement and John Anthony West a
great man who spent  years trying to
draw the attention of Egyptologists to
the erosional features of the Great
Sphinx and the implications of that
erosion and of course my friend and
colleague Robert Bauval with whom I have
co-authored the new book keeper of
Genesis Roberts astronomical work on the
Orion correlation between the pyramids
and the three stars of Orion's belt is
in my view the single most important
breakthrough in this field which has
enabled the pyramids mute for
four-and-a-half thousand years to speak
again and to speak in a comprehensible
manner I don't propose in this talk that
I'm going to give on fingerprints today
to go at all into the astronomical work
that Robert and I presented keeper
Genesis because Robert will be doing
that when he talks about keeper of
Genesis but take it from me the the
astronomy is really the key to this to
this whole mystery it's it's a way that
some ancient people long ago far more
sophisticated and civilized than our
historians would ever give credit for
found a way to communicate with the
future a way to wake up
dormant memories in all of us memories
of that great Golden Age of mankind that
is recorded in all our ancient myths
I'll start this talk just by looking at
a few similarities a few connections
bearing in mind what I said about Walter
Emery and the theory of a remote
third party civilization let's extend
that out from just the Middle East from
Egypt consumer and let's look at
connections between Egypt and the
America and the Americas similarities
that are ignored by scholars but are not
explained by them one issue concerns the
face of the Great Sphinx which were
which we're looking at here Robert and I
are of the view along with many of our
colleagues that the head of the Sphinx
was recarved by the dynastic Egyptians
that the monument is many thousands of
years older than the beginning of
historic Egyptian civilization and that
it was probably originally lion headed
as well as lion bodied and that that
heavily eroded millennial ancient
leonine head was recarved into the face
of a God by the early Pharaohs of Egypt
perhaps at around  BC when
Egyptologists think that the monument
was actually created what I want to draw
attention to here is just a small point
it's pretty clear and well established
that we're looking at the face of an
African individual here an African head
and I'd like to compare that with this
African head which is roughly the same
size as the head of the Sphinx
it's an enormous piece of sculpture when
you stand beside it towers above you and
it weighs about  tons the only problem
with this African head is that it
doesn't come from Africa at all it comes
from the Gulf of Mexico and indeed was
disinterred from the oldest
archaeological strata in the Gulf of
Mexico in which it had been deliberately
buried at around  or  BC we can
say that it was buried then because
organic material found alongside it has
been carbon dated to that period but I
suspect the scholars may be making a
mistake when they
attribute this so-called Olmec head the
construction the carving of the head to
that same period of say  BC it's a
mistake in logic to assume that the head
dates from the same period as the
organic material that was buried with it
it's equally possible that it could have
been a vastly ancient heirloom a
venerated treasure that was passed down
over thousands of years until the time
when this mysterious Olmec civilization
the supposed mother culture of Central
America also venerated it and very did
I'm intrigued by the similarities of
features between the face of the Sphinx
in the face of this head and by the way
we know nothing at all about the Olmecs
not a single Olmec skeleton has ever
been found we it's just a name that is
applied to them they're one of those
mysterious high civilizations of
antiquity the origins of which are quite
unknown this also is an Olmec artifact
whoever the Olmecs were and again just
on this theme of light similarities I'd
like to draw attention to the headdress
that the figure is wearing and to
compare it with this headdress from
Egypt this is a fifth dynasty statue
found at saqqara and I'm intrigued by
the similarity of the headdress because
we're looking at cultures that are not
supposed to have been in contact at all
fifth dynasty Egypt in  BC and and
the Olmecs in  BC or perhaps much
earlier than that so how do such
similarities come about is it just a
coincidence was there a contact between
these two areas at that time or could we
be looking at the influence of a remote
third party civilization

Graham Hancock - Fingerprints of the Gods 2

2017-08-06 03:59:52 | 闇の日本史

this is this piece of sculpture is from
Bush mall in the Yucatan and it's
associated with the Maya and as you can
see it's a double feline figure two
Pumas or layer nine animals back to back
again we find a very similar device in
ancient Egyptian iconography to Lions
back to back often joined at the hip -
Lions fix's back to back as as here on
this Stella that stands between the paws
of the Sphinx see if I can get that shot
they were called the akka rule the gods
of yesterday and today and this device
of placing two felines back to back
again in my view is too similar to the
device found amongst the Maya to be
written off entirely as a coincidence
here we're looking at a piece of
Architecture from the from the Inka area
let me just try and get this shot so
difficult for me to see with all these
lights on me what I want to draw
attention to here is the way that the
block wraps around the corner this is a
supposedly inca wall just north of Cusco
in Peru and the blocks form a kind of L
shape as they wrap around the corner of
an unusual architectural device we find
exactly the same method of cornering
here in the valley temples that stands
next door to the Great Sphinx of Giza
excuse me I'll get the hang of this in a
minute a method of joining two blocks of
stone together this photograph was taken
at Tiahuanaco in Bolivia in the high
Andes and Tiahuanaco is a very
mysterious City and I'll be touching on
it in a few moments what I want to draw
attention to here is this imprint of a
metal bar which once joined these two
huge blocks of stone together of course
the metal bar has long since been
removed vandalized melted down but this
particular form of architecture is not
found anywhere else in the Americas but
it is found in Egypt we find it at Phil
I at elephantine and also here at
Dendera in Upper Egypt the same method
of joining stone blocks together and
here we're on the island of Sri Key in
Bolivia on lake titicaca looking at a
traditional method of boat design it's
one of the few places on lake titicaca
where these boats are still built these
reed boats with high curving brows and
according to local tradition the design
of these boats was brought to the andes
by the gods by the veera coaches as they
were called gods who were remembered as
being tall and pale skinned and bearded
who'd come from across the sea to South
America in a time of turmoil and
darkness after a great catastrophe and
who had brought with them this kind of
boat design and many many other skills
advanced his skills of civilization I'd
like to compare this this high proud
boat with this design from ancient Egypt
the so called solar boat of Khufu which
was found buried beside the Great
Pyramid of Egypt off the southern face
it's much bigger than the boats on the
Andes but the design is eerily similar
and this design has been studied by
marine experts and
they've concluded is rather interesting
they conclude that although the
materials used both in the Egyptian
boats and in the Andean boats are not
suitable for sailing on the open seas
the design that is incorporated in these
boats could only have been evolved by a
people with a long and solid tradition
of oceanic navigation people who needed
boats that could cut through high waves
and breakers and the suggestion is could
this design be a very ancient legacy
that was passed down and received both
by the Egyptians and by the peoples of
the Andes and expressed in the kind of
boats that they made in both areas such
boats are associated with the gods
the ancient Egyptians called their gods
the neat arewe and they said that they
had come from a land far away to the
south a land called tarney to rule
across vast expanses of ocean so whoever
they may have been these gods above all
else were navigators and seafarers and
navigators and seafarers need maps if
they're going to sail around the earth
now this map is a modern map and I
picked it up at the Library of Congress
in the United States it's an azimuthal
equidistant projection centered near
Cairo and in common with all modern maps
it incorporates a number of advanced
features it incorporates highly accurate
longitudes and particularly relative
longitudes and it incorporates an
advanced map projection it isn't easy to
represent a spherical object the earth
on a flat piece of paper and to do so
with a considerable degree of accuracy
and this is a problem that cartography
has had to overcome so we find good map
projections which require advanced
mathematics and good relative longitudes
interestingly enough there's a category
of ancient map which also shows these
modern features
and which doesn't fit with the received
view of the development of human history
one of the most famous of these maps is
the piri Reis map and I'm showing it
here because I want to compare the
projection of this map with the
projection here centered on Cairo notice
the west coast of Africa and the east
coast of South America and coming down
here to the Antarctic Peninsula hanging
up towards the South of South America
it's that precise projection that we
find on this  map again there's the
west coast of Africa the east coast of
South America and coming down here we
find a representation of the northern
Antarctic Peninsula in  when piri
Reis drew the map Antarctica had not
been discovered in fact it wasn't
discovered until  by our
civilization so there immediately is one
anomaly on this map and another anomaly
is the mathematics used in the map
projection and a third anomaly is that
it incorporates highly accurate relative
longitudes to do longitudes accurately
on maps requires a chronometer a marine
chronometer that will keep accurate time
at sea and again this was something that
our civilization couldn't do until the
late th century so this map fragment
or though it is appears to incorporate
many features that are not supposed to
have been known about in  piri Reis
explains why in these texts that he
wrote on the map he was a Turkish
Admiral and he wrote these texts on the
map and what they say is that the map is
not his own work it's a it's a work of
synthesis it's based on more than
earlier source maps that he put all
these maps together and derived his own
map from these and unfortunately the
source maps that piri Reis used have not
survived is it possible that the
advanced features of this map originate
in those lost
source maps which piri Reis told us went
back in some cases to before the time of
Christ and had come from the long-lost
Library of Alexandria in Egypt another
strange thing about the appearance of
Antarctica on this map it's been studied
by US Air Force cartographers and their
view is that what we're actually seeing
there is the sub Glacial topography of
Antarctica Antarctica as it looks
underneath the ice that now covers it
and this raises the question how long
has Antarctica been covered with the
two-mile thick ice cap that we now
presently see on it such questions would
be irrelevant if there were no other
maps in this category
if the piri reis map stood alone the
most sensible thing to do would be to
dismiss it as a coincidence but it
doesn't stand alone there's hundreds of
other maps that incorporate this same
information at a time when our
civilization had not yet acquired that
information this is the Mercator map
mecca tour is rather famous for his
Mercator projection that still dominates
most atlases today it's a th century
map and it shows Antarctica  years
before Antarctica was discovered and
again it's based on earlier source maps
and again it incorporates accurate
relative longitudes so also the Arantes
phineus map that we're looking at here
another th century map mecca tour
includes it in one of his atlases and
here we see Antarctica looking a little
bit different with mountains clearly
visible along the coast and rivers
running down from those mountains in
places where great glaciers are known to
run today it looks on this map as though
Antarctica is partially d glaciated the
center of the continent appears to be
featureless and ice covered but the
coast is showing these unglaciated
features what might that mean this is a
map by philip brush an th century
geographer still good hundred years
before the discovery of antarctica and
it shows the continent as a kind of
archipelago two major land masses
divided by a clear waterway run
between them I wonder where he got that
idea from as a redrawing of the Mercator
map and the Arantes Finnick phineas map
and the bush map and here to the right
based on seismic surveys conducted in
international geophysical year in
is a view of what Antarctica actually
looks like underneath all that ice that
now covers it we're looking at the sub
racial landscape of Antarctica here and
while I wouldn't claim for a moment that
the Blash map is a perfectly accurate
representation of the subglacial
topography of Antarctica I think it's
much too close to the reality to be
dismissed entirely I think that much
more research needs to be done into
these anomalous early maps and into the
source maps that they rely upon for
their information because we just may be
looking at the faint fingerprints of a
lost civilization of a navigating
seafaring civilization that explored and
mapped the entire globe long before what
we call history began the issue of the
glaciation of Antarctica is a
controversial one and most scholars
would say that it has been covered with
ice in the form that we see it today for
several millions of years but there is
some contradictory evidence deep-sea
cores which bring up soils from the
ocean band which suggests that rivers
carrying fine-grained sediments were
indeed running down off the coastline of
Antarctica until about , years ago
maybe that's the period we should be
looking at maybe something happened in
the world around them that we don't
fully understand and in my view this
whole mystery is intimately connected to
the mystery of the last ice age and what
an ice age is and why the last ice age
came suddenly and traumatically to an
end at around twelve or fourteen
thousand years ago you have ice sheets
six million square miles of ice covering
northern Europe two miles thick as far
south as London you have a similar mass
of ice covering much of North America as
far south as the Mississippi Delta
almost into the tropics this ice is
stable for a hundred thousand years and
then suddenly almost in the blink of an
eye it all melts within just a thousand
or two thousand years it's all gone
sea levels have gone up by  feet
around the world and hundreds of animal
species have been rendered extinct no
complete explanation for why the last
ice age came so suddenly and
dramatically to an end has ever been
offered by Orthodox scholarship there
are clear correlations with astronomical
events including interestingly the
precession of the equinoxes which I'll
be talking about later interestingly
because many of the ancient myths of
global Cataclysm that I've analyzed in
fingerprints of the gods incorporate
precise information on precession it's
almost as though they're trying to tell
us that there's a connection between
precession and the ending of ice ages
and lo and behold we've known for the
last  years that there is a connection
between precession and the end of ice
it's a correlation we don't know what
causes this ending of the ice age I
think that this is the period that
should be looked at by scholars this is
the period that deserves much more
detailed research than it's had a period
in which something awful happened to the
earth something that brought about a
dramatic tumultuous change a period in
which the face of the earth was almost
literally wiped clean and a period in
which it's perfectly possible perfectly
reasonable to suppose that a high human
civilization could have been almost
entirely obliterated leaving only a few
survivors and only a few traces of
itself for us to wonder at in later
hmm well there is the earth and that's
the extended North Pole of the earth
pointing at the star Polaris in the
constellation of Ursa Minori let me
focus this a bit that is our pole star
in the present time because of the
phenomenon of precession which causes
the earth to wobble very very slowly in
a cycle of , years
the pole star gradually changes it will
not always be Polaris and it has not
always been Polaris but it's a very slow
change about one degree every  years
not noticeable in a human lifetime
it also affects the positions of all the
other stars in the star field and if you
can establish that a monument is aligned
astronomically or incorporates
astronomical symbolism it's possible to
use precession to date that Monument and
we think that the ancients who left
their fingerprints around the world used
the phenomenon of precession as a
deliberate way of communicating
information about themselves to the
future and I'll be touching on that a
little bit in this talk and Robert will
be doing so much more in the torque on
keeper of Genesis that he'll be giving
after me this site Machu Picchu in Peru
is an extraordinary piece of landscape
gardening on a gigantic scale it's dated
by Orthodox archeology to around
years ago it's possible that it's much
older than that I won't go into the
details here but astronomers have
studied the alignments of some of the
features of Machu Picchu and they've
concluded that these were laid out
thousands and thousands of years earlier
than the Orthodox dating of the site
another aspect that many of these sites
in addition to intriguing astronomical
alignments is the use of enormous blocks
of stone we're looking here at a wall in
a place called sacsayhuamán near cusco
and the stone that I'm standing beside
has been calculated to weigh  tons in
layman's terms that's  ford sierra
motor cars it really beggars belief that
this kind of work could have been done
by a primitive people to put together
massive blocks of stone weighing
hundreds of tons each to align them to
the stars and to join them together in
these curious jigsaw puzzle formations
requires amazing engineering and
architectural skills and I think that
our historians and scholars tend to
gloss over the implications of this much
too easily all around the world there
are monuments like these undateable by
any objective technique because you
can't as I said earlier carbon-date
stone which bear the fingerprints of a
high technology in remote antiquity or
if not a high technology at any rate of
technology that we do not properly
understand today this is the Altiplano
in Bolivia in the high Andes and I'm
showing this photograph really to
indicate how sparsely populated the
Altiplano is how few people live there
at an altitude of more than , feet
above sea level it's not the kind of
terrain that can support a large
population crops are grown but they come
out of the ground stunted and the yield
is extremely low as a result very few
people live on the Altiplano today and
there's a mystery in that and a problem
in that and it's to do with the city of
Tiahuanaco which stands on the Altiplano
at an altitude of  and a half thousand
feet above sea level here's a bit of
tihuanaco this is the piece of
Tiahuanaco that's called the Puma Puma
punku and it consists of absolutely
enormous blocks of stone I mean they're
just an image

The Coming REUNION with The AGARTHANS Ancient Civilization Within

2017-08-05 11:03:43 | GFLJ速報


if one wishes to obscure the truth the
best method is to put we are trying to
hide in plain view I'm going to be
talking about Hollow Earth theory
synchro mysticism and symbolism in the
medium there are certain unexplainable
phenomenon having to do with the Earth's
geomagnetic Pole magnetism our own DNA
is response to it and our own genetic
manipulation and misfortune of being
told lies about our history and purpose
for being
a subdivision of Hitler's SS known as
the Thule society often use the Black
Sun sigil and their most powerful and
potent rituals as you see the spin wheel
design of the Black Sun emulates the
Stargate motif or alternating Island
syndrome that is most commonly
representative in the media
here you have our spaceship Atlantis
which also indirectly confers Stargate
technology and references the Pyramids
at Giza here you have the aurora
borealis over Antarctica a phenomenon
that cannot be explained away by solar
flare or Corona damage to our atmosphere
notice the serpent rope DNA on either
side of this thule society flyer with
the swastika or black sun schedule in
the center the society was renowned for
being able to reverse-engineer alien
craft or extraterrestrial craft not
necessarily from outside of the planet
but perhaps within
sacred geometry seems to be an
indicative value of the correspondence
between the Earth and the conscious
beings on its surface and perhaps within
its surface the fractal ated nature of
our microbiology our DNA seemed to mimic
the Stars and the patterns of Fibonacci
sequences in every possible way here you
have a motif of the southern tip of the
Black Sun as an entrance to Hollow Earth
or Agartha and this is a geometric
explanation of the patterns of Giza
illumination whatever it is it is at the
boiling point of social consciousness
there is a pale green electric rider on
the glass horizon bringer of equilibrium
balance and evolution into a new era
but how deep does a rabbit hole go
as Alice sits on her psychedelic Emma
need a mushroom cat with the Cheshire
Cat glancing over at her in his Masonic
stripes I can't help but to think that
this Wonderland they're depicting is
actually Agartha or shangri-la as seen
in sky captain in the World of Tomorrow
they actually venture to shangri-la in
search of an evil Nazi scientist by the
name of toten cough which relates back
once again to the Thule society and
Hitler's mission to Antarctica and a
venture to find agartha
the Atlantean Stargate design seems to
directly emulate the human jaw christum
with a pyramid of enlightenment at the
top via meditation or psychedelic drug
usage HP Lovecraft the writer of the
Cthulhu Mythos was a story about a
subterranean agartha like realm in which
psionic creatures represented in a
demonic light lived the same is to be
said about Dungeons and Dragons and the
under doc
here we see our favorite tiny toon
rabbit light in the Bulls I've an
Atlantian Stargate another rabbit in a
wormhole you could say on a checkerboard
and a masonic lodge with eyes of
illumination at the North and South
entrances to agartha  divisions from
the surface of the planet to the
ah middle-earth that wouldn't be a
reference to anything inside the planet
would it and why should we be having
wars over it here we see Gandalf and the
serpent tongue Balrog demon being cast
to the subterranean HP Lovecraft like
realms of Agartha
and then we come of course to the
demonization of the Sacred Feminine as
she eats the Apple in the Garden of Eden
tempted by the serpent Lucifer who is
only representative of the occult
knowledge of the origins of Genesis the
origins of creation our pork tongue
serpent DNA magnetism our slave race
reconnaissance forever quarantine the
caduceus that enslaves and takes from us
the light of Lucifer the light of
knowledge cast him down into the abyss
the subterranean labyrinth of the
underdark the cathunian realm or what
Agartha may actually represent life
the Lost Tribes of Abraham the Lemurians
Atlanteans Sumerians the tribes of
Babylon and the Maya perhaps they knew
exactly what AG Arthur was and where it
was and why the Illuminati has tried to
blindfold us as to our origins for so
and god i rated the waters Apollo and
below the permanent above and below
remember the inner earth is not the same
as out of it because inner earth is a d
reality fully conscious beings live
there we're going to be talking about
who they are I just wanted you to get a
better idea we as people on this planet
are not from here and we will tend to do
the right thing the outer part of every
planet is where the most fragile most
delicate most important diversities of
ecosystems are located so it is standard
for fully conscious galactic humans to
be on the inside of planets because
through the laws of vortex physics which
relate to how all this things we see out
there the Stars the planets etc were
created they're all hollow the Sun is
hollow so are all the planets so this
inside world this inner earth will be
the d reality home for Earth's humanity
when we complete the transition to being
fully conscious it is a place of
extraordinary beauty and a fitting
snapshot on how Gaia is to one day look
again so let's have a look a basis of it
when we first came here roughly nine
hundred thousand years ago was this huge
world this is where its largest
continent it's called is Miss known as
Lemuria the ancient name similar to  mu
it simply means the first mother in
lemorian and this huge place is where it
all began when I was in the Hawaiian
Islands I was able to contact people but
I just wasn't much of a climber so I
didn't get to go there are actually
people who know where some of the
ancient lemorian ruins are located on
Mount haleakala so let's just face it
it's real it's not made up this is
amazing tale but there's also an inner
earth part to this being fully conscious
beings even ones that are very very
ethereal as were the humans that lived
originally on the surface world of
memoria they knew and fully understood
that the basis ultimately of
being part of a worldwide stewardship of
this planet was to live inside so so as
we know and we'll be talking about the
history of why Agartha why isn't Lemuria
there and so agartha is the last living
remnant of lemorian as I said ,
years ago was colonized memoria was
colonized by the  major galactic
federation of light human star nations
the surface part of Lemuria the inner
part of memorials of course agartha was
sunk during an unprovoked attack by
landis nearly , years ago now
continue as I said all planets are
hollow orbs they're not solid this is an
example of what earth looks like on the
inside on the instinct I touch this
thing and does things very sensitive
mouse on and this is the area that looks
just like the outside as i said the
inside and the outside are just
continuations of one another the
difference right now is because of the
need to lower us down the d because of
the vibrations of d which allows us to
exist the d world is different it has
an expansion to it as a matter of fact
when we become fully conscious and the
whole planet reunites this planet will
actually be much bigger in diameter than
it is now it will expand this is a look
at the inside of our earth this is the
Central Sun roughly in  excuse me
 mile central core which floats
because this is atmosphere the
atmosphere of the outside of the planet
moves into the inside of the planet and
then moves outside of the planet it
means that there's a special around the
entrances there are special energies
which allow for the five the energy to
be converted to d it also acts like a
wall if the people do not want you to go
into inner they can stop you which is
what has happened if you
times with our military that has had
less than nice concepts of what they
want to do with your Gardens so remember
the inside has trees it has lakes it has
oceans at s continents it looks
basically like the outside except it's
much more beautiful because it's
retained its d reality and there's
little clouds around the Sun because
that's why people who saw at first in
the th century call it the smoky God
our mentors prime task is to prepare you
for what is to come this will include a
large number of hands-on sessions where
you can temporarily experience what is
to come further we intend to help this
process when you tour our many
motherships we have educational tools on
board that can aid in your experiences
of what you are to be as part of this
grand set of procedures we will
introduce you to your inner earth
cousins the agar then the time
approaches for the end to this great
secret that the dark has long hidden
from you all planets and stars are

Agartha: A Mystery Between Legend and Destiny

2017-08-05 01:21:18 | GFLJ速報


Agartha a legendary underworld Kingdom
hidden within the earth which in
Sanskrit means being accessible
described by the writer Willis George
Emerson in his works the heart of
Agartha resides under Central Asia and
covers the territory from the Gobi
Desert to the mountains of Tibet and
the rain extends down subterranean caves
towards the American caverns
still inhabited by the ancient
civilization which disappeared under
earth Shambhala is the capital city also
known as the Emerald City where the king
of the world and the council reside the
council plans  stages experts in
highest knowledge who secretly reign
over humans against the evil the
entrances to Agartha are allegedly the
Gobi Desert in Mongolia the North Pole
the Giza pyramids in Egypt and the bowls
in a lake in Italy
Agartha is surrounded by high mountains
and is divided into eight parts and
seventy six realms according to the
prophecy the hair of Mohammad who start
war to establish his domain and achieve
the global supremacy
by doing so he will confront Shambhala
and its king who will defeat him with
the help of supernatural forces leading
the world to the golden age agasa was
founded in , before Christ and
wasn't always an underground kingdom it
was once on the surface and habited by
man at that time it was called Paradiso
name that could contain the roots of the
word paradise then  years ago the
evil took over the world and the
inhabitants moved to City under the
surface of the earth in order to avoid
being contaminated with evil and named
their new underground Brown Agartha it's
impossible to enter the kingdom for his
residence in order to block out the evil
place the mind confusing protection at
the entrance making the doors of the
realm invisible to the naked eye
someone might chance upon one of the
many entrances but would lose their way
in the underworld labyrinth or if they
managed to find a way out they wouldn't
remember anything about what they saw
there's only one community which was
born in the deep tunnels of Agartha and
now lives on the surface the gypsies one
day they made an unforgivable mistake
they were banished from the kingdom
becoming a wonderful community
incessantly looking for the realms
entrance when they finally find it
they'll be able to go back home the king
of the world
reigns for the period of one month
one of the  ages which can pose a
cosmic cycle by the svatah the seventh
and current king visits the temple crypt
where the embalmed corpse of his
predecessor lies in a black stone
sarcophagus the creeps in stippling in
the dark but at the arrival of the King
stripes of fire streamed down the walls
and tongues of fire rise from the
sarcophagus these are the thoughts of
the Kings predecessor expressing God's
the Berhad man together with the Mahatma
the one who predicts the future and the
Mahanta the one who makes things happen
constitute a powerful tribe it governs
the night priests society the agatha's
Knight Templars the circular Council is
formed of  stages the same number of
the King Arthur's knights of the round
esoteric secret societies like Knights
Templar and Rosicrucianism my dad's have
based their woes on Deadwood on this
myth she said that in Agartha was born
the unique religion which could commune
man with God anciently the great sages
of Agartha came back on earth to profess
the Roman religion ultimately giving
birth to the indo-european civilization
the ancient link with the Gaza can be
found in the words of the word Asgard
the city of Alden that is why I love
Hitler believed that Nordic people were
the real spiritual hairs of the occult
Kingdom and tried in vain satella Nazi
expeditions to dig up the legendary
realm the swastika symbol reflects one
of the sacred signals of Agartha the
king of the world dominates the destiny
of the planet controlling that the
course of history follows a definite
path if mankind were to declare war
Agatha's Knight Templars would explode
the entire world's surface and turn it
into a desert or dry out seas and oceans
Agharta stemple's has several mystical
objects included the holy grail an
immense libraries where the original
version of the book on Theon the ancient
texts in which the real origins of the
universe are revealed rarely does the
show himself outside his kingdom his
last public operations go back to
during which he first saw the political
upheaval occurred a century later he
will return only when the time of the
fight between good and evil comes
some say the secret government ends up
preparing mankind for this conflict
which could mark the end of civilization
and human species in order for the
demigods who were banned to come back
raining upon earth


2017-08-04 12:29:57 | GFLJ速報

in search of lost gods
Nazca mummies made through the
recorded history
archeology has made
extraordinary discoveries
related ancient civilizations
extraordinary they inhabited the land
paintings and constructions
stone carvings that force us to
question our perception
about our past
stone buildings dating back thousands
years that equal or exceed our
modern capabilities
building ruins thousands of
years enclosing mysteries
engineering and inexplicable
architecture astronomical knowledge
we could only understand the
development of computer equipment and
special technology stories in
ancient texts like the Bible we
They talk about encounters with divine beings and
even some elected to travel
outer space stories
extraordinary that speak of God
It is that they descended from the stars
coexist with humans stories
still they pass word of mouth among
ancient inhabitants of some regions
The world as in the Nazca Desert
in Peru Nazca desert has
engraved on its sandy lands
extraordinary figures hundred
meters long that were
designed to be seen from the
heaven where old returned
a story that remains in the
mystery and suggests the possibility of
the earth has been visited by
beings from other places
cosmos in search of lost gods
It is an investigation that will lead us to
from the mountains of Cuzco to the
Nazca Desert in Peru A
research of ancient mummies
could reveal a new story and
discover the extraordinary mysteries
we have accompanied for millennia
search of lost gods intended
find those characters that
They asked gods and left their mark
in the ancient cities and
astronomical knowledge and that one day
They disappeared forever
or maybe they not died and disappeared
They are buried in sacred tombs in
some parts of the world here
we began our search
this is what we saw in the emission
previous in search of the gods
what relationship the city com
lines born by color drawings
the drawings were here actions
donoso ceramic colors breathed
the drawings were over there
chen chang can change the
conscience of humanity
finally we accept that we do not know
what we say we know and all
concepts of story
development will only concepts and
That will open a new page in the
history can appreciate the body
Anthropomorphic structure has both
head has a neck having a housing
pelvic thoracic box
and upper extremities and
lower within what is
technically the head can see this
parents what is clear is a
well articulated jaw absence
of pinnae but yes
auricle duct presents both
right side as the left but
is not no no fraud percent
% organic biological and
percent real and physical thankful for
allowing us to observe analyze and be
of the block
I will sure change in our
now know that this is unusual
so spectacular method
Born in South America more than
, years so that
Inca civilizations dominated it with
Prior to Egyptian people
the important part is relevant
presence of three fingers tips
upper and lower what this
we highlighted a very important aspect
as a single species
We not really know its origin
biological and is a one
specimen own as a species or
It may well be a species
which it has been a hybrid with
human species
mummy found in azca in Peru
It presents a larger elongated skull
that humans
according to the first analysis it is
a natural skull was not changed
by the technique of elongation
Paracas in Peru have been found
different skulls with the same
observed features
Skull Mummy ie they have not
They have been modified and have been
considered informally as
therefore we traveled to paracas to treat
to find answers to this
extraordinary mystery
the official version is that
inhabitants are deformed skulls
but in some cases present
it is clear that this is something
practice of deformation or
elongation skulls has been
discovered in different cultures in the
the main ones being world of
Paracas in Peru in Egyptian culture and
among the Maya in Central America
Mexico three cultures that developed
great astronomical knowledge
built pyramids and their
Legends have it associated with God is that
They fell from the stars or
strange characters like wiracocha or
Quetzalcoatl not only they were
Builders of large cities and
pyramids but also were
extraordinary astronomers and navigators
characters who were elevated to a
Superhuman category and also
They have been represented as
repeated today some
cultures in Africa still practice
elongation skulls as
we can see in these images and
even compare with figures
ancient clay in Paracas
Peru's coast we find
brian biologist has been prostrated
studying the skulls found in
that location for over eight

CONFIRMED!! Mummies from NAZCA are Pre-Hispanic and NOT HUMAN !! Open your mind, tie the ends.

2017-08-03 11:44:49 | GFLJ速報

this is universal mind and is nation
A few months ago he was hanging around the
News of the alleged fraud on
residues are found mysterious mummies
Munching department of Peru in an area
today still unknown and whose information
It has been kept secret by the
initial finders already made a
summarized in this channel on
evidence and submissions made by
the first diffusers of these residues
where do we include vixen who if
it is true we do not support looting
indiscriminate use of our resources
cultural heritage of the state being
yet you thank you for
keep in reserve instead of
finding and disseminating sensibly
and it would be as though he were saying
great significance for all mankind
because in these cases when such
Evidence fall directly on
Governments often hide
knowledge take him to other countries
under the guise of investigating better and
then disappear as happened
always last he heard of all
these remains was that Kravitz and with
some very serious researchers
Scientific court concluded that although
They were shaped beings
extraterrestrials factions
Typical of the race of gray
other races more like reptiles
even had some one Colt
He concluded that they were
asus armed and remains as skin
animals and was waiting for
results for carbon
determine its age is this
channel and for many interested in
spread this kind of issues that have been
confirmed its antiquity which could
skirting the pre Inca era in
that bloomed itself
culture as the Nazca and other
cultures in the southern coasts of the country
and some are not only
representations but are mummies
coexisted and actual land
They breathed together with men
sharing knowledge and
technology and why not
millennia and possibly these were
their gods and would be closed - minded
think that only were involved
in the coastal area of South America
we could open our minds to
speculate that meddled in all
cultures and not just American
worth noting that it handles a second
theory about non - human mummies
it is thought that could be the remains
what it is known as we are auroux
He is speaking of retired and mismatched
but records found in
ica famous stones on petroglyph
They found in the coastal area south
dating ancient country like
where representations are being
cabezones activus street with such graves
very large eye or the same
stones with representations of breath
and from erasing tormenting
people of that time and even
representations of alleged ships very
bright from where they descended is
very evident that there is a
auroux and that is where more weight charges
the theory that were races
different aliens who
accompanied humans from
This is where all the mythical
alleged legends are painted
They charge disappointment reality reality
always surpasses all fiction created and
recreated by limited human minds
understanding of the universe that
We are part and little can
open your mind does not believe anything he reasons
Here is the official interview
one of the journalists who have been
so following the case would be together
with other scientific researchers
international and in this channel
we will be following this impressive
another good argument that the
universe is filled with the tie beam
ends and connection here with other
around the globe
draw their conclusions
yourselves and judge and producer today
as are good night to be no
even I know a little bit like like like
road because what can not
mean what they say enfin again and
joyce tell me please because
let 's say that you have not told me what
you can tell because there is also a
but confidentiality agreement
people understand a bit of a
I could just find
a little knowledge revolution that
it has on the links in the
evolution of man and
indeed there would have been or say
aliens or whether it would be a
Figure of evolution and man
a missing link that would be
they would have found tell us a
some people must be very curious
briefly a few months ago Nazca
some mummies have found form
Humanoid Humanoid because he made
humans because it resembles
always we have a reference to
the governing does not have the same shape
we humans but they are not
They have less bone characteristics
similar and share many similarities
but they are different
It is as if these payrolls belong
to a different lineage we come
ok nonprimate a line parallel
as his great coexisted two types of
intelligent beings at some point
ok how to disappear or where they came from
at different where there is
imposed precisely which became
just what we know today as
something like the remains are there or
obviously they have months already
- safety assessment and have
that these mummies found
because they are real that effectively
made an organic body and not because there
know any culture or earlier or what
I who built this based on
ceramic or some material reviewed
and when I saw them immediately
outside it looks like clay
when we arrived at the x - ray we saw all
bone structure now had to
confirm that bone structure has
use that he was alive then
analyzed forensic
Anthropologists biologists people
I do not know this and that is dedicated
long is even people
official circuit of science
ok has been able to analyze and give their
testimony have been surprised
they did not know how to categorize this
because you dare tell your directly
it could be say a figure
it has nothing to do with
I am I know this history channel
a channel that 's not in GDP and
Cablemás and beautiful and people step by
I have friends there who love to walk or
this battle but we see things
you told me that both were in that
line because you discard the figure
estatut not ruled out I just
I can talk about what I know of what
I know what I know as a journalist
you share this view only
we can speak based on evidence
the facts the facts tell me that
the mummies are real which are two
species is not even a
are two distinct species two
sizes and how many girlfriends there are four
are four women from one species
small and one larger than the
only management dimensions or
also it has is not only other
totally different characteristics
but they themselves are like figuration
kinship but they have hands - free feet
hand is more appears every indication that
even they walked and breathed with
the ancient Peruvians no longer have the
adaptation of some of them but
You must be confirmed by the three
dedicated to objects laboratories are
old dogs that just have
found that in our country and that
I ask you do you can not
back they are similar and there is some
what relationship it is found
and what appears in this group could
explain many things that history
Traditional has said as they are
mythological beings when they see those three
fingers around some say they were the
Table crossing and negredo orchestras
Found has features
could explain into account
efe photographs or that I am a
interviewee who is getting lousy
recontra ministry has a theme
This confidentiality is
deepening with investigations
both of scientists from several countries
and when it will be able to present
there are scientists at least five
countries participating in this
I am as a witness journalist
This has me the speed with which
is being
I'm not doing it my own
investigations and samples
I could have taken biological
found by the biologist was
analyzing even found
Parasites that many beings
we in the intestines and it was a
replica could have up to
Parasites may have traces of the
food she ate all we could
see in the biological test but takes
It is incredible that our country with all
the amount archaeological heritage
we can not do tests
carbon -  for example until about
years will look like a jazz have
out already but they have had to take
small samples or clear in the
laboratory other countries already have
we must have results not
I share but they are very old or
then they are very old
I can not say when but
I would be in some way connected with
harsh and Inca culture provides in that
some time and today the two
majoritarian older values but
the truth that everything and tells me
It is also confirmed
scientifically that it is precisely
organic beings ie are not
no replica doll Perky year
no no they are or were living
They breathed and even they could have
shared the land with some
Blue pre - Inca cultures of the south
our country justly
They would link with kidney problems
clear information is that they are not
that old but can not draw
or whether they represented many things
they had in their loader environment
habits draws four years
Spain and draw a couple of bread or
but hand and it shows not only in
tacna in Arequipa in atacama
We have seen similar figures in Armenia
close to Iraq in australia in states
attached figures when no joyce
when to get to know this topic
When I say the secret is not lifted
confidentiality and finally what will
happen after that you can say
images to inform the
photography and results
Tests that have made calculations
before me before the end of the month should be
be doing public is based on a
press conference which will
all indications show all
tests everything that has been done and goes
to make a series of reports
documentaries to account for all
this week we can imagine
to make a contact to
have access to what information here
let's make it clear and above all
important is that the more they will
put in the hands of the state because it does not
we can finish us tests
we wanted because we want to
An incision is cut out but not
you can because it is patrimony of the country
ok but a warrior comes next
that Tomase disrepair because
state has or commands and once
has countrymen in a warehouse or the
some country offices in an agreement it
They will make really tontitos
Andean brought down as the theme of
Machu Picchu but so you can
precisely investigates all subjects and
to get to the bottom truth
clear why I am confident that the
authorities of our country will take
the seriousness it deserves because this is
a contribution from Peru to science
world is not only our heritage
It is something unique that has usually fallen
in the hands of some other governments
It has been silenced countries and has been
covered is the first time you are in
independent hands today a
ong very responsible that you are handling
heritage care also not
You can say what yet but ok
I know that they are doing with
approach to treatment we
I had to get dressed as doctor
gloves and a set of protocols for
maintain the heritage and protected by
What if I say it is a great contribution
for science and hopefully this the
true that we use in science
the country is . percent of GDP and
run first have to change that
issue a month and that the process
just to see the information and
well hopefully this can continue and green
actually that it's the last
which he did not last because of
true that I've played here
also as a journalist this lends
but for many interpretations
I was looking for fraud this the
weakness point that can
narrating and so far not found
right really going to do what
we must investigate and if so
we will come and explain if
or finally they found but
% have reflection fraud
meira appears also tell you we
always he gave many thanks
We do not see the day Monday Weekend
eight hours


2017-08-03 09:42:38 | GFLJ速報

estas son las unicas imagenes que
tenemos que aclarar otra cosa no
conocemos el lugar
no hemos estado ahi supuestamente la
entrada al sitio
estas son algunas de las partes internas
el ataud donde se dice que estaba lenta
porque tambien quiero decirles son dos
especies no es una cosa de hoy son todos
mucho mas esta entre ustedes han visto
hasta el momento
el sabado kurt bush a esto porque el
queso a perdon por la falta de
ortografia dice que su grupo se ha
hecho es modelo humano a humano y animal
o personaje de ficcion que ha dicho los
ultimos dias una persona llamada por
roncero proyecto estos cuerpos que
efectivamente nosotros lo descubrimos
desde el primer momento de la
identificacion de estos cuerpos no
corresponden a un ser de acuerdo a los
cientificos y responder a sus preguntas
en sus cuerpos como vemos aqui tienen
separacion en las coyunturas muy
tiene una forma del cuerpo muy extrano
como para ser considerados organico
nunca lo hicimos sin embargo si pensamos
que son antiguos de acuerdo a la persona
que lo encontro pero localizado en el
mismo lugar en la misma tumba es decir
que no son como se senalo en un
estudio supuestamente animales podernos
los animales modernos todos los animales
son activos
ademas si se trata de seres organicos
o conglomerados organicos de huesos y
de quien entonces se dice que son
modernos sin haber realizado ningun
analisis de carbono
como se puede llegar a una conclusion
tan definitiva porque estos ya han
declarado que no es patrimonio nacional
sino los peruanos estan perdiendo
yo solo puedo llevar hoy a mexico
porque eso ya no es patrimonio nacional
esto es una artesania
si es asi nos va perdiendo
creo que es un error sea simplemente por
una actitud visceral o de estar en
contra de esto creo que se esta
cometiendo un grave error
estas son las manos unidas y las que
contamos con ustedes con implantes
estos planes deberan ser estudiados
estos implantes nadie ha hablado de ello
pueden ser tecnologia parece que son de
no estamos seguros si queremos estar
malnutrido alquila a esta porque esta
cortada porque no hay mas remedio que
vivimos son tres manos una de ellas tuvo
que ser sacrificada para obtener los
analisis para mostrar la igualdad de
varios miles de anos de estas malo
tambien quieran decir que contamos a
las mamma mia tambien a real mamore
no nos han acusado de ello recordo van
a hacer
ademas responde en parte a la
acusacion porque para hacerla para
tener que demostrar que no es verdad que
esta una radiografia podemos ver
claramente que tiene un implante pueden
ver ustedes hasta seis falanges
perfectamente ordenadas perfectamente de
aqui ni el mejor cirujano de mano del
mundo hubiera podido hacer eso
aqui nada pero las partes del campo ya
los especialistas
yo no soy de mirar otra mano es
precisamente la que se uso para las
muestras donde se ven todos sus detalles
ustedes aqui parecen ser real es verdad
tambien encontramos o encontraron real
y los presento estas cabezas que son
tambien muy extranas son pequenos son
organicos confirmado cierto que es no
solo la artesania a cabezas
exactamente como se encontraron en cada
una de las dos especies de la cual vamos
a hablar mas extensamente en un segundo
con enseres existen muchos detalles por
favor pregunta en el doctor eso es lo
primero que las investigue los doctores
jose de jesus arse cientifico por el
mexicano del mas alto nivel
no hay ninguno prologo y tampoco lo es
el doctor jose de la cruz rios
yo lo hago con mas de  anos de
aqui vemos tambien las radiografias
de estas cabezas no quiero ahondar en
no me corresponde simplemente estas son
las evidencias de las dos cabezas que
tienen muchas razones por las cuales
hablar de ellas y encontrar exactamente
que sol
este es un ser albert ha llevado sus
operas sus porque en quechua significa
reptil y ya veran ustedes porque este
fue el primer set que se le proporciono
temporalmente y repito temporalmente al
jerry a mi algunas de sus
caracteristicas su cabeza muy similar a
las cabezas que acabamos de ver aunque
tambien ligeramente distinta
vemos aqui esta curvatura de un
tendon los detalles del cuerpo
cubiertos por cierto de una sustancia
que dicen que es eso no es eso se trata
de tierra de diatomea tierra de tome
hablaremos en un segundo mas que es
porque la utilizaba aqui esta su
radiografia todos los detalles de los
cuales hablaran los cientificos
tambien son trinidad kilos en
diferentes angulos
todo esto en detalle las manos de
ustedes tampoco las modificamos esta
algunas fotografias que se realizaron
por el doctor salas raymundo salas de
custo ella es josefina sucu suco cetina
diferente a la anterior
los dos son ligeramente iguales pero
tambien ligeramente distintos
tambien estudia aquila y tiene una
protuberancia en el vientre eso llama
mucho nuestra atencion y junto al
doctor nestor salazar junto a terry
gilliam injusta los cientificos
mexicanos fueron llevadas a un centro de
rayos x y ustedes pueden ver aqui
caracteristicas interesantisima tiene
tres huevos tiene tres nuevos tambien
eso nos van a acusar de haber puesto
ahi y tiene un implante en el pecho
esto es metal estos son traslucidos
pueden ver todos los detalles en la
estructura perfecta
esto no fue armado esto es organico
por favor si quiera usar telefonos es
que se ponga no fuera del alcance de las
camaras nada mas
aqui vemos caracteristicas del cuerpo
de perfil vemos nuevamente los huevos de
perfil y de repente vemos nuevamente las
nadie ha hablado de estos seres
senores los nuevos nivel nacional
aqui esta la comparacion de ambos
cuerpos los cientificos les hablaran
por que es tan importante al oeste de
las similitudes y las diferencias para
hacer los cuerpos iguales tendria que
tener un molde donde esta el modo como
se puede hacer un molde para esto un
tercer cuerpo de un ser que es asi se
recupero creemos creemos que la persona
que lo recupero
perdio la cabeza se le cayo no se
parece recientemente arrancaba o caida
no lo sabemos
a lo mejor el momento de extraer la
sucedio este accidente desafortunado
seria un tercer cuerpo
entonces tenemos tres cuerpos de un tipo
esta es la momia de la que todos hablan
ahora de y kerry decide llamarla maria
en su decision y vemos a algunas
caracteristicas como los
extraordinarios de  la mano y tambien
algo que nadie ha hablado la separacion
entre los huesos en el brazo la orbita
de los ojos el tamano tampoco de eso se
ha hablado claro ustedes esta mano
supuestamente modificada y cubierta de
yeso para evitar la modificacion
existen muchas otras diferencias
diferencias que tienen que ser
analizadas en las manos se encontraron
cuatro falanges en el altar donde los
 en las manos
 aqui tambien noto esta
interesantisima huellas dactilares en
los dedos pero si ustedes ven las
lineas son horizontales no son como las
nuestras que son como el remolino como
se podria lograr algo asi
esto se observa el los dedos de los pies
y esto quedo visible al irsele cayendo
este polvo que la preservado hasta hoy
se pueden ver el tamano de los dedos
tambien aca apenas alcanza a ver pero
en las manos tiene cinco falanges se
imaginan ustedes poder hacer una
modificacion lo que implica hacer algo
asi ya se hizo en un taller los un
guajiro gamba deberia ser llevado a su
algunas otras de las caracteristicas
desde luego el tamano de la cabeza
aunque algunos pueden alegar que ya
hayan encontrado cabeza similares
si pero esta cabeza no parece haber
sido alterada parece ser absoluta y
totalmente natural
esta es una de las radiografias de las
creo que tenemos ya una mejor esta fue
la primera parada de los pies a veces me
equivoco que parecen manos pero son pies
y aqui vemos otra de costa donde se
veria claramente el dano que no se va
a modificar una momia de . anos es
un trabajo delicado y si se rompe se
parte de que no es su cuerpo normal
aqui queremos ver ustedes ya es mas
claro se puede ver la union de los
dedos con el cuerpo no esto son no soy
metacarpo son falaces los miran los
aqui tienen ustedes esta imagen de
agosto es la separacion
en las webs de los brazos tambien lo
modificamos por favor a los nuevamente
un llamado a la larga los arqueologos
peruanos a que se acerquen a ver con la
actividad la verdad aqui nadie esta
tratando de venir a enganarlo todos los
seguramente se van a ir descubriendo
maximas diferencias cuando estos se ha
llevado a los lugares de mas alto nivel
de investigacion no respetando el
nacionalismo peruano y todo lo que
implica el peruano y de tener el orgullo
de tener esto creo que es necesario que
de alguna manera se involucren de alguna
forma las instituciones mas de mayor
nivel del mundo no den ningun pais en
esto le pertenece a la humanidad
ah por cierto esta fecha es aqui cuando
se hacen estas fiestas se tomografias
para que la maquina responda se le
tiene que poner una edad porque estan
hechos para seres humanos vivos entonces
se le ocurrio al senor que hace uso de
la tomografia ponerle  gracias fueron
hechos el  de mayo de
y entonces como le puso  todo sugiere
la maquina que la edad de la momia es
de  anos
claro que no es asi nuevamente una
aclaracion porque a quien ha estado
buscando cualquier razon para decir que
esto es falso
luego viene la tierra de diatomeas
tambien conocida como diatomeas sus es
un compuesto mineral que se obtiene a
partir de los esqueletos de plantas
unicelulares microscopicas similares a
las areas llamadas diatomeas los
oceanos y lagos son ricos en diatomeas
ser procesada y titulada en un polvo muy
este compuesto de base mineral con
quienes inicio magnesio calcio sodio
hierro y otros minerales creo que el
doctor de la cruz podra hablar de todas
las cualidades que tiene la tierra de
diatomeas que no es tierra es en
realidad lo pueden ver ustedes aqui el
color y la consistencia que tiene muy
similar al de las de las momias y esto
es a lo autoctono esta importante
maria tiene todos los organos internos
es decir no es una momia es un cadaver
de secado tiene los pulmones llenos de
todo lo que normalmente se les ha calado
como se explica eso como se explica
esta diferencia en esa momia porque fue
asi ahora les vamos a presentar una
regla una revelacion que hemos dejado
especificamente para esta conferencia
aparentemente junto a la madre dio
aparentemente quiero ser muy claro esto
todavia esta en proceso de
investigacion por las implicaciones que
tienen presentamos el
el cuerpo de este bebe con todo el
respeto que implica hacerlo
quiero ser enfatico con todo el respeto
lo hacemos unicamente con fines de tipo
cientifico porque de acuerdo a los
primeros analisis sin que nosotros
podamos confirmar tiene tambien tres
dedos en cada mano y en cada pie va a
haber algunos que quieren cuestionar
este hecho sin embargo la condicion de
este cuerpo es muy muy fragil
los dos pies es muy fragil y con
cualquier cosa se hace polvo no porque
nosotros lo hayamos hecho aqui tienen
los tres dedos sino porque asi esta
pensar en que ha sido modificado
seria una hazana una hazana modificar
el cuerpo sin que se hubiera hecho
entonces por esa unica hierro debatimos
si debemos o no presentarlo y decimos
que nosotros no debemos ocultar la
verdad eso es lo que encontramos y lo
estamos haciendo con el respeto debido
porque seguramente pues esto puede ser
motivo para que algunos quieran
cuestionar tambien nuestra integridad
algunas caracteristicas desde luego son
muy parecidos a los humanos
y aqui yo tuve la suerte de entrevistar
al doctor raymundo salas quien desee
cientifico es un radiologo
especializado en realizar tomografias
en cusco y realice esta entrevista a sus
tios una manipulacion que los huesos
del carpo metacarpo correlacion
correctamente tanto en las manos con los
realmente no hay lugar a una distorsion
las manos tienen este think of atlantis
en cada mano
no tenemos que estar bien y ademas son
extremadamente grande es larga
esa es la caracteristica principal del
ahora ha traido o este lunes testimonio
de un debito no sabemos que tambien
tiene tres de los ceo a los rayos x
tienen este  metacarpianos y
metatarsianos pero tienen tres dedos
eso es lo importante de esa medida que
tampoco asi manipular
entonces este eso es lo que puedo
informar en cuanto a las nuevas algunas
otras mas modernas de la mezquita mas
grande es grande es no es no es normal
no solo como rasgos mas metida en este
perimetro cefalico bastante grande a
la gracia tras dos especimenes usted no
ve ningun tipo de anomalia que han
sido cortados anos
absolutamente como le digo tanto los
huesos del carpo idea tarzo se
concatenan perfectamente y la
caracteristica como repetir que las
mamas tienen  a la crisis
ahi no hay ningun truco ninguna
manipulacion de esos es inmenso
yo nunca habia visto algo asi nunca he
visto y eso es mas hemos hecho la
comparacion de la mano y es mucho mas
larga mucho mas larga siquiera unos
centimetros mas largo y por tanto no
se relacionen directamente no tienen
agua para hacer y que a su mama pero
humano comun y corriente mes
definitivamente que se le podrian
costar imposible imposible imposible
porque no hay no hay senales de haber
sido mutilado en ninguna de las dos
monjas no es una cosa imposible
yo me remito a las imagenes como lo va
a repetir
que los medios diagnosticos tales como
la tomografia son medios bastante
objetivos no es su objetivo no es para
ponerse a pensar que es ver y decidir lo
que no saben que eso corresponde a la
estamos viendo un ser con  con tres
dedos en las manos y en los pies y en
las manos cinco palabras en cama que no
han sido modificadas no han sido
montadas en absoluto lo mas importante
es que todo eso sea lo que sea
totalmente totalmente y si en alguna
prueba que se pudiera ser encuentran a
una falla tendran que realizar los
. a muchas defensas que tienen las
madres que probablemente si es que ha
habido una manipulacion hacia en ese
tiempo los actuales no porque la mama
esta intacta la piel los huesos no por
el tiempo pues ha sufrido una
disminucion o sea nada en la estacion
hacia donde ya no tiene la densidad como
un ser vivo son . anos en los que
podemos esperar
de todas maneras ha sido este tiempo que
se ha encargado de realizar los huesos
si alguien considera que lo que usted
dice es verdad pero para que diera su
el tenia que hacer los mineros saben
que estamos haciendo nosotros entonces
ahi podriamos hablar de alguna
modificacion no hago pero es como dar
una receta por tales como yo tengo esto
y que yo le receto no es asi hay que
estudiar el especimen para poder opinar
no se puede opinar y una cosa que nos ha
visto que nos ha tocado
cualquier persona que desee pero por
supuesto es algo objetivo y aquellos que
no lo han visto solo saben que esto es
bueno yo no se en base a que dicen que
es falso porque tendrian que hacer como
digo los mismos estudios y opinar
diciendo no puedo opinar a priori tienen
que opinar a posteriori
muchisimas gracias a que estan
rapidamente las cartas que tiene ya mi
me envio al ministerio de cultura
dirigida en esta ocasion al doctor
jorge nieto montesinos encuentro que ya
no es aqui los habla de que estas
personas se demando tambien una carta
al presidente de la republica tambien
hace unos semanas indicando la
importancia de esto no ha habido
hasta hoy a veces nos han dicho porque
no se han retomado los caminos indicados
cuales sol
creo que estos sol y no se nos ha
escuchado al senor thierry a mi no se
le ha escuchado ha hecho todo lo que
este en sus manos para ser escuchado a
esta es la carta que donde hablan de que
pues los pequenos hurtos son animales
modernos recubiertos con restos de piel
lo que es un conglomerado de material
organico moderno
estos conclusiones sin presentar
resultados de carbono
como se puede llegar a una conclusion
asi y por tanto dice
en este sentido se le comunica que
procederemos a la evolucion seran
entregados para cual agradecemos sin
otro particular etcetera etcetera
es decir no se trata de bienes
integrantes del patrimonio cultural de
la nacion
que les parece
luego otra donde tambien le hacen otra
revolucion rapidamente porque mis
companeros tienen que hablar y
disculparme por haberme alargadores la
presentacion de las evidencias
aqui esta por ejemplo a uno de los
cuerpos pequenos de los llamados sus de
los pequenos el equipo reptil a
precisamente a que este no tenia
cabeza se le quito esta participada el
pollo se tiene que hacer es muy doloroso
para nosotros tener que tomar muestras
pero si no se toman muestras no se
demuestra ahora si que no se demuestra
nada entonces aqui pueden ver que es
carne que es tejido que que no hay un
conglomerado esta el doctor el que
esta haciendo esto es el doctor el sol
nos puede decir
asi que estoy y como lo encontro y
todas las cosas que vio en el interior
de este de este pequeno pedazo aqui
el instituto de la unam era una en la
universidad nacional autonoma de
mexico la doctora corina pues me da los
resultados se analizaron cerebro humano
maria y el y el pequeno al pequeno
ser victoria a quitar los resultados se
han hecho tres pruebas de carbono  a
al cerebro le dieron una antiguedad de
mil  anos mas menos  a la aa la
mano mil  anos a el cuerpo de maria
y  mas menos  ya los pequenos
seres  anos mas o menos no son
ninguno es un conglomerado moderno
estos son analisis entonces en la
universidad nacional de mexico son
resultados de alex
aqui estan los analisis para aquellos
que sepan leer los pueden ver todos los
detalles de los de lo que el trabajo que
hizo que lleva muchas semanas por cierto
al menos en el caso que a mi me toco
aqui estan los fragmentos que se
llevaron a analizar
aqui tenemos un analisis realizado en
los estados unidos donde curiosamente a
la mano se le da una de una antiguedad
distin de . anos
ahora voy a tratar de explicar por que
estas diferencias tan grandes que
permite ahora son  mil  adelante es
le pusieron hayes para mantener en
esta es la otra prueba de la mano
fijense otra prueba de la mano seis mil
por que porque . de  mil  mil
 existe una hipotesis en el sentido
si estos cuerpos puede decir que
hipoteticamente no son de la tierra y
pertenecen a otro sistema solar que
implicaria que los vamos a medir de la
misma manera que tenido un cuerpo en la
tierra y la respuesta de todos ha sido
no no se puede medir si vienen de un
sistema solar distinto de la estrella
solar distinta pues no se pueden seguir
de la misma manera donde se ha sido
consistente el resultado es con maria
en uno de los analisis  vimos que
en el de mexico mil  anos
tenemos entonces uno de  . y un
tercero que vamos a ver de  anos
entonces mas o menos los tres coinciden
ahi no hay discordancia con devolver
discordancia es combatir historia en
mil  anos
en otra de las pruebas son ya lo
presentamos en mexico pues  anos y
la tercera analisis fue de mil
la victoria sea tenemos nuevamente tres
resultados distintos
tenemos nuevamente la posibilidad mil
anos y nieto de mil  mil  y
entonces estamos ante cuerpos sin
embargo en todos los casos son antiguos
muy antiguos
ademas casi mil anos todos por tanto
no son conglomerados modernos que quede
eso muy claro si es o no lo hicieron
si esto esta hecho no lo creo  por los
sigan ustedes ahora la prueba del adn
esta desafortunadamente nos ha llevado
mas tiempo cuando nosotros planeamos
esta conferencia de prensa
esperabamos que pues para este tiempo y
ahi van a estar pero como vemos aqui
primer lugar me mandan un reporte
diciendo que si el adn fue evaluado su
integridad mediante electrolisis el
peso molecular la cantidad de haber
parece ser que la cantidad de integridad
del adn son adecuadas para proceder de
es decir realizar una secuenciacion
piloto para evaluar la abundancia tipos
el doctor rogelio alonzo aqui estan
los detalles de la de que se esta
investigando o sea si se esta
no estamos rehusando ni ocultando ni
nada simplemente no esta en nuestras
por tanto quiero anunciar desde ahora
que cuando esten estos resultados que
seran  puede ser hasta tres veces con
previo y a traves del senor yo y
mantilla los convocaremos nuevamente a
otra conferencia de prensa
solamente para conocer los detalles del
origen aqui otra carta que pedia antes
de venir del  de julio y donde me dicen
que el  de julio se politico adn por
cierto dos laboratorios de rechazaron
hacer las pruebas porque porque les da
miedo el tema porque el tema a los
cientificos les da mucha cosa cuando
dice que esta etapa se estima que
concluira en tres o cuatro semanas no
se encuentran esperando tener un
reactivo importado que permitia
realizar reparaciones de las
modificaciones quimicas que estos
saben sufren debido a la edad porque
confirma que son muy antiguos y se
confirma que hay adn
no se si habra una nueva informacion
espero que ustedes se acuerdan que
podamos entonces creo que por mi parte
es todo ya no quiero tomar mas tiempo
porque quiero que el doctor eso los
doctores jose de la cruz rios y jose
de jesus al se hagan sus apreciaciones
en este sentido


2017-08-01 07:58:40 | 代替ニュース

past months about the Russian meddling
in our election there's one question
that rarely gets asked and answered does
the United States do the same thing to
influence other countries to have a
pro-american result and if so with what
rate of success joining me now is Dobb
he's a postdoctoral fellow in the
Institute for politics and strategy at
Carnegie Mellon University he has
studied this issue dr. Levin first of
all what do you bring to the table in
terms of bias are you looking at this
with a jaundiced eye or you just tried
to determine what has taken place well I
come from a social science perspective I
began studying this long beyond before
this issue became you know daily a news
issue and I'm trying to learn there what
are the facts in this to God and provide
them to a decision makers and to the
general public
okay I just didn't want people to think
that you come with a preconceived bias
tell me about your research summarize
briefly what you did and what you found
when they I study a partisan and extol
interventions in other words situations
when great powers intervene in elections
and other countries and an attempt to
determine that the election result and I
find when it comes to the case of the
United States the United States
intervened in a d elections of this in
 elections in this manner in
countries for this purpose between
and  give me an example well one
example of such intervention occurred in
Italy in  where the United States
was worried about the possibility of the
Communist Party winning the election
there so we basically basically did
everything including therefore engage
the kitchen sink in order to prevent it
from winning the election everything
from increasing JRA to the to the
Italian the government to fastening that
all eight totally would be cut off in
case that that the a communist party
would win to giving very large amounts
of the covert
a campaign funding to the Christian
Democratic Party to a designing game a
campaign to designing campaign name and
materials for the Christian Democrats
and other techniques you say that
times in  countries between  let's
put this up on the screen I think we've
got a list  of the year  the US
has sought to influence the outcome of
an election by the way are we good at
this are we successful well my research
finds that basically an average and
decided to assist in gets a bump of
about % to dare a vote chair but that
is an average effect in other words
sometimes the effect is much larger and
sometimes it is much less so to speak
your research ended in the year  the
berth really of the Internet age and era
have we ever done what the Russians are
bad we ever hacked we did not they use
the computer hacking no in each of these
instances because this has quite a
negative connotation to hear that some
will take away from this well the US has
done a to has it always been in the name
of democracy have we always sought to
oppose communism have we always sought
to oppose a theology governing a
nation's politics I mean what's the
common denominator that has guided the
United States
well of course sometimes we assisted you
know pro-democracy candidates sometimes
of course we assisted they and sometimes
we of course assisted you know so
Italian minded and makeup candidate you
know it varied from case to case
and from situation to situation right
authoritarian though in opposition to to
who or to what I take it a thought we
went with the authoritarian less a
nation should be ruled by a communist is
that the kind of a devil's choice that
the United States had to make that's
what makes ends the case during the Cold
yes that was frequently our situation
our our our efforts have they been
covert or overt and if your answer is
which is more effective when basically I
find that about two-thirds of these type
of things were a covert and about a
third were overt and I find that the
overt will usually be more effective
than the covert in this regard the overt
is more effective meaning we openly are
supportive of one candidate or party
over the others we make our financial
support known that has a better track
record than trying to do it as some
would say on the down-low
exactly it's a fascinating analysis I
leave to the Facebook posts and the
tweeters whether there's any kind of a
moral equivalence here Dov Levin thank
you for being here I appreciate it thank
you for inviting me keep your tweets
coming more like this and Facebook posts
what do we have Smerconish you are so
carrying Putin and Trump's water saying
US medals in election after the Russians
it's unbelievable
Sandra Sandra listen to me watch the
whole show okay don't pick and choose
watch the whole show and then tell me
what you think harrying Trump's water
where you're not watching Roger Waters
the interview that I did in the segment
that we just broadcast where the most
successful and controversial concert
tour of the summer season is all
predicated not all predicated largely
predicated on an anti-trump diatribe and
I had a conversation with that artist
and now I'm carrying Trump's water give
me another one I'm carrying nobody's
water but my own which is independent
thinking clouds to the left of me
Joker's to the right stuck in the metal
I think you mean middle sorry Mike I
couldn't help myself yes Steve loved it
stealers wheel it's the theme song of my
Sirius XM program and that is how I feel
clouds to the left of me and and Joker's
to the right got to keep moving
still to come your best and worst tweets
please stay with us