

Tom DeLonge - 2017 - UFO Researcher of the Year Award

2017-08-30 21:30:11 | GFLJ速報

the  presidential campaign is
finally over
and so are the mysterious leaks of
emails posted by WikiLeaks of Hillary
Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta
@openmindtv we often cover the news of
Podesta's interest in the UFO topic an
interest that was reflected in his
leaked emails in surprising ways perhaps
one of the more shocking revelations
from the Podesta emails in his
involvement with rock star Tom DeLonge
who is seeking to expose a vast UFO
cover-up within the government belong
the former frontman for the band
blink- and currently for the band
Angels and Airwaves says he based his
recent fiction book secret machines book
one chasing shadows on information fed
to him by government insiders the book
is about the government's decade-long
project to back engineer alien
technology and hide it from the public
according to Rolling Stone DeLong claims
he was approved to say he used quote
sources within the aerospace industry
and the Department of Defense and NASA
who approved him to save as' and who are
his sources until the Podesta UFO
WikiLeaks we had no idea who these
people were if they were really within
the government or if they existed at all
it turns out along with having
conversations with insiders and some of
the names of the people he was talking
to are in the Podesta emails in fact
Podesta invited them to a meeting a
google hangouts invitation sent out on
january th for a meeting on january
th at  a.m. included Rob Weiss
executive vice president and general
manager for advanced development
programs skunk works at Lockheed Martin
aeronautics skunk works is the group
that built area  at the behest of the
CIA and for decades has worked on
developing top-secret advanced aircraft
Major General William and McAfee the
commander of the US Air Force's research
laboratory at wright-patterson Air Force
Base wright-patterson has a rich history
in UFO folklore as it was the home of
the Air Force's official UFO
investigations from  to
and the final attendee was retired US
Air Force Major General Michael Jerry
according to his Air Force bio Kerry was
the special assistant to the commander
Air Force Space Command Peterson Air
Force Base which is also the home of
NORAD Peterson is at the base of the
famous Cheyenne Mountain a
recommendation for the lungs book
written by Kerry can be seen on the
books web page on amazon.com this
appears to be extraordinary the long met
with the head of a research lab famous
for UFO research a man who worked for
the head of Air Force Space Command a
man who was in charge of the people who
run area  and the campaign manager of
the person who might have been the next
president of the United States as if
that is not exciting enough the long
seems to imply in other emails the
general McCaslin claims to have
recovered an alien body although
McCasland seemed to take a skeptical
viewpoint at the google hangouts meeting
the meeting took place on January th
 at  a.m. in an email from
DeLong to the desk assent that afternoon
DeLong rights of McCasland he's
mentioned he's a skeptic he's not I've
been working with him for four months I
just got done giving him a four-hour
presentation on the entire project a few
weeks ago trust me the advice has
already been happening on how to do all
of this he just has to say that out loud
but he is very very aware as he was in
charge of all of that stuff when Roswell
crashed they shipped it to the
laboratory at wright-patterson Air Force
Base General McCaslin was in charge of
that exact laboratory up to a couple
years ago he not only knows what I'm
trying to achieve
he helped assemble my advisory team he's
a very important man while it seems
McCaslin was reticent to share what he
had previously told the long this email
is not the extent of the long shocking
claims regarding a previously
unidentified general who de long claims
helped him assemble his team of insiders
on July th  DeLong posted a
statement on Facebook with a picture of
the gates at area  in it he describes
meeting an unnamed General in his s
who told him that during the Cold War we
found a life-form DeLong told the
general he needed help getting this
story out to young adults so the general
helped him assemble a team of advisors
just as he told Podesta
done the long writes quote I was given
ten advisors each with knowledge in
different areas that pertain to UFOs and
the very real national security issues
associated with them
this statement is similar to statements
he has made in interviews including on
the popular late-night paranormal radio
show coast to coast am it's not a leap
to see the longest suggesting the castle
of the guy who told him he found a life
either way it is apparent that the long
has had high-level meetings regarding
UFOs and he says he is in the process of
developing media projects that will
reveal what he has discovered the UFO
Congress and open minds productions
commend along for his efforts for his
groundbreaking work in the past year we
are happy to award Tom DeLonge the
open minds TV UFO researcher of the year
hello I'm Tom DeLonge and I want to say
thank you for acknowledging some of the
hard work I've been putting into some
subject matter that concerns us all and
that you're passionate about
just like I it's been a crazy whirlwind
of a year or two there's a lot that I
can't say on but there's some that I can
and I'm so appreciative that I've been
acknowledged for this stuff but I'm not
done I'm just like you guys I've spent
 years up all night reading about
Roswell Dulce serpo Churchill the
crashes here Nazis building crafts there
and Antarctica and what's on Mars and
what's on the back of the moon and
structures and anomalous dis and I mean
I've done it all I know it all I read
all the same authors as you guys
hundreds of books I look at all the same
sights I listen to all the
coast-to-coast stuff that you guys do
I'm the same on but I I kind of used
some of my notoriety to try and do
something pretty ambitious and it worked
I came out and told you guys about a
book I was writing called secret
machines and I said a bunch of stuff
that I was working with some people well
I think a lot of people doubted
and they thought it was crazy that this
musician would have this kind of access
and then the WikiLeaks thing happened
and I think you guys saw that I'm into
some serious shit and uh men making
really good progress I can't tell you
what I'm about to announce if you look
at my social media at least on my
Instagram you'll see that I said there's
going to be announcement an announcement
in like within the next  ish days I
want you all to know in the UFO
community that you know whoever's past
passionate about this kind of
paradigm-shifting subject matter I need
you all to look really really closely at
that announcement and I need you to be a
part of it because what that
announcement is about is so much more
than it will look like on the surface
and I need you guys to come along for
the ride you have to be a part of it and
you'll see what that means when the
announcement comes out but I want you as
an educated group of people to read
between the lines and look at the
history of what I've been doing over the
past couple years and get a sense for
what the hell I'm getting ready to do if
you guys come along for the ride um it's
going to be a pretty fantastic I'll
leave you with one thing my job has only
just begun
on the subject matter and there's some
big shit planned and I'm excited about
it just remember that whatever happens
in the civilian world it's game on okay
remember that thank you and have a good
